Aaron, Hank, 406, 427, 722
«Aarp Bulletin», 735
Abboud, Robert, 645-647, 649
Abernathy, Ralph, 385
Abraham, Seth, 725
Acosta, Luis, 661
Alberti, Jules, 229
Alcindor, Lew (Kareem Abdul-Jabbar), 344, 348
Ali, Asaad, 716, 733-734
Ali, Belinda, vedi Boyd, Belinda
Ali Center, evento a Louisville, 733,
736-737, 741
Ali, Hana, 607, 629, 635, 644, 698-699, 728
Ali, Jamillah, 90, 379-380, 386, 466-467, 573, 578, 583, 584-585, 699
Ali, John, 222, 246, 251, 254-256, 294-295, 373, 401, 506, 515
Ali, Laila, 630, 644, 698-699, 701
Ali, Lonnie, vedi Williams, Lonnie
Ali, Maryum («May May»), 366, 466, 521-522, 584, 699, 741
Ali, Muhammad, Jr, 466, 735
Ali, Noble Drew (Timothy Drew), 81
Ali, Rahaman, vedi Clay, Rudolph Arnett
Ali, Rasheda, 386, 466, 584, 699,
Ali, Veronica, vedi Porche, Veronica
Allen, Woody, 439
Alzado, Lyle, 652
Ameer, Leon 4X (Leon Lionel Phillips Jr), 255
Amin, Idi, 505
Anderson, Dave, 529-530, 584
André the Giant, 605
Anima in ghiaccio (Cleaver), 228
Anka, Paul, 567
Anthony, Spiros, 603
Apollo 14, astronauti, 439
Arcel, Ray, 622
Armstrong, Louis, 54
Arum, Bob, 166, 279, 293-294, 298,
303-304, 306, 343-345, 399, 401, 465,
468, 474, 502, 576, 603, 614, 629, 637,
641, 644, 658-660, 665, 741
Atkins, C.B., 491, 522, 536
«Atlanta Journal-Constitution, The», 342, 365, 408, 411, 711, 712
attacchi terroristici, 11 settembre 2001, 16, 730-731
autobiografia di Ali, 48, 51, 67, 91,
383-384, 387, 716
Autobiografia di Malcolm X, 11-12,
168-169, 171, 451, 580-582
Bacall, Lauren, 154
Bacharach, Burt, 439
Baez, Joan, 153, 431
Baker, Corky, 66, 591
Baldwin, James, 50-51, 98, 151-152, 371
Banks, Sonny, 138-139, 636
Barrett, Reggie, 399-400, 471, 478-479
Barwick, Bill, 369-370
Beach, Walter, 344
Beatles, 193-195, 202, 413, 644
Becot, Yvon, 103
Bedol, Brian, 714
Belkin, Gary, 183, 189
Belli, Melvin, 401
Bender, Vic, 52, 59, 65, 67, 112, 737
Benny, Jack, 173
Benson, Harry, 194-195, 213
Benton, Barbi, 439
Berbick, Trevor, 681, 683-687, 690, 729
Berra, Yogi, 206
Berrigan, Daniel/Philip, 361
Besmanoff, Willie, 129
Bethea, Wayne, 142
bin Laden, Osama, 710
Bingham, Howard, 165, 189, 217, 259, 280, 282-283, 491, 578, 621, 644, 651, 670, 680, 688, 703, 723, 727
Bingham, Ross Worth, 115, 282-284, 579
Bitter End, 153
Black Panthers, 304-305, 366, 375, 477
Black Power, 286, 347, 351, 361, 364-365, 376, 384, 406
Black Pride, 158
Black Scholar, 304-305, 323
Blin, Juergen, 462, 465
Bolton, Wanda, 573-574, 577
Bonavena, Oscar, 343, 413-415, 420-421, 458
Bond, Julian, 350, 385, 406
Bongo, Omar, 515
Boyd, Belinda, 339
Boyd, Raymond/Aminah, 340
Braddock, Jimmy, 546
Bragg, Don, 156
Brando, Marlon, 487, 490
Brathwaite, Cecil, 159
Breckenridge, Howard, 58
Brennan, William, 449
Brenner, Teddy, 625, 668
Brežnev, Leonid, 636
Brooks, Eddie, 456
Brooks, Mel, 521
Brown, Drew, Jr («Bundini»), 166-167, 200, 204-205, 214, 249, 251, 259, 261-263, 269, 290, 356, 375, 403, 409-410, 414, 429, 443, 446, 463, 477, 480, 482, 491, 493-494, 498, 543-544, 554, 592-593, 598, 604, 631, 633, 644, 651, 668, 673, 688, 706-707
Brown, Freddie, 658
Brown, James, 127, 517, 538
Brown, Jim, 156, 206, 217, 219, 294, 344, 347, 506, 550
Brown, Oscar, Jr, 376
Brown vs Board of Education (1954), 41, 60
Brown, William Lee Lyons, 114
Buck White musical, 376-377
Bufman, Zev, 376
Bugner, Joe, 457, 463-465, 562, 571
Bunche, Ralph, 154
Bundini, vedi Brown, Drew, Jr
Burns, Tommy, 55
Burrough, Bryan, 477
Burton, Richard, 175, 340
Bush, George H.W., 704
