Apanasyevich, Igor Olegovich; Senior Seaman, Steering Signaler
Avanesov, Oleg Grigoryevich; Captain 2nd Rank, Senior Assistant Commander of the submarine
Babenko, Valentin Ivanovich; Captain 2nd Rank, Commander of the Electromechanical Combat Section
Bondar, Sergie Stefonovich; Warrant Officer, Turbine Technician
Brodovsky, Yuri Analtolyevich; Warrant Officer, Hydroacoustic Technician
Bukhnikashvili, Nadari Otariyevich; Senior Seaman, Hold Machinist
Burkulakov, Talant Amitzhanovich; Captain 1st Rank, Head of the Political Department of the Division
Chernikov, Sergei Ivanovich; Warrant Officer, Chem—Technician
Filippov, Roman Konstantinovich; Seaman, Electrician
Golovchenko, Segrei Petrovich; Senior 2nd, Cook—Instructor
Grundul, Alexei Alexandrovich; Seaman, Torpedoist
Ispenkov, Anatoly Matvyevich; Captain 3rd Rank, Commander of the Electro-technical Division
Kapusta, Yuri Fedorovich; Warrant Officer, Head of the Secret Section
Kolotilin, Vladimir Vasilivich; Warrant Officer, Technician of the Range Control Group
Kovalev, Gennadiy Vyachyeslavovich; Warrant Officer, Technician of the Combat Communications Section
Krasnobayev, Alexander Vitalyevich; Warrant Officer, Computer Technician
Krasnov, Sergei Yuryevich; Seaman, Radio Meterist
Kulapin, Vladimir Yuryevich; Seaman, Hold Machinist
Maksimchuk, Yuri Ivanovich; Captain 3rd Rank, Assistant Commander of the Sub-Political Section
Manyakin, Sergie Petrovich; Division Captain 3rd Rank, Commander of Navigation
Markov, Sergei Yevgenyevich; Senior Lt. Engineer of the Electro-technical Group
Mikhalev, Andrea Vyachyeslavovich; Seaman, Hold Machinist
Molchanov, Igor Alexandrovich; Lt. Commander of Mine-Torpedo Combat Section
Nakhalov, Sergei Vasilyevich; Warrant Officer, Senior Commander of Radio Technicians
Naumenko, Yevgeni Vladimirovich; Captain Lt. Commander of Computer Group
Nezhutin, Sergei Alexandrovich; Captain Lt. , Commander of the Range Control Group
Shinkunas, Stasis Klemyensovich; Senior Seaman, Radiometerist
Shostak, Alexandr Alexanderovich; Lt. Engineer of the Range Control Group
Smirnov, Mikhail Antolyevich; Captain Lt., Commander of the Navigating Combat Section
Speranski, Igor Leonidovich; Captain Lt. Engineer Hydroacoustics Group
Sykhanov, Valeri Ivanovich; Seaman, Cook Instructor
Tkach, Vladimir Vlasovich; Senior Warrant Officer, Senior Command of Steering Signalists
Tkachev, Vitali Fedorovich; Seaman, Steering Signaler
Valyavin, Mikhail Nikolievich; Warrant Officer, Turbine Group Technician
Vanin, Yevgeni Alexyevich; Captain 1st Rank, Commander of the Submarine
Vershilo, Yevgeni Edmundovich; Senior Seaman, Electrician
Volkov, Nikoli Alexyevich; Captain Lt. Commander of the Electrotechnician Group
Volodin, Alexander Vasilyvich; Captain 3rd Rank of Combat Communication Section
Yelenik, Mikhail Anatolyevich; Warrant Officer, Senior Cook—Instructor
Yudin, Vyacheslav Alexandrovich; Captain 3rd Rank, Commander of the Division Damage Control
Zamogilnyi, Sergei Vasilivich; Warrant Officer, Senior Commander of the Electro-technical Group
Zimin, Vadim Vladimirovich; Lt. Engineer, Combat Communications Section