The worst thing is that we often don’t even realize what damage we’re doing or what we’re missing. Who knows what valuable products or medicines could have come from plants that are extinct because tropical forests were cut? What if we lose the pollinators of our fruits, flowers, and grains? How sad to lose any of the strange and wonderful plants and animals that enrich our lives with their beauty! Remember, too, that all living things have value, simply because they exist
IT’S NOT TOO LATE. We humans ought to be able to use our intelligence to solve the problems we have created.
To discover several ways that we can slow the process of people-caused mass extinction, decode these messages of HOPE.
Start with the bold letter H. Copy the letters found below each H, in order, into the blanks on the H message line. Repeat the process for the letters under the O’s, the P’s, and finally the E’s. The first letter of each message is done for you. Then read the four messages.