HOLIDAY STOCKING Deck the halls with your favorite T-shirts! Santa promises not to stuff your upcycled stocking with coal this year.
2 T-shirts
1 flannel shirt (optional—you can use recycled flannel for the lining of the stocking instead of a second T-shirt)
Fusible webbing
Cut out all pattern shapes (see Holiday Stocking Pattern) from T-shirts. Cut through both the front and back layer of a T-shirt for 2 toe panels (1 in each direction), 2 outer pieces, 2 lining pieces, 2 heels, and toe appliqué pieces.
1. Using fusible webbing if you choose to, use the appliqué technique (see How to Appliqué) to attach the toe and heel to the front panel.
2. Pair 1 lining and 1 outside piece, right sides together. Be sure that the toes are facing the same direction. Sew ¼˝ along top edge. Open and press seam. Repeat this step with the other outside and lining pieces.
3. Line up both of your units from Step 2 with right sides together. Match the seam you just sewed and pin the units together. Sew around the entire piece with a ¼˝ seam allowance, leaving 3˝ open in the lining to turn.
4. Cut notches into the outside fabric, especially around the toe. (This helps the fabric to sit nicely and not pucker.) Be careful not to snip through your seam. On your lining side, trim close to seam to reduce bulk.
5. Turn the stocking right side out through opening. Fold in the open edges. Pin; then topstitch closed with coordinating thread.
6. Tuck the lining inside. (Optional: Topstitch around the outside edge near the seamline.)
7. Add hanging tab by cutting 2 layers of T-shirt materials and attach with topstitching all the way around.