Bush, George W., 731-732
Cabot, Sebastian, 145
Cadillac e Clay/Ali, 9, 32, 50, 89, 97, 108, 116-117, 119, 128, 141, 150, 153, 155, 159, 162, 164, 171, 191, 249, 259, 302, 368, 389, 394, 466, 559, 611, 618, 740
Calhoun, Patrick, Jr, 115
Calloway, Cab, 122
«Campanella, Roy», impostore, 492
Cannon, Jimmy, 174
Caplan, Bill, 516-517
Carlos, John, 361
Carmichael, Stokely, 534
Carpenter, Harry, 175
Carson, Johnny, 644
Carter, Jimmy, 655-657
Cassius Marsellus Clay Jr contro gli Stati Uniti d’America (1971), 449-450, 452-453
Casson, Ira, 692-693
Central High School, Louisville, 29, 59, 61, 85, 96, 111, 231, 573, 708
Chaliapin, Boris, 149
Chamberlain, Wilt, 454
Champ Nobody Wanted, The (Liston),
Champion Sports Management, 706
Charles, Ezzard, 53
Cherry, Garland, 230
«Chicago Defender», 157, 342
«Chicago’s American», 303
Chuvalo, George, 270, 281-282, 305-309, 311, 317, 329, 375, 409, 462, 636
Clarence X (Clarence Gill), 251
Clark, Lamar, 125-126
Clark, Ramsey, 326
Clark, William, 304
Clay, Cassius (cugino di Henry Clay Sr), 24
Clay, Cassius (zio di Ali), 24
Clay, Everett, 24
Clay, Henry, Jr, 22
Clay, Henry, Sr, 21-22
Clay, Herman Heaton, 23-25
Clay, John Henry, 22-23, 25
Clay, Odessa («Bird»), 29-35, 37, 39, 57-59, 67, 112, 125, 162, 206, 226, 234, 242, 245, 278, 312, 354-355, 446, 558, 603, 611, 660, 700-701, 719-721, 736
Clay, Rudolph Arnett, 31
Clay, Sonji, vedi Roi, Sonji
Clayton, Zack, 546, 553
Cleaver, Eldridge, 228, 304
Coates, Ta-Nehisi, 168
Cole, Nat King, 28, 122
Coleman, J.D. Stetson, 115
CompuBox statistical analysis, 16,
417-418, 696
Conn, Billy, 212
Connors, Jimmy, 611
Conrad, Harold, 194-195, 203, 400-401, 404
Conrad, Joseph, 508, 511
Convention democratica, Chicago (1968), 361
Cooke, Jack Kent, 443
Cooke, Sam, 15, 206, 217, 219, 223
Cooney, Gerry, 650, 691
Cooper, Henry, 174-178
Coopman, Jean-Pierre, 596
Corbett, Jim, 642
Cosby, Bill, 406, 408, 410
Cosell, Howard, 214-215, 317, 318-319, 372, 375, 378, 414-415, 424, 434,
462, 477, 480-481, 495-496, 520, 563,
567, 595-596, 598-599, 619-620, 642,
644, 734
Covington, Hayden C., 327
Coxson, Major Benjamin, 397-398, 429, 492
Cronkite, Walter, 299
Crosby, Bing, 99
Crouch, Stanley, 385
Cruz, Celia, 538
Crystal, Billy, 741
Cte (encefalopatia cronica traumatica), 460
cultura, 53, 79, 101, 170, 195, 304, 360, 365, 375, 427, 431, 451, 505, 518, 563-564, 577, 725
Cuore di tenebra (Conrad), 508, 511
Cutchins, William Sol, 115, 160-162, 282
Daley, Arthur, 192, 248-249, 284, 320
Daley, Richard J., 557
D’Amato, Cus, 112, 403-404, 547
Dana, Charles A., 55
Daniel, Dan, 102
Daniels, Billy («The Barber»), 140
danni cerebrali/Ali, 459, 625, 636, 639, 661, 664, 667, 673, 682-684, 692-693
Davidson, Gordon, 112-114, 160, 167, 173, 251, 305-306, 314
Davis, James, 68
Davis, Mel, 28
Davis, Miles, 108, 183, 289, 439
Davis, Sammy, Jr, 122, 439
Davis, Willie, 344, 346
Dawson, Len, 145
Deford, Frank, 728
DeJohn, Mike, 192
Dempsey, Jack, 108, 144, 154, 329, 545, 564
Dexter, Pete, 669
Dibble, Gene, 670
Dickey, Charles, 23
DiMaggio, Joe, 127, 206
DiNicola, Ron, 730
dislessia, 65
Dokes, Michael, 628
Douglas, William, 452
Drew, Timothy (Noble Drew Ali), 81
Dundee, Angelo, 70-71, 120-123, 126, 129, 142, 155, 177-178, 197, 199, 204, 211-212, 227, 251, 282, 327, 378, 403, 409-410, 417, 419, 429, 445-446, 458, 463, 468, 480-482, 490-492, 498, 544, 546, 594, 599, 606, 627, 644, 658, 668, 673-674, 688, 734
Dundee, Chris, 120, 199
Dundee, Joe, 120
