22 Editing TV

In any production the editing is every bit as important as the shooting. In a professional world editing time can be very expensive, and most producers and directors will be strictly rationed as to how much time you are allowed to spend in the edit. The amount of time you would be allocated varies according to the type of programme and the type of budget allocated. However, it’s rare for anyone to feel that they have enough time; most people feel that they could always do with more editing time. In your project you may not be limited by financial considerations but you may have limited access to equipment and you may have limited time available. It therefore makes sense to try to prepare in advance as much as possible for your edit and make the most of the time you have.

As with cameras there are a huge variety of different types of editing packages, and systems change all the time. Therefore this chapter will not make reference to any particular type of equipment; however, it will assume that you have some access to a nonlinear digital editing system. While they vary slightly, most of them work in broadly the same way and whatever package you are using you will approach the edit in the same way.


Ingesting is the process of loading your footage into the edit package so that you can start to edit. It’s a useful point at which to start to look at your rushes again and put them into some kind of order. Most edit packages use a system of files or ‘bins’ as they are often called to store your rushes.

How you order your rushes is up to you. Some people order the rushes by tape number or digital file. However, that means you have to have a comprehensive log of what is in which file and/or a good memory. Another way of dividing up the material is by subject matter. Each of your contributors could be in a different bin. You could have all your PTCs in one bin. The rest of your bins could be made up of material you intend for the different sequences. What you are really trying to do is order the material in such a way as to make it as quick and easy as possible to find the material again.

Time code

Most video cameras and most edit systems will give your shots a time code. This is usually an eight-digit number showing hours, minutes, seconds and frames. It will look something like 00: 03:13:32. The time code is important for locating your shots. By making a note of your time codes when you log your shots you will easily be able to find them when you start your edit.

Viewing and logging

It sounds obvious, but one of the most important things to do before the edit is to go back and watch what you have shot and make some notes for yourself. You can do this while you ingest the material.

Logging: When you log material you should make a note of three things:

The shot

In one sense this is fairly obvious; you will need to describe the shot; the size and any moves. However, you can also make other notes for yourself. If the shot is not usable, perhaps because something went wrong or because the camera wobbled, or any number of other things, then you can mark it as NG or no good. This will save time later; you may choose not to ingest these shots. It may be that you have taken the same shot several times. Each take was OK but may have had good and bad elements to it; you will need to make a note of how each shot differed. There may be something you particularly liked about a shot and know where you would like to use it. Again it’s useful to think about this. How you describe the shots and what notes you make will depend on you. Only you know why you like or don’t like a shot and how you think it might be useful.

Time code

Once you have identified the shots it’s useful to make a note of the digital file number or tape number and the time code. You can use this for reference when you start to make up your script. You can put the time code on your script so that you can easily find the shot when you come to the edit.

Digital file or tape number

Make a note for yourself of what is on each digital file or tape. This will save hours of needless searching. Viewing and logging rushes in this way may seem very laborious. However, it’s one of the best ways of becoming familiar with your material. By watching through the material and taking notes in this way the images will start to stick in your mind. Later on in the edit you will start to recall images and it will allow you to be a lot faster and more imaginative about trying out different shots.

Building your sequences

This is the fun bit and the most creative part of the editing. When you prepared your shooting script you identified the types of sequences you wanted to use and now is the time to start building them. Again, people vary in how they like to approach this. Some people start at the beginning of the script and work through, while others like to build up sequences out of order.

There are endless ways in which you can put shots together and there is no way to give you a rule book about this. However, here are some tips to help you get started:


Even the most modest edit package usually comes with a number of effects. There are a huge variety of different effects you can add to a shot; the following are some of the most common.


There are a number of ways of getting from one shot to the next:

These kinds of effects are similar to camera moves; you should use them sparingly and for a good reason. The different transitions subtly imply something to the viewer. If you use a fade to black it implies to the viewer that you have ended something. It doesn’t have to be the end of the film but it is definitely the end of a sequence. A dissolve or a cross-fade implies more of a connection, often between the images; sometimes it may imply a passage of time or move to a different place.


