My deep gratitude goes to the many friends who read this book in its numerous versions, made helpful suggestions, and gave me encouragement: Rosie Pegueros, Ruth Schwartz, Linda Garber, Barbara Blinik, Ruth Blinik, Joyce Aiken, Rosalind Ravasio, Charlie Bolduc, Joyce Brotsky Virginia Hales, Sharon Young, and Olivia Sawyers. Special thanks to Frankie Hucklenbroich, Steve Yarbrough, and Beatrice Valenzuela.
It would have been impossible for me to finish the manuscript without the gift of time from my colleagues and the administration at California State University, Fresno. I’m especially grateful to Luis Costa and Michael Ortiz.
My editor, Elaine Pfefferblit, believed in this project from the start and has made me feel her support. Thank you. Sandy Dijkstra continues to be a great friend and a terrific agent.
I’m blessed in my family—Avrom Irwin Faderman and Phyllis Irwin. Thank you for your sweet nurturance.