Dundee, Johnny, 120
Dunn, Richard, 432, 435-436
Durham, Richard, 182, 275, 279, 421
Durham, Yancey («Yank»), 302-303, 308
Dylan, Bob, 83, 103, 211, 309, 365, 464
«Ebony» (rivista), 147, 183, 366, 559, 595
Ed Sullivan Show, The, 193
Eisenhower, Dwight, 60
Ellis, Jimmy, 60, 268, 306, 343, 378, 387, 394, 409, 423, 454, 456, 458, 569, 587, 644, 651, 688, 710
Ellis, Steve, 210, 213
Ellison, Ralph, 22
Eskridge, Chauncey, 399, 450
Esperti, Tony, 123
«Esquire», 150, 355, 359
Evangelista, Alfredo, 619-621
Evans, Janet, 723
Evanzz, Karl, 235, 386
Evers, Medgar, 178
Fahn, Stanley, 694-697
Falana, Lola, 567
Falk, Peter, 437
Fard, W.D., 80-81, 225
Farewell to Muhammad Ali (programma televisivo/tournée), 647
Farrakhan, Louis, 731
Fatsis, Stefan, 301
Faversham, William, Jr, 113, 148, 251
Fbi, 12, 82, 170, 197, 199, 224, 235,
241-242, 246, 254-256, 271, 275, 278,
293-294, 322, 326-327, 333, 349, 378,
397, 508, 557, 640, 650
Felix, Barney, 208, 567
Ferrara, Chickie, 177
Fetchit, Stepin, 249, 270
Fields, Eugene Ross (Harold Smith)
Fifth Street Gym, Miami, 120-121, 166, 193-194, 200, 405, 627, 661
«Final Call» (giornale, Nation of Islam), 731-732
Finkel, Ben («Evil Eye»), 122
Fischer, Carl, 359
Fitzgerald, Ella, 122
Fleeman, Donnie, 123-124
Fleischer, Moe, 628
Fleischer, Nat, 269
Florio, James J., 691
«Fluttua come una farfalla, pungi come un’ape!» slogan, 9, 167, 191, 204, 608, 707, 742
Folley, Zora, 140, 328-329
Fonda, Jane, 700
Ford, Gerald, 555, 602
Foreman, George, 394, 475-477, 479, 488, 494, 501-504, 562-563, 565-567, 571, 574, 581, 588, 592, 596, 598, 609-610, 613,
617-618, 621-622, 638-639, 641, 660,
687, 691, 702, 736, 741
Foreman, George-Ali (match, ottobre 1974), 507, 510, 513-516, 518, 520-522-525, 528-535, 537-541, 543, 545-555, 558-560, 656
Forrest, Leon, 557
Foster, Archibald McGhee, 115, 282, 295
Foster, Bob, 463-464
Foster, Mac, 462
Foxx, Redd, 122, 567
Frank, Barry, 646
Franklin, Aretha, 447
Frazier, Joe, 66, 329, 343, 387, 389-395, 399, 401, 403-404, 409, 413, 415, 418, 420-425, 447, 454, 457-460, 464-465, 468, 475-477, 479, 483, 488, 494-496, 499-500, 502, 506-507, 513, 519, 525, 530-531, 538, 545, 548, 551, 554, 560, 562, 565, 571, 584, 596-597, 609-610, 613, 622, 624, 638-639, 644, 653, 658, 660, 687, 691, 694, 696, 727, 730-731, 734, 736, 742
Frazier, Joe-Ali (match, marzo 1971), 427-435, 437-446, 448
Frazier, Joe-Ali (match, gennaio 1974), 497-499
Frazier, Joe-Ali (match, ottobre 1975), 581-582, 587-594
Frazier, Joe-Ali, rivincita, 446, 465, 468, 495, 502
Frazier, Marvis, 432
Freedom Rides/Riders, 89, 133, 151
Freedom Road (film tv), 647
«Freedomways» (rivista), 351
Friedman, Bruce Jay, 437
frode, 649-650
Frost, David, 529
Futch, Eddie, 307, 441, 479-480, 588, 594
Gallagher, Tommy, 93
Garrett, Sam, 469
Garvey, Marcus, 25
Gheddafi, Muammar, 505-506, 709
Gibson, Althea, 154
Gilbert, Doug, 293
Gill, Clarence (Clarence X), 251
Giovanni XXIII, papa, 100
Giovanni, Nikki, 567
Gleason, Jackie, 267
Godfrey, Arthur, 206
Goodman, Bob, 462, 490
Gorgeous George, 126-128, 130, 139, 173
Grady, Abe, 29
Grady, Odessa Lee («Bird»), 29-35, 37, 39, 57-59, 67, 112, 125, 162, 206, 226, 234, 242, 245, 278, 312, 354-355, 446, 558, 603, 611, 660, 700-701, 719-721, 736
Grafton, Arthur, 281, 290, 293, 295
Graziano, Rocky, 154, 658
Greathouse, Edith, 24
Green, Kent, 72-74, 89, 144
Green, Lorne, 437
Greensboro, North Carolina, sit-in (1959), 89
Gregory, Dick, 172, 183, 233-234, 351, 408, 602
