‘A brilliantly evocative memoir .... beautifully written ... with humour and sorrow.’
Belfast Telegraph

I have never read anything like this book, it’s so different to any biographies, especially from Ireland either north or south.

Christina McKenna seems to have had a very unhappy childhood and didn’t let this effect her in later life, but rose to the challenge to become a painter first, then a poet and now a writer.

She writes so beautifully, you are taken on a journey back to her childhood in a very imaginative and engrossing way.

She tells about her awful father and his brothers who lacked a spiritual side, but instead of hating them she forgives them, so it’s really a very spiritual book and has a message of hope for everybody especially women who might be in a similar unhappy position.

The haunting chapter is amazing, it’s hard to believe it happened but you don’t doubt it for one moment. Some parts of this book will stay with me for a long time, its message is so very powerful. It is a book that every woman should read.
Review by Marie Flynn on Amazon