All page numbers are refer to the print edition of this title.
ABC News, 27–30, 31
abuse, 65
acupuncture, 42
after-death communication, 132–35
Age of Reason, 117
“alerting” ability, 50
American Sign Language, 77
anam cara, 95
animal communication, 17–19, 27–30, 31–36
author's multiple sources, 54–63
author's trust in, 37–38
connection between animals and humans, 64–71
workshops for, 61–62
animal psi (anpsi), 64–65
animal rights, 65
dominion over, 87–89
legal rights of, 24
parapsychological research with, 64–71
relationships with, 19
souls and, 89–91
anpsi (animal psi), 64–65
Anthony, Lawrence, 130
Ashkelon, 2
atman, 92
atmospheric changes, 74
auditory cortex, 23
authority, 19
awareness, 83, 84
ayurvedic doctor, 25–26
Balcomb, Ken, 80
Bankes, William, 52
Barber, Barbara, 122–23
Bardo Thodol, 86
barking, 23
Barnard's Dog Cognition Lab, 84
Barrett, Elizabeth, 137–38
Bekoff, Marc, 84
belief, 86
Belmont Stakes, 31–36
Benjamin, Carol, 49–51
Berner, Leila Gal, 130–31
Berns, Gregory, 23, 76, 83–84, 85
Beston, Henry, 81
Bible, 86–89
Bix (Pennebaker's dog), 60–61, 130
blood sugar levels, 50
Bobbie (Scotch collie), 68
body language, 22, 46–47, 53
bonding, 9
Book of Coming Forth by Day, 86
Boone, J. Allen, 52
brain scans, 23, 83–84, 85
Bravo, 126
afterlife of, 109–12, 136–43
as author's guide, 136–43
communication with Alecia Evans, 72–74
consciousness of, 24–25
death of, 101–3
deep connection with author, 141–46
illness of, 96–103
joy of, 72
kittens and, 16
move and, 22
music and, 16
pancreatitis, 33–34
personality of, 13, 15, 20, 82
power of his memory, 56–57
presence of, 21, 25, 27
sailing trip, 82
sixth sense of, 73–74
trainer for, 12–16
Brody, Cindy, 93–94, 123, 138, 141
Buddha, 91, 118
Buddhism, 90–91
Bushmen, 62
Cambridge Declaration of Consciousness in Nonhuman Animals, 85
cats, 65
caudate, 23
Center for Whale Research, 80
Centering Prayer, 128
Central Park, 1–2, 21–22
Chaitman, Jennifer, 37–38, 54–56
Charlie (Gordon setter), 28–30
Chaser (border collie who learned words), 46
CHAT system, 78
Children Who Remember Previous Lives, 119
Christianity, 86–89
Clever Hans (horse), 23–24, 52
Coates, Margrit, 74, 102, 125
Cocoa (chocolate lab, reincarnation), 122–23
cold reading, 53
collective memories, 75
commands, 22, 46–47
communication, 22–24, 75–76
Comparative Ethology Research Group, 23, 83
compassion, 91
consciousness, 24, 83–87, 114–15
“Consciousness in Humans and Nonhuman Animals” conference, 85
Continental Divide, 68
control, 15
courage, 68
Crohn's disease, 49
crying, 23
Cuddles (pit bull), 94
David, King, 88–89
Da Vinci, Leonardo, 80–81
dead, communication with, 132–35
“deep knowing,” 57
degenerative myelopathy, 38
Descartes, René, 117
determination, 68
Dibra, Bash, 12–16, 48–49
Divine, 115
do-as-I-do training, 84–85
dog food, 59–60
dog psychics, 27–30
brain activity of, 76–77
brain scans of, 83–84
consciousness and, 83–87
history of, 2–3
humans and, 22–24
research about, 22–24
soul dog stories, 92–95
Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home, 66–71