Griswold, Erwin, 450
Gross, Milton, 287, 320
Guerra Civile, 12, 29, 38, 158
Guerra del Vietnam, 11, 16, 190, 297-300, 321, 324-326, 333-337, 350-352, 360, 364, 369, 378, 449-451, 477, 505, 509, 555-556
Guinness, Gloria, 206
Gulatt, Willie, 123
Gumbel, Bryant, 741
Haley, Alex, 138, 286
Halloran, Bob, 298
Hamill, Pete, 437
Hampton, John, 68
Harlan, John M., 450-453
Harris, Gypsy Joe, 424
Harris, Pat, 559-560
Harvell, Patricia/Miya, 699
Hauser, Thomas, 420, 668, 694, 700,
714, 716, 728
Hbo e match Frazier-Ali (1975), 589
Healing: A Journal of Tolerance and
Understanding (Ali con Hauser), 728
Hearns, Thomas, 650
Hefner, Hugh, 439
Hemingway, Ernest, 421
Hicks, James, 349
Hirschfield, Richard M., 706
Hitler, 101
Hoblitzell, Bruce, 111
Hodge, Terry, 69
Hoffman, Dustin, 439
Holmes, Jake, 675
Holmes, Larry, 518, 570-571, 638-639, 653, 658, 660-664, 667-675, 677-679,
682-685, 691, 693, 736, 741
Holyfield, Evander, 722-723
Hoover, J. Edgar, 12, 241, 278, 335, 349-350
Hope, Bob, 525
Horn, Huston, 188
Houston, Alice Kean, 33
Howard, Frank, 665
Hudson, Allen («Junebug»), 93
Hughes, Langston, 352
Humphrey, Hubert, 439
Hunsaker, Tunney, 117-119
I Am the Greatest! (album), 181
Ingraham, Joe, 348
Inoki, Antonio, 596, 602, 604-607,
Integrazione nelle scuole, 60-61
Inter-Continental Promotions, 187,
190, 229, 553
Iran, crisi degli ostaggi, 655-656
Izenberg, Jerry, 274, 410
Jace, Cornelius (anche detto James
Cornelius, Cornelius James), 684-685
Jack Paar Show, 181
Jackson, Edward W., 302
Jackson, Jesse, 191, 227, 386-387, 407, 409-410, 695, 741
Jackson, Michael, 699
Jawish, Gary, 86
Jefferson, I (sitcom), 563
Jennings, Rose, 276, 279, 517, 537, 540
Jessel, George, 206
«Jet» (rivista), 223
Joel, Billy, 638
Johansson, Ingemar, 124, 137
Johnson, Alonzo, 127
Johnson, Amos, 84, 104
Johnson, Bennett, 136
Johnson, Bette, 96
Johnson, Booker, 491
Johnson, Chip, 207
Johnson, Jack, 25, 55-56, 119, 144, 152, 249, 270, 377, 681, 727
Johnson, Leroy, 401-402
Johnson, Lyman, 62, 226
Johnson, Lyndon B., 298-299, 324,
343, 359, 369, 475, 554
Jones, Alberta, 113
Jones, Cody, 374
Jones, Doug, 148-149, 152-156, 159-160, 166, 174, 317
«Journal of the American Medical
Association», 691
Kalbfleisch, Charles, 57
Kaplan, Hank, 86, 286
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (Alcindor, Lew), 344
Kassel, Bob, 401
Katz, Mike, 601
Kazan, Elia, 437
Keaton, Diane, 439
Kefauver, Estes, 187
Kempton, Murray, 205
Kennedy, Caroline, 611
Kennedy, Ethel, 439
Kennedy, John F., 11, 109, 123, 158, 179, 183, 190, 195, 285, 510
Kennedy, Robert F., 360-361, 431
Kennedy, Ted, 439, 490
Khalilah, vedi Boyd, Belinda
Khayat, Ed, 401
Khomeini, Ruhollah, Ayatollah, 655, 704-705, 709
Kilroy, Gene, 398, 400-401, 419, 466, 490-491, 498, 505, 525-526, 531, 539, 544, 553, 603, 629, 637, 675, 688, 705-706, 741
Kim, Duk Koo, 691
Kindred, Dave, 518-519, 560-561, 639, 694, 711-712
King, B.B., 517, 538, 567
King, Coretta Scott, 406
King, Don, 468-474, 476, 480, 501-504, 507-510, 515-517, 534, 536, 540, 545, 562, 565-567, 581, 594, 603, 614, 619, 627, 629, 646, 648-649, 659-660, 664, 678-680, 684, 693, 710, 741
King, George, 70
King, Martin Luther, Jr, 80, 133, 151, 158, 179, 221, 226-227, 233-234, 236, 246, 287, 324-325, 333, 335, 350, 360-361, 372, 409, 630, 682, 739, 743-744
King, Rodney, 730
Kirkland, Richard («Pee Wee»), 407
Knievel, Evel, 611, 669
Kolb, Larry, 670-671, 685, 689, 693, 695, 703-704, 708, 710, 713
Kram, Mark, 424, 464, 561, 613