One shot is progressively replaced by another shot in a geometric pattern. Pictures can slide on and off, either from side to side or up and down, they can pixelate, or peel on and off. If you experiment with your package then you will quickly get to see them. These can be great tools. However, they are defined effects and they will give your programme a very definite style. If you want to use this kind of effect you will need to use it consistently through the piece and establish your style quite early on. If you just use these effects once or twice through the piece they will start to jar and stick out like a sore thumb. This is not meant to imply that you should overuse the effects; just that you will need to establish the stylistic convention at the beginning of the piece and then stick with it.

First assembly, rough cuts and fine cuts

Edits are normally divided into two phases: the first assembly/rough cut stage, and the fine cut stage.

Editing factual

Just as with shooting, the way you approach a factual edit is slightly different to the way you would approach a dramatised sequence. With a dramatised piece you will have a detailed script/storyboard which forms the basis of your edit. With a factual piece you should have your outline script but you will have to use the time between your shoot and the edit to make up your edit script.

Before the edit


You will also need to review any interviews you have done. Sometimes interviews are transcribed; this means you have a written version of the interview. Transcribing can be very helpful: it offers a much more efficient way of putting your script together; it’s much easier to work from a paper version than from memory. However, transcribing an interview can be very time consuming and you may feel that it’s not worth it. If you decide not to transcribe the interview you will need to watch it through and make notes for yourself, just as you did for the shots. You can start to break the interview down into smaller sections; you can either break it down into the different answers or break it down by time. Either way you should be making a note for yourself as to which answers you felt were strong and why. If there are any bits you know you don’t want then again it’s useful to make a note for yourself about this.

Again, by looking at your interviews and making notes for yourself in this way, you will ensure that you become familiar with your material before the edit. The more familiar you are with the material the easier and quicker you can make decisions in the edit.

Preparing the edit script

Your next job is to start to prepare an editing script. For this you are going to need the outline script you prepared before the shoot and you will need all your notes from the log. In your outline treatment you will have a number of things to get you started:

The edit script will look a little like your outline treatment. It should be divided into three columns, on one side the pictures and on the other side the words, and in the third column you will have a note of time codes so that you know where everything is and you can find it easily. However, now you will have all the pieces of the puzzle to hand and you can put in all the different elements.

Template 22.1 Factual edit script

Template 22.1 Factual edit script

The edit

First assembly and rough cut

People vary a lot in the way they approach an edit and you will find the way that suits you best. However, to start you off I’ll propose one method that you may find easy to adopt.

Commentary writing

Good commentary writing is a difficult task. Writing commentary for TV has a lot in common with writing for the ear in radio but it also differs. In radio the words help to create the picture but in television the words should be at the service of the pictures.

In the chapter on writing for the ear there was a discussion on ways to make your writing work for the ear and not the eye. If you haven’t read this section then you should do so before starting your commentary. There was also a discussion of the different types of commentary you might have to write. In TV there are the same basic types of commentary.

In television you will need to balance the commentary with the pictures. Too little and the viewer won’t know what’s going on, too much and the viewer quickly gets a sense of information overload. Viewers can’t keep up with watching the images and listening to all the commentary; they will start to miss bits and lose the thread of what’s going on. The most skilful writers get this balance just right: they put the words at the service of the pictures, giving enough information but letting the pictures do most of the work. Like almost anything else, writing good commentary is subjective and creative, but here are some tips to help:

Example 1

Example 1

In this example you will open the shots by looking at a festival, but the first word you use is ‘waste’. You have said ‘festival’ but right at the end of the sentence. The viewers are confused, not because they can’t recognise that they are looking at shots of a festival but you have opened your commentary with a completely unconnected word, and they will then start to wonder why.

Example 2

Example 2

The audience know what they are looking at and your opening words aren’t confusing them. The words full swing mean that at that point you could happily show shots of the festival without the need to say anything else. Again at the end, you have finished the link with the words thousands of tons of waste. The viewer will now happily watch any number of shots of rubbish and waste without you having to say anything else. Instead of telling a story with words, you are leaving space for the pictures to tell the story.

Laying commentary

Laying the final commentary is one of the last things you will do. This is because it’s likely to change any number of times during the edit process. However, once you have got your piece together you will probably want to re-record the final commentary and lay it. You may have been recording bits and pieces as you go along but if you re-record it all at the end and lay it fresh it will probably sound a lot better than lots of pieces recorded at lots of different times.


