Cathedral Church of Saint CaniceImage

Kilkenny City, County Kilkenny, Ireland

The Lord is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.

—Bible, Nahum 1:7

When Saint Columba and his fellow monks flailed in a storm at sea, the monks beseeched Columba to pray for their safety. He calmly replied that he would leave that to Saint Canice (who was eating his supper at the time on dry land). According to legend, Canice bolted upright, darted out of his house with one foot shoeless, and dashed into the church to pray for the brothers at sea, and soon the storm ended. Dedicated to Saint Canice, the medieval cathedral church in Kilkenny City is a Gothic jewel in the Close, a complex that includes a lovely old cemetery, a seventeenth-century cottage, a library, a round tower dating to A.D. 800 with 167 steps, and several other buildings.

If you long for safe passage, shelter from a storm, or protection of any kind, come to the Cathedral Church of Saint Canice in the lovely hill country of Ireland.

Soothe Your Spirit

While in the cathedral, ask Saint Canice to carry your prayer for your safety and security to God. Purchase a Saint Canice medal or locket to keep or wear to remind you of the power of prayer.

A Deeper Look

Saint Canice’s Cathedral houses an important historical document that is relevant to the twentieth century: Ireland’s Memorial Records, seven volumes filled with the names of the Irish soldiers who fell during the First Great European War of 1914–1918.