Krattenmaker, Thomas, 450-451
Krim, Arthur, 343
Kristofferson, Kris, 647
Ku Klux Klan, 42, 179, 287, 402, 432
Kupcinet, Irv, 253
Kwame Nkrumah, 239
LaMotta, Jake, 201
Lancaster, Burt, 429
Langford, Sam, 139
Lavorante, Alejandro, 140
Lee, Spike, 530
Leifer, Neil, 467
Lemmon, Jack, 700
Lennon, John, 194-195
Leopoldo II, re, 510
Lewis, Alvin Blue, 462
Lewis, Jerry, 181
Lewis, Joe E., 206
Liberace, 181
Liebling, A.J., 118, 140, 167
Lindsay, John, 439
Lipsyte, Robert, 716-717
Liston, Geraldine, 266, 270-271, 432
Liston, Sonny, 10-11, 13-14, 142-144,
150-151, 156-161, 172, 174-175, 177-178, 181-183, 185-190, 218-219, 222-223, 233, 237, 239, 273-274, 280-281, 288, 307-308, 318, 343, 376, 384, 400, 405, 433, 475, 480, 495, 504, 518, 524, 528, 531, 547, 551,
553-554, 567, 571, 592, 611, 636, 641, 653, 656, 690, 732, 736
Liston, Sonny-Clay (match, febbraio 1964), 14-18, 191-194, 196, 198-215,
Liston, Sonny-Ali (match programmato, novembre 1964), 247-252
Liston, Sonny-Ali (match, maggio 1965), 255, 259, 265-271
Little Africa, quartiere di Louisville, 27, 32, 58
Little, Earl/moglie, 168
Little, Malcolm, vedi Malcolm X
Little Red, autobus, 188, 259, 265
Logan, George, 140
Lois, George, 359
Lomax, Charles, 646
«Los Angeles Times», 142, 302
Louis, Joe, 15, 25, 53-55, 119, 147, 194,
211, 213, 226, 270, 305, 311, 316, 343,
421, 431, 483, 489, 525, 611, 643, 664,
679-681, 727
Louis X, vedi Farrakhan, Louis, ministro
«Louisville Courier-Journal, The», 24, 38, 70, 115, 223, 338, 349, 355, 560
«Louisville Defender», 45
Louisville, descrizione dei quartieri, 32-33, 38-39, 60-61
Louisville Sponsoring Group e Clay/Ali, 115, 118-120, 125, 133, 148-149, 153, 160, 162, 180, 188, 207, 214, 217, 226, 228-230, 247, 251, 279-284, 291-295, 305, 311,
313-314, 343, 373, 646, 742
«Louisville Times, The», 92, 115, 123, 172, 247, 249
Lumumba, Patrice, 510
Lyle, Ron, 568-569, 578
MacDonald, William B., 202-203
Machen, Eddie, 409
Maddox, Lester, 402
Madigan, Tony, 74-75, 77, 84, 103-104
Mailer, Norman, 206
Main Bout, Inc., 292-295, 303, 343-345
Makeba, Miriam, 538
Malachi, Dora Jean, 113
Malcolm X, 11-13, 15, 154, 167-171,
173, 179-180, 183, 191, 195-198, 203-204, 206, 217-219, 221-225, 233-237, 239-240, 251, 253-256, 274, 277, 294, 304, 372-374, 387, 408, 451, 505, 510, 527, 558, 561,
713, 729, 732
Malitz, Mike, 294
Mancini, Ray («Boom Boom»), 691
Mandela, Nelson, 468, 369
Marcia su Washington (1963), 158, 179
Marciano, Rocky, 53, 112, 144, 206, 306, 368, 483, 489, 564, 658
Marcos, Ferdinand, 581, 584
Marcos, Imelda, 584, 594
Marshall, Thurgood, 450
Martin, Joe Elsby, 46-50, 52-53, 58, 67,
69, 73, 84-85, 91-92, 95, 107, 110, 113, 118, 504, 644
Martin, Leotis, 343
Massell, Sam, 402
Mastroianni, Marcello, 439
Mathis, Buster, 462, 587
Mayfield, Curtis, 406
Mays, Willie, 314
Mayweather, Floyd, Jr, 418
McAlinden, Danny, 440
McClinton, Curtis, 344, 346-347
McClure, Wilbert («Skeeter»), 77-78
Menendez, Julius («Julie»), 93
Mensah, Barbara/figlia, 573
Mercante, Arthur, 443
Message to the Blackman in America (Elijah Muhammad), 362
Metropolitan Boxing Writers’
Association, pranzo (1962), 138
Mezzogiorno e mezzo di fuoco (film), 521-522
Miami Herald, 121, 260
Michel, Robert H., 326
Mildenberger, Karl, 312-313, 343
Mimmes, Marjorie, 63
Minnelli, Liza, 642
Mister Ed (programma televisivo), 173
Mitchell, Bobby, 344
Mitchell, John, 665
Miteff, Alex, 128-129, 636
Mobutu, Joseph, 508-509, 511,
