Interview Credits
I OWE A GREAT DEBT OF GRATITUDE TO ALL OF THE PEOPLE who so generously gave of their time, expertise, experience, and wisdom by agreeing to be interviewed for this book. They include dog owners, animal communicators, scientists, and other experts. Many spoke with me more than once over a period of several years. This book is a product of their contributions in very significant ways. Thank you to all.
Barbara Barber, dog owner and client of Nancy Kaiser, interviewed September 2015
Elizabeth Barrett, dog owner and client of Lynn Younger, interviewed April 2017
Carol Lea Benjamin, dog trainer and author, interviewed April 2012
Cindy Brody, animal communicator, interviewed August and September 2017
Jennifer Chaitman, veterinarian, interviewed August and September 2012
Bash Dibra, dog trainer, interviewed September 2011 and September 2014
Alecia Evans, animal communicator and dog trainer, interviewed August 2011, August 2012, September 2012, and June 2015
Linda Gnat-Mullin, animal communicator, interviewed November 2016 and June 2017
Dawn E. Hayman, animal communicator, interviewed November 2009, January 2011, September 2009, November 2009, and August 2011
Richard Heckman, dog owner and client of Donna Lozito, interviewed October 2011
Nancy A. Kaiser, animal communicator, interviewed September 2015
Jane Lahr, friend of Joan Grant, interviewed October 2017
Diana Leslie, shaman, interviewed October 2017
Lisa L., dog owner, interviewed December 2016
Donna Lozito, animal communicator, interviewed August 2010 and June 2014
Donald McCaig, author and border collie trainer, interviewed November 2011 and April 2012
David Mehler, energy healer, interviewed June 2015
Lynn Moore, animal communicator, interviewed June 2017
Jim Moran, dog walker and trainer, May 2018
Alison W. Oestreicher, dog owner, interviewed July 2017
D. A. Pennebaker, dog owner and documentary filmmaker, interviewed March 2012
Silvia Rossi, psychic medium, interviewed July and September 2011
Stephan Schwartz, consciousness researcher and author, interviewed June 2014
Rupert Sheldrake, scientist and author, interviewed February 2011 and February 2013
Kathy Sommer, dog owner and client of Donna Lozito, interviewed October 2011
Elizabeth Marshall Thomas, author and dog trainer, interviewed November 2011
Robert Thurman, American Buddhist scholar and academic, professor of Indo-Tibetan studies at Columbia University, interviewed September 2017
Jim Tucker, director of the Division of Perceptual Studies, University of Virginia Health System, interviewed January 2014
Lynn Younger, animal communicator, interviewed April 2016