Arzachena, Sardinia, Italy
Great griefs are mute.
—Italian proverb
The people of the ancient Nuragic civilization on Sardinia during the Bronze Age produced sacred megalithic tombs of astonishing size, including the giant tomb of Coddu Vecchiu, with its 33-foot-long burial chamber and a semicircular area in front where sacred ceremonies for the dead were performed. The later addition of the giant stele (large, upright carved stone) connects this tomb with other megalithic tombs found across Europe.
If you are having difficulty finding closure over a personal loss and would like to feel rejuvenated, visit the Tomb of Coddu Vecchiu to gain perspective about the cycles of birth and death and the rise and fall of civilizations. The main airport is Olbia Costa Smeralda. There are daily passenger ferries from Italy to Olbia as well as two rail networks that will get you from cities on Sardinia to Olbia. From Olbia, take a local bus to Arzachena or take the main road (SS 125) to Arzachena. The gigantic tomb sits in the southwestern area of Arzachena known as Capichera.
Pay your respects to the ancient spirits. Sit near the tomb, breathe deeply, and relax before intuitively attuning to the energy of this sacred place. According to a prevailing belief, this site rejuvenates those who come in contact with it. Let it revitalize you, help you gain perspective, and find closure.
There are 321 megalithic monuments across Sardinia, including the Tomba di Giganti di Coddu Vecchiu, which archaeologists suggest was most likely a community burial chamber.