514, 517, 527, 532, 535, 537, 540, 545,
557, 581
Mohammed-Rahmah, Safiyya, 275,
340, 342
Monroe, Al, 157
Moore, Archie, 112, 118-120, 123,
141-143, 268, 549, 636, 734
Moran, Willy, 85
Morehead, Tom, 29
Morris, Michael, 661
Morrison, Toni, 383
Mosley, Walter, 222
«Motivo di vanto», discorso del
(Wilson/Central High School), 96 movimento per i diritti civili, 25, 179, 191, 239, 286, 324-325, 334, 352, 406, 505, 519, 563, 630
Muhammad, Leon, 574
Muhammad Ali Day, Chicago, 557
Muhammad, Clara, 279, 339, 371
Muhammad, Eddie Mustafa, 650
Muhammad, Elijah, 11-12, 79-84, 96-98, 130-137, 151, 167, 169-170, 173, 179-180, 195-198, 217-218, 222, 224-226, 233-237, 244-246, 253-256, 260, 273-275, 285, 293-294, 300, 302-304, 306, 322, 326-327, 329, 334, 336, 339-340, 345, 359, 362-366, 371-379, 405, 407-408, 410, 431, 447, 451, 453-454, 456, 473-474, 477, 488, 505-506, 510, 513, 517, 527-528, 530-531, 542,
557-558, 561-562, 564, 578, 618, 637, 645, 668, 729, 732, 741
Muhammad, Herbert, 237, 241, 243,
256, 275, 277-279, 281-282, 286, 293-294, 311, 339-340, 342, 344-345, 355, 373, 375,
378-379, 400-401, 414, 434, 467-468,
470-471, 491, 502, 515, 517, 524, 552-553, 562, 565, 567, 577, 581, 594, 603, 614,
618, 622, 625, 641, 645-647, 659, 671,
674, 680, 684, 697, 703-704, 706, 733-734
Muhammad, Jamillah, vedi Swint, Areatha
«Muhammad Speaks» (giornale), 741
Muhammad, Wali (Walter Youngblood/«Blood»), 490
Muhammad, Wallace D., 561-562, 564, 586, 602, 613-614, 620, 638
Murray, Jim, 142, 302
Muslim Mosque, Inc., 235-236
My View from the Corner (Angelo Dundee), 177
Myrdal, Gunnar, 78
Naacp, 25, 62, 80, 178-179, 226, 453,
558, 663
Nather, Priscilla, 23-24
Nation of Islam, 11-12, 15, 79-83, 96-98, 131-134, 136-138, 151, 158, 165, 167-168, 170-173, 180-181, 196-199, 203, 217-219, 221-227, 230, 234-236, 241-246, 251,
254-256, 261, 266, 271, 273-275, 277-278, 280, 282, 287, 294-295, 298, 303, 314,
326-327, 334, 339, 341-342, 347, 350, 358-359, 362, 365, 371-379, 384-387, 407, 428, 452, 454, 456, 474, 504-507, 513, 515, 527-528, 530-531, 557-558, 560-561, 564, 577, 637, 731, 741
Neiman, LeRoy, 410, 611
Nelson, Jill, 324
New York (città) e bancarotta, 610
«New York Times, The», 61, 118, 126, 160, 167, 183, 192, 233, 238, 318, 325, 327, 368, 455, 466, 498, 505, 514, 516, 530, 542, 584-585, 601, 611, 613, 623, 629, 645, 650, 680, 716, 730, 739
«New Yorker, The», 152, 438
Newcombe, Don, 434
Newfield, Jack, 468
«Newsweek» (rivista), 97, 582-583
Newton, Huey, 304, 386
Nilon, Bob, 190, 201, 214, 229-230, 247, 284
Nilon, Jack, 178, 187-188, 201, 214,
229-230, 247, 284
Nixon, Richard M., 361, 384, 432, 438, 447, 477, 483, 525, 554
Norton, George Washington, IV, 115
Norton, Ken, 477-482, 487-488, 501, 513, 548, 554, 565, 567, 596, 600, 607, 609-614
Norton, Ken-Ali (match, marzo 1973), 479-482
Norton, Ken-Ali (match, settembre 1976), 493-494
Nove di Little Rock, I, 61
Nyerere, Julius, 657
Oates, Joyce Carol, 534
Obama, Barack, 734, 739
O’Brien, Hugh, 354
Odio che produsse odio, L’ (documentario/ Mike Wallace), 221
O’Keefe, Ronnie, 48
Olsen, Jack, 37, 125, 245-246, 291, 321
Olimpiadi (1936), 288
Olimpiadi (1952), 74, 99
Olimpiadi (1956), 74
Olimpiadi (1960), trials, 87, 91
Olimpiadi (1960/Roma), 91, 100-101, 721
Olimpiadi (1960/Roma) e Clay, 112, 292, 398, 534, 573, 582
Olimpiadi (1964), 329, 422
Olimpiadi (1968/Città del Messico), 361, 385, 475, 529
Olimpiadi (1976), 627
Olimpiadi (1980/Mosca), 656-657
