
Foreword by Anthony Paré


1 What is the point of school?

    Learning in and out of school

    Is technology the answer?

2 How we learn – in and out of school

    The Gradgrind model of education

    Street and school mathematics

3 Technology is the question, not the answer

    The possibilities of technology

    Virtual learning

    Social media and digital natives

4 Knowledge, curriculum and control

    History and school history: worlds apart

    Content versus skills

    What do we mean by literacy?

    Evolution and/or creationism

5 Instituting difference: how schools reproduce inequality

    Selection versus inclusion

    ‘Choice’ and private schooling

    The IQ test as Sorting Hat

    Schooling and gender

    Five myths about assessment

6 Neoliberalism: education as commodity

    The GERM

    Payment by results

    International league tables (and PISA envy)

    Pearson: new markets and a new model

7 Another education is possible

    Radical popular alternatives

    Freire and education for liberation

    Different schooling, different society

    The creativity of ordinary classrooms
