1 The most substantial biographical source is Adam Sisman, Hugh Trevor-Roper (2010). Shorter accounts are Blair Worden, ‘Hugh Redwald Trevor-Roper’, Proceedings of the British Academy, 150 (2007), and James Howard-Johnston, ‘Lord Dacre of Glanton’, in Angela Huth (ed.), Well Remembered Friends (2004). The advice of Blair Worden has been indispensable in the writing of this introduction.
1 Desert Island Discs, BBC Radio 4, 21 August 1988. We owe this quotation to Rory Allan, of Christ Church, Oxford.
1 Colin Kidd, ‘Lord Dacre and the Politics of the Scottish Enlightenment’, Scottish Historical Review, 84 (2005); William Ferguson, ‘A Reply to Professor Colin Kidd on Lord Dacre’s Contribution to the Study of Scottish History and the Scottish Enlightenment’, and Colin Kidd, ‘On Heroes, Hero-Worship and Demonology in Scottish Historiography’, Scottish Historical Review, 86 (2007); Jeremy Cater, ‘Editor’s Foreword’, in Hugh Trevor-Roper, The Invention of Scotland (2008).
1 H. R. Trevor-Roper, ‘Marx as a Historian’, New Statesman, 27 August and 22 October 1955.
2 See appendix in Mark Amory (ed.), The Letters of Evelyn Waugh (1980); H. R. Trevor-Roper, ‘The Establishment’, Spectator, 21 October 1955.
1 Ian Bradley, ‘Oxford Loss, Cambridge Gain’, The Times, 20 December 1979.
2 John Robertson, ‘Hugh Trevor-Roper, Intellectual History and the “Religious Origins of the Enlightenment”’, English Historical Review, 124 (2009); Trevor-Roper, ‘The Scottish Enlightenment’, reprinted in the posthumous volume History and the Enlightenment, ed. John Robertson (2010).
1 Robert Parker, ‘Sir Hugh Lloyd-Jones’, Guardian, 9 December 2009.
1 Neal Ascherson, ‘Liquidator: Hugh Trevor-Roper’, London Review of Books, 19 August 2010; Ascherson, ‘Hugh Trevor-Roper’, in W. Roger Louis (ed.), Resurgent Adventures with Britannia (2011), 178.
1 Trevor-Roper to Robert Blake, 1 August 1977, Dacre papers; Richard Shannon, ‘Robert Norman William Blake’, Proceedings of the British Academy, 153 (2008) is a fund of information on Trevor-Roper.
1 Trevor-Roper to J. H. Plumb, 7 March 1970, Plumb papers, Cambridge University Library.