Music in factual programmes is obviously determined by the type of factual programme it is. Some types of factual programmes have no music; the closer it is to a news programme the less likely it is to have music, which might seem a bit frivolous. However, other types of programmes will use music, either music recorded on location or music which is added later, sometimes both. Choice of music is obviously quite an individual thing; however, here are some hints:

Laying music

Again, as you build your edit you can add music to see how you like it, but you should avoid doing any kind of fine tweaking of the music until you have finished the picture edit; otherwise you will find yourself having to do it all over again.

Editing dramatised sequences

In a dramatised sequence the process is slightly different. You will already have a script and if it’s a music video you will have a kind of script in that you have the song. However, just as with a factual programme you will want to make the pictures do the work. Just as with a factual programme you will need to look at your material before you start to edit so that you become familiar with it. As you ingest you can start to organise the rushes. Often directors and editors organise the shots according to the scene, the shot size and the character in the shot.

Let the pictures do the work: Just as with a factual programme you don’t want your entire piece to be dialogue from start to finish. You will need to allow space for pictures to do the work. You will need to build in time for this. It can be at the beginning or end of a scene, or during the scene if the dialogue can accommodate it, but don’t forget: building visual sequences is an important part of the process.

Continuity editing

In most conventional drama we tend not to notice the cuts very much; sometimes directors want the viewer to be very aware of the cuts but at other times they want the cuts to be barely noticeable. This kind of editing is known as continuity editing. If you want your cuts to be less noticeable there are some things you can do:

Other points for drama editing

Template 22.2 L-shaped editing

Template 22.2 L-shaped editing


You may want to lay some music on your drama and this will play an important part in the edit. There will be two types of music you are likely to want to use; both of these will be added during the edit.

  1. Diegetic music: Music which is actually supposed to be a part of the scene, something the characters are supposed to be able to hear, something coming from a radio or CD, IPod, etc.
  2. Non-diegetic music/incidental music/title music: This is the type of music that the characters are not supposed to be hearing, which adds to the atmosphere of the piece. With this type of music you will need to make sure that the music is not fighting with the dialogue. Most of the time the music is either faded out under dialogue or kept very low so that it doesn’t detract. Music is more often used over sequences with no dialogue.

Music is generally one of the last things to be added. You should sort out all your picture cuts first and then lay the music. If you lay the music first you are almost certainly going to have to change it radically as you change the pictures, and you will waste a lot of time.

Music videos are slightly different. In this instance the music is the thing you are trying to feature, so you will probably find it easier to lay the music first and then cut the pictures to fit the music.

Trailers are a kind of hybrid. They are likely to use more music than the programme or film they are trailing. The music is often a way of holding the piece together. A trailer uses lots of different extracts from different parts of the film or TV programme, but having a single piece of music running underneath gives the piece cohesion and holds it together.


This isn’t often used in dramas, although you do sometimes get a kind of ‘narrator’ voice coming in. It’s commonly used if a story is told in flashback and you hear the voice of the person telling the story. It’s used quite sparingly, usually only at key moments in the drama. Trailers also sometimes use a voice-over commentary. As with factual programmes this is something you would lay properly at the end of the edit, although some directors will use a guide track or rough version of the commentary to help time the piece.

Fine cut

Once you have got all the pictures right, either for a documentary or a dramatised piece, and you are happy with the music and commentary, you can then move to finishing the piece off and doing the fine cut. This is the point where you will do any fine tweaking. You may want to adjust the sound levels and sound edits to make them smoother. You can add any effects or transitions you want to use. This process can be quite fiddly, so you will need to leave yourself enough time at the end to polish the piece. However, you will need to be sure that you are happy with the overall piece before you start this process. You can waste a lot of time if you start doing fine editing before you are settled on your rough cut.

The last process is the play out. You will have been given a format on which you are expected to deliver the piece, so you will need to ‘export’ the piece onto this format. Clearly you won’t want to play out your piece until you are absolutely sure that you have got the piece you want. Normally you would not delete the project from your edit package immediately. If there was some kind of disaster you might need to come back to it, but once you have played out then you have finished the actual production work.


The edit is a creative part of the production process; every bit as creative as the shoot itself. It’s important not to underestimate the amount of time you will need to spend on your edit. Just like the shoot, you will need to organise yourself if you are going to get the best out of your available time. It’s also really important to get feedback and to listen to the feedback: that first reaction to your piece is a really important one.