
Barbara Adam

Timing is
Doing time
Temporalizing all
Capturing invisibility
Composing with fluidity
Knowing interdependency
Depending on right moments
Seeing through a temporal lens
Embracing radical indeterminacy
Extending perspective to open past
Presencing all of time in this moment
Encompassing unknowable open futures
Consciously framing temporal boundaries
Knowing that these choices impact on results
Equally appreciating externally imposed frames
Collecting as doing, frozen in outcomes of collection
Needs re-animating arrested time: product to process
Re-tracing the social to very first material (inter)actions
Time open, unbounded: imposing boundaries is our doing
Holding time still to contemplate the social de-temporalizes
Ossifies becoming; closes down processes; negates potentials
All of past and future encoded in momentary slices of social life
Temporal wholes expressed in moment-parts: present embedded
Reworking temporal complexity fundamentally reconfigures theory
Emphasizing process over product challenges method & methodology
Embracing temporal extension reforms disciplines, categories & norms
Interaction as original social troubles ontology-epistemology distinctions
Recognizing our complicity in generating data changes the nature of a fact
Explicitly acknowledging use of theoretical and methodological technologies
On conceptual path of no return, questions and answers become intermeshed
Once quests for interdisciplinary inquiry are seriously engaging process timing