Chapter 12

Thoughts of Rex flowed from one to another in her mind as Nola walked home from rehearsal. Every love song she had practiced reminded her of him. It was as though her body had memorized the firmness of his jaw, the tenderness of his kisses, and the warmth of his touch. The feel of him hard. So satisfyingly male. She understood exactly what Kayla was feeling, down to the wetness in her most feminine spot. Then worry flitted into her thoughts.

Why didn’t he show up?

As she approached the last block from her apartment, a shout broke through Nola’s thoughts.

“Hey! I’m watching you.”

Looking in the direction of the voice, she stopped. Leon on a bicycle. She clutched her purse and backpack, then picked up her pace. Adrenaline surged. A fourteen-year-old boy caused this reaction in her? No. He might be a thief and mugger, but he wasn’t a murderer. Living in fear was not an acceptable way to live.

She slowed her pace, calming herself with deep breaths, and continued toward her apartment.

“Teacher. You best worry. No one makes a fool out of Leon.”

In order to convince the kid, in order to help him, she couldn’t be afraid. But what plan could bring him into the fold of the community band? So far, all efforts turned up zero.

As she opened the gate, he rode past her. “Bitch be scared.”

“Leon,” she called out. “Music is the answer.” Quickly, she closed the gate. Anger bubbled up. At herself for ever fearing he would want to hurt her and anger that no one had loved this kid enough to teach him a better way. He might be her biggest challenge yet, but she was up for it.

She turned and caught Marquis’ wave from the landing outside her apartment. “I’ve been waiting for you to return.”

Nola climbed the stairs.

As long as he doesn’t want to talk about what happened the other night…all is good.

“I’m here. What’s up?” Something good could still come out of this day if she could find out where he was playing next and then haul Kayla there…unless Marquis planned to call her friend sooner without any cajoling. Nola chuckled. High school all over again.

Marquis rubbed his hand across his jaw. “I feel kinda awkward. But I need to talk to you for a minute.”

After pulling her keys from her purse, Nola unlocked the door to her apartment. “Come on in. I’ve a few minutes before I need to get ready. I’m at Harbor House tonight. Where might you be playing?” Proud of herself for slipping the question in nonchalantly, she dropped the keys on the table for two in the kitchen, then walked through the living room to open the drapes.

On a table near the window, the ivy plant her mother had given her drooped from continued lack of sunlight. She made a mental note to water it and put it on the kitchen table in front of the window. Maybe there was hope for its revival. Maybe.

“I’m not.” Marquis leaned against the doorjamb. “Driving the stretch around town tonight. A band of Japanese businessmen want to see the sights. I’m thinking about taking them to the burlesque show. It’ll keep me from having to scrub out the limo tomorrow.”

Nola kicked off her shoes and motioned for Marquis to have a seat in the chair as she plopped onto the couch.

He came and stood in front of her.

Surprised, she drew in a short breath.

He held out his hand.

Curiosity plucked at her. She placed her hands in his, marveling at the smoothness of his palm. He helped her rise. She’d never been face to face with him like this before. Uncertainty pinged in her chest. Marquis had strong broad shoulders, but Rex did too, and he was definitely taller.

“I want to apologize for my behavior last night. The things I said.” His thumb brushed over her fingers.

Tilting her head to one side, she scanned her memory, trying to remember exactly all that had taken place in her apartment. Her thoughts went to Rex and making love.

“I was out of line.” Marquis raised his eyebrows, his forehead wrinkling.

While she waited for him to continue, her mind landed on an image of him with Kayla. She stifled a smile. “You’re going to have to be more specific. I’m not very good at guessing games.”

“See. That ought to tell me something right there. After all these months that we’ve been neighbors, I haven’t made a good enough impression on you. You don’t remember what I said last night?”

She sensed his distress. Her breath caught again. What to do? Her hand still rested in his. Should she pull away? Step back? Put more space between them? All of this was new territory with him. He was Magnificent Marquis. Eye candy. Ear candy. And the man her best friend was trippin’ out about. She just couldn’t blurt out how Kayla wanted him badly.

“I have to do this.” He grinned sheepishly. The tone of his voice held a warning. She gazed up at him, inhaling another quick short breath as Marquis’ gaze searched her face. The tenderness in his eyes captivated her. His hands moved and cupped her neck. He lowered his chin until his lips touched hers, and he closed his eyes. When the tip of his tongue outlined her lips, she froze.

“Ahhh,” he whispered, stepping closer to her, then added pressure to the kiss.

Stunned, Nola remain rooted to the floor. Tiny bubbles of uncertainty pinged through her body. His hands were warm, but everything else…just wrong. She squinted. Stood perfectly still. Waiting for him to stop.

Marquis broke the kiss abruptly. His hands moved to her shoulders and gave a light squeeze. “Nothing, huh?”

Nola glanced from side to side, unable to make eye contact with him. “Not sure what you mean.” It was a lie, but only a little one. It wasn’t his tongue or lips or hands she wanted to feel on her. It was Rex’s. Damn that man!

Marquis stepped back and sank into the chair. “I’ve had this fantasy ever since I heard you sing. You have the voice of a siren. It calls to me.”

Bewildered by his words and weak-kneed, Nola lowered herself to the couch. She primly folded her hands together, not knowing what to say.

“Nola, I had this idea that we could tour together someday. Like really together.” He winked. “You catch my drift?”

