Heavy is the root of light still is the master of restless thus a lord might travel all day but never far from his supplies even in a guarded camp his manner is calm and aloof why would the lord of ten thousand chariots treat himself lighter than his kingdom too light he loses his base too restless he loses command |
HAN FEI says, “‘Heavy’ means to be in control of oneself. ‘Still’ means not to leave one’s place. Those who are heavy control those who are light. Those who are still direct those who are restless.”
WANG PI says, “Something light cannot support something heavy. Something small cannot hold down something large.”
CONFUCIUS says, “A gentleman without weight is not held in awe, and his learning is not secure” (Lunyu: 1.8).
CH’ENG HSUAN-YING says, “Roots are heavy, while flowers and leaves are light. The light wither, while the heavy survive. ‘Still’ means tranquil, and ‘restless’ means excited. Excitement is subject to birth and death. Tranquillity endures. Hence, the still rule the restless.”
TE-CH’ING says, “‘Heavy’ refers to the body. ‘Light’ refers to what is external to the body: success and fame, wealth and honor. ‘Still’ refers to our nature. ‘Restless’ refers to our emotions. People forget their body and chase external things. They forget their nature and follow their emotions. Sages aren’t like this. Even though they travel all day, they don’t leave what sustains them.”
KUAN-TZU says, “Those who move lose their place. Those who stay still are content” (quoted by Chiao Hung).
WU CH’ENG says, “When a lord travels for pleasure, he rides in a passenger carriage. When a lord travels to battle, he rides in a war chariot. Both of these are light. And behind these come the heavier baggage carts. Even though a lord might travel fifty kilometers a day in a passenger carriage or thirty kilometers a day in a war chariot, he does not hurry so far ahead that he loses sight of the baggage carts behind him.”
TS’AO TAO-CH’UNG says, “‘Supplies’ means the precious commodities with which we maintain ourselves and without which we cannot exist for a second.”
HO-SHANG KUNG says, “A lord who is not heavy is not respected. A plant’s leaves and flowers are light. Hence, they are blown about by the wind. And its roots are heavy. Hence, it lives long. A lord who is not still loses his power. A dragon is still. Hence, it is able to constantly transform itself. A tiger is restless. Hence it dies young.”
HSUAN-TSUNG says, “Traditionally, the Son of Heaven’s fief included one million neighborhoods with a tax revenue of 640,000 ounces of silver, one million cavalry horses, and ten thousand war chariots. Hence, he was called ‘lord of ten thousand chariots.’”
SU CH’E says, “If the ruler is light, his ministers know he cannot be relied upon. If the ministers are restless, the ruler knows their minds are bent on profit.”
A number of commentators have wondered if the standard jung-kuan (glorious scenes) in line five might not be a mistake for ying-kuan (military camp). The Mawangtui texts have borne them out, though with huan-kuan (guarded camp). Line eight, which the Mawangtui texts clarify by adding yu (than), recalls the last four lines of verse 13. In line nine, I have gone along with the Mawangtui and Fuyi texts as well as with several early commentaries and editions in reading pen (base) in place of ch’en (minister). This verse is not present in the Kuotien texts.