


For the second time in less than a week, Jericho walked away from a horrific wreck that should have killed him. Back inside the truck, Andrew Nashida started to stir.

You need to wake up, Andrew.

Nashida opened his eyes. His shoulders and chest burned. Part of him figured he must be dead and the afterlife was nothing more than another icy cold world. Maybe this was Hell?

No, Andrew you're not dead.

Good. Nashida climbed out of the wreckage. Blood dripped form his mouth and his left leg had a slight tingle. His body kept moving forward, almost like he was in a trance. Someone or something else was steering his ship.

Let me do the work, Andrew. The familiar Whisper spoke.

Nashida took another look at the wreckage, unsure of how Jericho could have caused him to lose control of the truck. How could he put that bison in the middle of the road?

You know how. You saw the creature walking.

"The Wendigo?"

Yes. He's one of them, Andrew. He's a monster and he needs to be stopped.