Temple of IsisImage

Philae, Nubia, Egypt

A grateful mind is a great mind which eventually attracts to itself great things.

—Plato (429–347 B.C.), Greek philosopher and mathematician

The ancient Egyptians built a stunning temple for Isis (wife of Osiris) on the holy island of Philae in the middle of the Nile River, where they worshipped her as goddess of motherhood, magic, fertility, children, and protector of the dead. Recently, the temple had to be moved due to yearly flooding, so the temple complex was deconstructed and painstakingly transferred to another island, where it was reconstructed and the island was renamed Philae.

If you seek fertility of spirit or body and believe that being in the Temple of Isis might benefit your aspirations, visit this site. From Aswan, take the road 4 miles south to a boat landing and then hire a boat to take you to the island. There is an entrance fee to tour the temple and to see the sound and light show.

Soothe Your Spirit

Take as much time as you need to absorb the magical energy of the temple. As you walk, think about how you might attract or manifest the blessing of fertility in your life. When you are ready to leave the site, offer a heartfelt spiritual thank-you to this ancient goddess for any inspiration that came to you during the visit.

A Deeper Look

The towering walls of the temple are covered top to bottom with intricate reliefs depicting scriptural stories sculpted into the stone walls and painted in now fading but once brilliant colors.