Olimpiadi (1996/Atlanta) e Ali ultimo tedoforo, 721-724
Owen, Tom, 37
Owens, Jesse, 101, 288
Pacheco, Ferdie, 166, 227, 250, 419-420, 459, 481, 483, 599, 606, 622, 625, 639, 660, 665, 679, 696
Page, Greg, 569
Pahlavi, Reza, Shah dell’Iran, 655
Parks, Rosa, 43
Pastrano, Willie, 70-71, 117
Patterson, Floyd, 92, 99, 102, 108,
112, 124-125, 127, 137, 142-143, 174, 178,
185-186, 198, 201, 270, 281-282, 285-290, 292, 304, 308, 317-318, 329, 337, 343, 394, 458, 463, 495, 524, 554, 636, 695, 734
Patterson, Pat, 490
paura di volare di Clay, 91, 126, 708, 92
Perenchio, Jerry, 430, 507
Perez, Tony, 497
Phenner, Michael, 646-647, 649-651, 678-679
Phillips, Dora Jean, 113
Phillips, Lionel, Jr (Leon 4X Ameer), 255
Pietrzykowski, Zbiegniew, 103
Plimpton, George, 193, 196, 262, 409, 437, 447-448, 547, 549, 554
poesie di Clay/Ali, 70, 111, 154, 18-182, 392, 421, 434, 608, 641
Poinsett, Alex, 183
Poitier, Sidney, 341, 406
Poole, Elijah, vedi Muhammad, Elijah
Pope, Edwin, 121, 259-260
Porche, Veronica, 525-526, 536-541,
573-574, 577-580, 583-585, 595, 602, 607, 609, 618, 621, 625, 629, 643-644, 647-651, 659, 668, 670, 695, 698-701, 732, 741
Povich, Shirley, 284
Powell, Art, 145
Powell, Charlie, 141, 145, 147
Powell, John, 66, 84
Powell, Kevin, 630
Powers, Georgia, 32
Presidential Medal of Freedom, 732
Presley, Elvis, 108, 480
Prezant, Billy, 668
Price, Lloyd, 470, 562
proposte per parti cinematografiche e Ali, 160-161, 181, 647
Prossima volta il fuoco, La (Baldwin), 50-51
prostitute e Clay (1958), 72
Putnam, Pat, 669
Quarry, Jerry, 343-344, 404-405,
409-410, 413, 458-459, 462, 502, 520
questioni razziali, 133, 150, 152, 219, 261, 456, 478, 609, 729
Rademacher, Pete, 112
Rahman, Abdul, vedi Saxon, Sam
Rawls, Lou, 567, 647
Ray, Joseph, 32
Reagan, Ronald, 695
Reddish, Willie, 209
Reed, Ishmael, 642
Reeves, Donald, 455
Repubblica Democratica del Congo, 510-511 (vedi anche Zaire)
Reynolds, William, 107-114
Rhorer, Allen J., 326
Richley, Robert, 646
Richmond, Peter, 729
Riley, Lowell, 242, 244, 491
«Ring, The» (rivista), 269, 323, 681
Rivers, Mendel, 326
Robinson, Archie, 166
Robinson, Jackie, 25, 154, 262
Robinson, Jimmy, 123
Robinson, Sugar Ray, 15, 97-99, 119, 152, 154, 156, 165-166, 201, 204-205, 257-258, 525, 691
Rocky (film), 568
Rogich, Sig, 678
Roi, Sonji, 241, 243-244, 246, 573, 734
«Rolling Stone» (rivista), 539, 639
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 141, 487, 635
Ross, Barney, 154
Ross, Diana, 406-407, 439, 446
Rudolph, Wilma, 99, 116-117, 573
Russell, Bill, 344, 347-348
Ruth, Babe, 141
Sabedong, Duke, 126
Saddam Hussein, 715-716, 731
Sadler, Dick, 533, 540, 549, 552-553, 565-567
Sadlo, Frank, 719-724
Sadlo, Henry, 58, 720-721
Sanchez, Rodrigo, 660
Sanders, Harlan, 90, 439
Saroyan, William, 439
Sarria, Luis, 491, 669
Satalof, Marc, 398-399
Savalas, Telly, 611
Saxon, Sam, 136-137, 165, 251, 256, 274, 300, 567
Sayers, Gale, 411
Schaap, Dick, 97-98, 108-109, 368-369
schiavitù, 21-22, 24-25, 41, 62, 84, 131, 198, 301-302, 323, 473
Schmeling, Max, 15, 228
Schulberg, Budd, 431
Schulman, Bruce J., 563
Schwartz, Hank, 502-503, 507-509, 515-517
Schwartz, Rolly, 456
sciopero dei tipografi (New York, 1962), 152
Sclc (Southern Christian Leadership Conference), 324-325
Seale, Bobby, 477
Seaver, Tom, 368-369
Sensi, Robert, 704
«Sentinel» (giornale scolastico/
reporter), 448
Shabazz, Betty, 254
Shabazz, Jeremiah, 397, 678-679
Shabazz, Lana, 491
Shakir, Zaid, Imam, 738, 742
Shanahan, Tim, 618, 645
