
The Regulatory Policy Outlook was prepared by a team of analysts from the OECD Regulatory Policy Division led by Céline Kauffmann under the direction of Nick Malyshev, Head of the Regulatory Policy Division and the overall leadership of Marcos Bonturi, Director for Public Governance.

The main authors included Christiane Arndt-Bascle (Chapter 2), Paul Davidson (Chapter 2), Mercy de Menno (Chapter 5), James Drummond (Chapter 6), Céline Kauffmann (Chapters 1, 3 and 5), Anna Pietikainen (Chapter 4), Rebecca Schultz (Chapter 3) and Daniel Trnka (Chapter 4). The Outlook relies heavily on data collected through the Regulatory Indicators Survey, which was designed, implemented, verified and prepared for publication (including the country profiles and methodological guide) by the Measuring Regulatory Performance team, involving Christiane Arndt-Bascle, Benjamin Gerloff, Tobias Querbach, Rebecca Schultz, Eric Thomson and Yola Thuerer. Significant inputs to chapters, country profiles and data collection were provided by Nick Malyshev, Winona Rei Bolislis, Lorenzo Casullo, Filippo Cavassini, Manuel Flores, Shelly Hsieh, Marianna Karttunen, Guillermo Morales, Faisal Naru, Eun Kyung Park, and Camila Saffirio.

The members of the OECD Regulatory Policy Committee and BIAC provided substantial comments to the various drafts of the Outlook. The survey and indicators methodology was developed in strong co-operation with the Steering Group on Measuring Regulatory Performance through a series of meetings and consultations. The additional questions on international regulatory co-operation were developed closely with the Steering Group on International Regulatory Cooperation.

Special thanks go to members of RegWatchEurope for providing case studies of their organisation and to Andrea Renda and Rosa J. Castro for preparing a background paper on regulatory oversight that contributed insights to Chapter 3 of the Outlook.

The Regulatory Policy Outlook was prepared for publication by Jennifer Stein. It benefitted from editorial assistance from Andrea Uhrhammer and Kate Lancaster. Statistical advice was provided by Alessandro Lupi.

The work on regulatory policy is conducted under the supervision of the OECD Regulatory Policy Committee whose mandate is to assist both members and non-members in building and strengthening capacity for regulatory quality and regulatory reform. The Regulatory Policy Committee is supported by staff within the Regulatory Policy Division of the Public Governance Directorate. The directorate’s mission is to help governments at all levels design and implement strategic, evidence-based and innovative policies to strengthen public governance, respond effectively to diverse and disruptive economic, social and environmental challenges and deliver on government’s commitments to citizens.