Dolittle (Dr.), 51
dolphins, 74, 77–79
Dreifus, Claudia, 76, 85
Durr, Hans-Peter, 120
earthquakes, 73–74
Egyptian Book of the Dead, 86
Egyptians, 88
Einstein, Albert, 62, 113, 124–25
elephants, 74, 130–31
Emerging Forth into the Light, 86
emotions, 23, 83
empathy, 57
endorphins, 50
Eotvos Lorand University, 80
epileptic seizures, 50
episodic memory, 84–85
Evans, Alecia, 38–41, 54–56, 58–59, 72–74, 97–103, 107, 113, 125–26, 138–39, 142
extrasensory perception (ESP), 66, 80–81
Family Dog Project, 84
farm animal sanctuaries, 140
feelings, 22, 23
Flash (service dog), 49–50
flower shops, 21
fMRI machine, 76–77
food, 23
Forte (poodle), 25
Forty-Two Questions, 87–89
four-leaf clovers, 97, 100
Francis of Assisi, St., 89
frogs, 101
fungi, 75
future events, 65
Genesis, Book of, 86–87, 89
Gnat-Mullin, Linda, 53, 57–58, 75, 131–32
God, 144–46
grace, 45
Grant, Joan, 76, 88, 90
gratitude, 41
“Great Chain of Being,” 87
Greeley, Andrew, 132
hand signals, 45
happy barks, 23
Hayman, Dawn, 31–36, 57, 59, 64, 103, 106–7, 108
healing, 38
Herzing, Denise, 77–78
Hidden Life of Dogs, The, 49
highly sensitive people, 57
Hinduism, 91–92
hippocampus, 85
honesty, 3
hope, 123–24
Horowitz, Alexandra, 84
Horse Whisperer, 51
housekeeper, conversations with Brio, 26
human consciousness, 24
hummingbirds, 100–101
hurricanes, 73–74
images, communicating with, 56, 57–58
Ingerman, Sandra, 114
inner stillness, 105
intelligence, 22, 83
interspecies communication, 78
intimacy, 17
intuition, 62, 79–80
“invisible cord,” 69
Irrawaddy dolphins, 78–79
Islam, 90
Jaytee (Sheldrake case study), 66–68
Jazzy (German shepherd's presence felt after death), 137–38
Jesus Christ, 90
Judaism, 89–90
Jung, C. G., 75
Kaiser, Nancy, 122, 124
Kaminski, Juliane, 22
Kanzi (chimp who learned to use keyboard), 77
Katha Upanishad, 86
Keating, Thomas, 128
Kentucky Derby, 35
Khury, Samantha, 18–19, 28–30, 56–57, 58
killer whales, 79
King (dog's presence felt after death), 131–32
kittens, 65
knowingness, 80
Koch, Christof, 83
Lady (horse), 65–66
LaGrand, Louis, 133
laughing, 23
Leininger, James, 119
LeShan, Lawrence, 57
Leslie, Diana, 114–15
Lilly, John, 77
linguistics, 45
listening, 134
Long, William J., 64–65
love, 91, 142–43
Lozito, Donna, 62, 76, 125, 137
Maat, 87
magic, 45
Maitreya, 91
Maki the cat, 4
Mannes, Elena
afterlife communication with Brio, 109–12
blind study, 54–63
Brio as guide, 136–43
Brio's crisis, 37–42
death of mother, 27
decision to get a dog, 4–6
deep connection with Brio, 141–46
early relationship with Brio, 1–4, 11–13, 14–17
gratitude of, 41
loss of Brio, 96–103
need for connection, 20
on reincarnation, 116–26
selection of Brio, 6–10
spiritual path of, 104–5
visit to ayurvedic doctor, 25–26
Marocco (horse), 52
Martha's Vineyard, 98, 107
Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, 46
McCaig, Donald, 45–47, 49, 130, 131, 133
McPeek, Kenneth, 32
Medaglia D'Oro (racehorse), 35
medical alert service dogs, 50
meditation, 56, 128
mediumship, 109
Mehler, David, 42–43, 73, 117
memory, 75, 83