Sharnik, Mort, 267-268
Šatkov, Gennadij, 103
Shavers, Earnie, 618, 621-625, 638, 665
Shecter, Leonard, 357-359
Sheed, Wilfrid, 565
Shelton, Joe («Shotgun»), 267
Shor, Toots, 154
Shorter, Jim, 344
Shriver, Sargent, 439
Siegel, Bugsy, 194
Siler, Herb, 122-123
Silver, Horace, 567
Simpson, O. J., 564, 730
Sims, Jeff, 661
Sinatra, Frank, 165, 173, 267, 438-439
Sindrome cinese (film), 700
sit-in, 89, 151, 158
Sitgraves, Owen, 36, 52, 63
Skillman, Richard W., 604
Smith, Harold (Eugene Ross Fields), Smith, Red, 104, 148, 284, 498, 542, 611, 628, 640, 653, 683
Smith, Tommie, 361
Smith, Vernter DeGarmo, 115
Smith, Will, 732, 741
Smoketown, quartiere di Louisville, 32
Sncc (Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee), 89
Sobel, Sam, 122
Sudafrica ed eventi sportivi, 468, 637, 657
Spencer, Thad, 343-344
Spinks, Leon, 627, 629-633, 635-642,
645, 650, 652, 658, 665, 668
Spinners, 538
«Sports Illustrated» (rivista), 37, 114, 125, 175, 187-188, 245, 248, 267, 287, 318, 321, 336, 403, 447, 467, 547, 610, 613, 669, 692, 696, 736-737
Stallone, Sylvester, 568, 642
Starr, Ringo, 194
Stevenson, Teofilo, 652
Stewart, Potter, 452
Stokes, Carl, 344
Stoner, Fred, 118, 133, 644
Streisand, Barbra, 439
Sugar, Bert, 407
Sullivan, Ed, 193, 206
Sullivan, John L., 55, 642
Summer, Donna, 577
Supremes, 410
Sutcliffe, Elbert Gary, 115
Swint, Areatha, 90-91, 379, 573, 583, 585
Talese, Gay, 289
Tate, John, 658
Tauber, Peter, 711
Taylor, Elizabeth, 175, 267, 340
Temptations, 376, 410
Terrell, Ernie, 495
Thimmesch, Nick, 149-150, 163
This Is Your Life e Ali, 643
Thompson, Hunter S., 539, 639
Thornton, Ralph, 491
Tiger, Dick, 154
Till, Emmett, 42-43, 79, 83
«Time» (rivista), 147, 149, 163, 423, 427, 431, 657
Today Show, 716
Todd, James Ross, 114
Tomorrow’s Champions, 47-48, 115
Tonight Show (tv), 152
Torres, Jos., 417, 419, 442
Travolta, John, 642, 699
Traynor, Pie, 145
trucchi di magia e Ali, 637, 693, 714,
720, 728
Trump, Donald, 710, 734
Tunney, Gene, 154, 329, 546
Tuotti, Joseph Dolan, 376
Turley, Francis, 71-72
Turner, Mary Clay, 245
Tynes, Morris H., 342
Tyson, Mike, 741
Waddell, Charlotte, 243, 350, 353
Walcott, Joe, 53, 268-269, 704
Walcott, Louis Eugene, 83 (vedi anche Farrakhan, Louis, ministro)
Wallace, George, 178, 361, 364, 506
Wallace, Mike, 221
Warhol, Andy, 504
Warner, Don, 140
Washington, Booker T., 81
Washington, Martha, 115
Waters, John, 127
Weaver, Mike, 680, 684
Wells, Gary, 669
Wells, Lloyd, 490, 577
Wepner, Chuck, 565-569, 605, 717
West End, quartiere di Louisville, 27, 31-34, 36, 40, 57, 66, 110, 131, 470
White, Charley, 421
White Citizens Councils, 41, 62
White Man’s Heaven Is a Black Man’s Hell, A (canzone), 83, 131
Wicker, Tom, 325-327
Wiley, Harry, 139
Williams, Charles, 668
Williams, Cleveland («Big Cat»),
314-317, 480
Williams, Gordon («Chicken Man»), 411
Williams, Lonnie, 579, 700
Williams, Marguerite, 700
Williams, Temica, 574
Wilson, Atwood, 96, 111
Wilson, Mary, 406
Wilson, Orlando W., 171
Wilson, Peter, 174
Winfrey, Lee, 483
Withers, Bill, 538
Witherspoon, Tim, 667, 671
Wolfe, Tom, 150-151, 518
Woodward, C. Vann, 158
Woolworth, sit-in al bancone (1959), 89
Wooten, John, 346
World Community of al-Islam, 564
wrestling/boxe, 126-127
Young, Andrew, Jr, 325, 406
Young, Jimmy, 596-600, 627
Youngblood, Walter («Blood»/Wali Muhammad), 490
Zaire, 510-511, 514-517, 525, 529-532, 534-537, 539, 542-543, 552, 558, 573, 577, 581, 656, 736
Zimmerman, Paul, 613
Zirin, Dave, 350