The Way of Heaven is like stringing a bow pulling down the high lifting up the low shortening the long lengthening the short the Way of Heaven takes from the long and supplements the short unlike the Way of Humankind which takes from the short and gives to the long who can take the long and give it to the world only those who possess the Way thus do sages not depend on what they develop or claim what they achieve thus they choose to hide their skill |
KAO HENG says, “In stringing a bow, we pull the bow down to attach the string to the top. We lift the bow up to attach the string to the bottom. If the string is too long, we make it shorter. If the string is too short, we make it longer. This is exactly the Way of Heaven.” My reading of line two, which agrees with Kao Heng’s, is based on the Shuowen, which says, “Chang means to attach a string to a bow.”
TU ER-WEI says, “Not only the Chinese, but the ancient Greeks and Hindus, the Finns, the Pawnee, and the Arapaho all likened the moon to a bow. Thus the Way of Heaven is like a bow” (Lao-tzu-te-yueh-shen tsung-chiao, pp. 97–98).
HO-SHANG KUNG says, “The Way of Heaven is so dark, we need metaphors to understand it. To prepare a bow for use, we string it by pulling down the top and lifting up the bottom. Likewise, the Way of Heaven is to take from the strong and give to the weak.”
LU HUI-CH’ING says, “The Way of Heaven does not intentionally pull down the high and lift up the low. It does nothing and relies instead on the nature of things. Things that are high and long cannot avoid being pulled down and shortened. Things that are low and short cannot avoid being lifted up and lengthened. The full suffer loss. The humble experience gain.”
TE-CH’ING says, “The Way of Heaven is to give but not to take. The Way of Humankind is to take but not to give.”
WANG P’ANG says, “The Way of Heaven is based on the natural order. Hence, it is fair. The Way of Humankind is based on desire. Hence, it is not fair. Those who possess the Way follow the same Way as Heaven.”
SU CH’E says, “Those who possess the Way supply the needs of the ten thousand creatures without saying a word. Only those who possess the Way are capable of this.”
LU HSI-SHENG says, “Who can imitate the Way of Heaven and make it the Way of Humankind by taking what one has in abundance and giving it to those in need? Only those who possess the Way. The Yiching [41–42] says, ‘To take means to take from the low and give to the high.’ And ‘to give means to take from the high and give to the low.’”
LI JUNG says, “Although sages perform virtuous deeds, they expect no reward and try to keep their virtue hidden.”
SUNG CH’ANG-HSING says, “The skill of the sages is unfathomable and inexhaustible. How could it be revealed?”
When Lao-tzu refers to “the Way of Heaven,” he is not simply referring to the sky above but to everything that lives and moves. In lines thirteen and fourteen, I have followed the simpler wording of Mawangtui B and the Suotan edition. Lines sixteen and seventeen also appear in verse 2, and line seventeen in verse 51, though my translation of them differs slightly in each case. For the last line, I have used the briefer Fuyi version. This verse is not present in the Kuotien texts.