mental images, 50
metaphysical philosophy, 128–29
metempsychosis, 117–18
mice, 65
mind-body medicine, 57
mo anam cara, 95
Moore, Lynn, 91–92
Moran, Jim, 26–27
Morgan, Aimee, 69–71
morphic fields, 69, 120–21
music, 16
Naram, Pankaj, 25–26
Native Americans, 113–14
natural disasters, 73–74
Newton (Berns's pug), 76–77
New York Times, 60–61, 76, 85
9/11, 74
Nirvana, 91
N'kisi, 69–71
nonjudgmental, dogs as, 3
nonlinguistic communication, 48
non-locality, 75–76
nonphysical dimensions, 106
normal reality, 105
O'Donohue, John, 95
Oestreicher, Alison, 93
Osiris, 88
overwork, 53
oxytocin, 50
paranormal science investigation, 64–65
patience, 21
Pennebaker, D. A., 60–61, 130
perceptiveness, 69
pet industry, 141
Pilley, John, 46
Planck, Max, 120
plants, 76
Plato, 118
poodles, 25
power animals, 114–15
praise, 77
Preakness, 35
Prince, Arline, 25
Prince, Bob, 25
Protestants, 89
psychic animals, 52–53
Pythagoras, 117–18
qigong, 138–39
Queen, Robin, 45–46
rational mind, 62
rat poison, 60
rats, 65
rebirth, 90
recognition, 66
reincarnation, 116–26
remote viewing, 112–13
research, 22–24
author's blind study, 54–63
parapsychological research with animals, 64–71
Sheldrake's studies, 66–71
Rico (border collie who knew names of 200 objects), 45–46
Rossi, Sylvia, 109–12, 145
Safina, Carl, 80
sailing trip, 82
Sarava (racehorse), 32–36
Sawyer, Diane, 27–30
Schwartz, Stephan, 112–13, 128–29
Schweitzer, Albert, 90
science, 62–63
sea lions, 85
search and rescue training, 46
seizures, 50
self-awareness, 84
self-identity, 84
self-knowledge, 82
Sen (border collie), 93
sensitivity, 57
service dogs, 49
shaggy dog tale, 91–92
shamanism, 113–15
sheepdog trials, 45–46
Sheldrake, Rupert, 66–71, 75, 120–21, 132
Shiner (dog's presence felt after death), 61, 131, 137
Simard, Suzanne, 75
“sixth sense,” 73
Smart, Pam, 66–68
social bonds, 76
social cooperation, 46
Sommer, Kathy, 61, 131, 137
Sommer, Rick, 61, 131
soothing, 3
soul, 84–87, 89–91
soul dogs, stories of, 92–95
sounds, 23
space, 75
speech, 81
Spirit, 115, 137, 144–46
spirituality, 17, 48–49
stealing food, 22
Stevenson, Ian, 118–19, 121–22
stillness, 105
Strongheart (movie dog), 52
suffering, 100
surrender, 128, 134
Swann, Ingo, 113
telepathy, 44–53, 62–63, 68, 69–71, 80–81
Thomas, Dylan, 142
Thomas, Elizabeth Marshall, 49
thoughts, 22
Thurman, Robert, 90, 91, 118
Tibetan Book of the Dead, 86
time, 75
totem animals, 114–15
trainer for Brio, 12–16
travel, 68
trees, 75–76
Triple Crown, 35
tsunamis, 73–74
Tucker, Jim, 118–19, 121–22
Turning Point, 28
unconditional love, 3, 14, 142–43
understanding, 38
unicorns, 19
University of Portsmouth, 22
urine, 84
USA Today, 51–52
van der Post, Laurens, 62
vegetarianism, 140–41
verbal commands, 46–47
vibrations, 58
visual images, 56, 57–58
vocal communication, 23
War Emblem (racehorse), 35
Washoe (chimp who learned American Sign Language), 77
whales, 79
whining, 23
whistles, 45
wisdom, 80–81
wolves, 2, 80
words, meaning of, 23
World Trade Center, 74
Younger, Lynn, 58, 125, 137–38
zooarchaeologists, 2