She nodded.

“I was waiting for the right time to…entice you. I thought when I returned from my gig in New York, you could see I’m a good measure of man. Then, maybe next summer…”

“I’ve always thought you were a good man—by every measure.”

“But there’s no…”

“Sparks?” she asked.

“Yeah. For me, between your voice and your”—his hands moved to create the outline of curves—“I’d been having dreams about you for a while.”

A flood of heat rose in her cheeks. What could she say without hurting his feelings? “Oh?” Her hand went to her chest.

“Oh, but don’t you worry none. I had to take the kiss because I had to know.”

“Dare I ask what?” She was still flustered by the direction of the conversation.

“Chances. You and me. A fantasy in the head isn’t as great as a live one in the bed. The vibes of that blonde, your friend Kayla”—he reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of paper—“turned a spotlight on inside me. Hot. And bright.”

Nola raised her eyebrows, uncertain whether or not she wanted Marquis to share more.

“Anyway, before I call Kayla, I had to know about you.”

Another flush heated her neck and rose to her cheeks. “Ahh, I guess I should thank you.” Since the man had a definitely craveable body, any woman would look twice at him…okay, three times at least. If she’d held any far-off fantasies about him, Rex crushed them last night.

“I’m thinking you better make use of that phone number, dude.” She winked.

“I will. But, we’re good, you and I, yeah? No problems, neighbor.”

“It’s all good.”

He grinned wide. “Ya know, Kayla, she’s golden in so many ways…and places.”

“Enough.” Nola rose. She pointed to the door. “I have to get ready for work. Take your tour group by Arceneau’s. But call Kayla first. I’m certain she’ll give you the VIP treatment.” Nola smiled. He had no idea just how well her friend would take care of him, like privately in the office while his gaggle of Japanese businessmen sampled Arceneau’s award-winning food.

With Marquis out of the apartment, Nola fanned herself. “It’s like a hurricane of hormones has blown into New Orleans.”

Heading for her bedroom, Nola flipped on the light. Scanning the room, she wondered how Rex would enjoy the ultra-feminine décor. She’d never brought a man into her bed in this apartment before. It was sanctuary, her own personal retreat when the demands of the world weighed her down. Yes, she loved her bedroom at Fleur de Lis, but it was classic and filled with nearly priceless antiques. Sometimes, she had to escape from family and all the trappings that accompanied them. In the entire world, this apartment was her own private domain.

She flipped on music and danced to her closet, opening the double doors. “What to wear?” Moving several dresses aside, she pulled out a black crepe and fluttered it before her. “He can’t resist me in this.” As the words escaped her lips, she recognized how much she wanted him. Wanted? Desired? Needed? Her knees weakened. She sat on the corner of her bed. Rex was what she’d been waiting for. He could quite possibly be the one.

“No…really?” she said aloud. “Well…maybe. For just one whole night. To get him out of my system. That’s all it would take. After that, Rex Arceneau will be banished from my mind.”

Liar! He makes you hear the blues.

Nola swallowed. She scrunched her eyes tightly as a single note rang in her ears. “This just can’t be. Like, yes. Lust, definitely. But love?”

She wanted to shake off the sensations shooting through her and lighting her up like an old-fashioned pinball machine. Huffing out a breath, she flexed her shoulders to relax and continued to slip into the dress. She zipped it on the side, then adjusted her breasts within the structured fitted bodice that plunged to a “v,” stopping halfway between her breasts and her navel. It was the most revealing dress she owned. The hem hit halfway between her hips and knees. Every time she’d worn it, some man acted like an animal loose from a cage and had to be bounced from the club. Would Rex respond the same? She smiled. Would she have that effect on him?

Maybe after tonight’s last show, she’d find him at Arceneau’s and see just how tempted he could be. Adding dangling rhinestone earrings to catch the spotlight and sparkle while she was on stage, she surveyed herself in the mirror. Puckering her lips, she blew a kiss. This was what Rex would see if fate conspired for her…hopefully later tonight.

Nola pulled on a long coat to protect her from prying eyes on her walk to the bistro on the cool spring evening. Opening her backpack, she tucked her wallet and her stilettos inside. After she locked the front door, she remembered to text Kayla.

Let me know when M contacts you.

A rush of warmth washed through her. Tonight held promise. Optimism. It gifted her with feminine confidence, which in turn, brought out her sexy side—the side of her that loved to be on stage. She planned to rock the Harbor House tonight, no matter the size of the crowd.

“Ohhh…Prissy is working the bar tonight. I’ll have her video the song I want Rex to hear. I can replay it for him. To help him get in the mood. Just in case this dress doesn’t hit the mark.”

Afterward, he goes back to New York. I go on tour. Life will return to a happy equilibrium.

Then reality smacked her. “He’s going to fire me. I need every penny for the band. Life won’t be the same with him gone. And talk about crap hitting the fan, I’ve got to deal with Mr. Unsavory, the one and only Emile Broussard.”

She trudged in sneakers to Harbor House, mentally making a list of the clubs where she could audition, in case Harbor House wouldn’t offer her more nights. A half block away from her destination, she spied Mr. Unsavory exiting from a taxi. He glanced around as though looking for something before entering the bistro.

“Frick. Frack. And burnt French fries. Is this karmic payback for a past-life sin?” She slipped in through the back door to the waiting room. Emile presented a problem she hoped to avoid…at least until Saturday night.