Chapter 24

Sitting in his Pave Hawk helicopter, flanked by every single one of his men, Tyce could barely contain the rage that was tearing through him. The only thing keeping him from throwing open the door, dropping out of the chopper, and shifting to fly straight to StoneCrow Estates was his desire to conserve all of his energy for the brutal murder he intended to commit once he arrived.

He’d never found Briel. No, he’d wasted precious time chasing a decoy vehicle, a vehicle he now knew had been staged and waiting on them. The team that snatched Briel had taken her earlier and then triggered the alarms well after they’d left. Tyce and his team had gone off all half-cocked chasing that damn truck. All in some type of bird form, he and his team had flanked the blacked-out truck with dark tint on its windows. They assumed it was Briel’s kidnapper, because the fucker was tearing through one of his fields with his headlights off at nearly seventy miles an hour, which was a feat considering the snow and the dark landscape. The driver refused to stop even after Conn and Shane both took a shot at shifting to human form and standing directly in the vehicle’s path. The fucker driving just veered in another direction. It took Tyce dropping to the ground a few hundred feet in front of the truck, shifting to a massive bison, and charging the truck before it skidded to a stop. It’d been a bluff on Tyce’s part. He’d never ram a truck that held his Angel. She was a soft human, after all, and he wouldn’t risk injuring her. The driver didn’t know that though. …or maybe he did.

Tyce literally ripped the door off the truck, but when he jerked the driver out, his fist stilled mid-air when he recognized Haka. He was a Skin Walker, one of Monroe StoneCrow’s Sentries.

The second Tyce saw the man, he knew the game. Dropping Haka, he tilted his head back and roared his rage.

Now, as he sat in his helicopter, knee bouncing and fists shaking with pent-up fury, he imagined all the ways he was going to murder Monroe. Fucker had it coming for a long time, but this! This was beyond the pale, and the stupid prick should know what to expect, because he’d do the exact same if anyone touched his precious Eden.

A mental nudge indicated a Walker attempting to contact him through the mist. He ignored it. He wasn’t here to negotiate. He was at StoneCrow to do battle.

As York landed the helicopter, Tyce’s eyes flicked to the Sentry. While York had started out as one of Tyce’s men, he’d recently moved to StoneCrow Estates. Suddenly, he wondered at the man’s loyalty. His musing didn’t last long, though. York’s Angel, Sky, was back at Apex, with Aries, Pyper, Fena, Wynter, and York’s own daughter, Olivia. York was loyal to the place where was his family was, and right now that made him Tyce’s Sentry.

The helicopter set down, and as Tyce ripped the door open, Conn yelled, “King contacted me. They’re in Monroe’s office. He’s expecting you!”

He should be expecting a whole hell of a lot more than that!

Tyce had been to StoneCrow dozens of times, most recently to assist when the Estate had come under attack. And what had Monroe done in return? He’d taken Tyce’s donated blood, used it to find his Angel, forced a face-to-face with said Angel which triggered the affliction, and then he’d kidnapped her. Tyce had warned him, literally warned him not to play games with Briel! Monroe should have listened. It was decided. The first thing to go were Monroe’s ears. Tyce’s hands practically itched to rip the things from the prick’s head.

It sounded like a herd of elephants as he and his team descended the utility stairs from where they’d landed the helicopter on the landing pad on the roof of the Estate. Usually, Monroe’s own helicopter was parked there when not in use. Apparently, he’d decided to park his own elsewhere tonight. He was expecting Tyce. Good!

One last door, and then Tyce and his team were on the top floor of StoneCrow manor. This floor housed a bar/restaurant called the Crow’s Nest, and an elegant ballroom, which Tyce had laughed his ass off at the first time he’d seen it. Monroe had claimed that his people needed a venue for celebrations and gatherings. That shit had sounded so dumb back then, but now Tyce wondered if Briel would want to host Christmas parties and that type of shit.

The entire front of the building was all glass, facing out onto the Estate. The manor itself was four floors of elegant dark wood, rich navy carpeting with intricate gold designs, and deep-stack stone walls that made the place feel like a modern-day castle. Each floor had rooms and offices along one side, and each had a railing you could lean over and look all the way down to the first floor. If you leaned far out, you could see the railing of the floor beneath you. A grandiose staircase filled the center of the structure, but Tyce would have none of that. Vaulting the rail he dropped, shifting in a blink to catch air in his wings before setting down on the third floor, back in human form. Before he was even fully back in his skin, his men flanked him. Turning, he glared at the door at one end of the hall. Monroe’s office.

Before he reached the door it slowly opened and Tyce’s eyes narrowed on the goading prick grinning at him from behind his desk like he wasn’t about to fucking die.

Tyce’s feet didn’t falter, didn’t slow. Though he recognized them, Tyce ignored the seven Sentries who lined the desk on either side of Monroe.

King, Bishop, Gauge, Leto, Remy, Recker, and Baymac were currently sizing up his own Sentries. Conn, York, James, Shane, Bronco, Bragg, and Loc were ready. They knew shit was about to hit the fan, and did it ever. The second King crossed to block Monroe from Tyce’s sight, King was airborne. Tyce leaped onto Monroe’s desk – and the fucker didn’t even have the sense to move. Not even when Tyce knelt and reached for him.

Hands fisted in Monroe’s expensive suit, Tyce felt a rush of satisfaction tear through him. He jerked his arm back fast, ready to loose a devastating blow, but before he could get off a single punch to Monroe’s still-grinning face, the door behind the bastard clicked open and Briel’s soft voice gasped, “Tyce!”

His head jerked up, eyes locking on Briel where she stood beside Monroe’s Angel, Eden.

Briel instantly recoiled, and he knew exactly why. His once silver eyes would be completely blown out right now. Nothing but black would be showing and with his lip peeled back in rage, exposing his wicked incisors, he knew he looked feral. He was!

Quickly, he visually assessed Briel. She appeared unharmed and was wearing a dark navy suit with matching high heels. Beneath her suit coat, she wore a white blouse, and her hair was pulled back into a messy bun. Simple gold jewelry finished the look, and while Tyce had always thought he’d wanted someone elegant and refined like Lilly or Amanda, but he hated the look on Briel. She didn’t look like her. He liked his Briel, and he wanted her back.

Without tearing his eyes from her, he punched Monroe in the face as hard as he could.

“Tyce!” Briel cried out, but he shoved Monroe back into his chair even as the ass chuckled. Monroe had produced Briel and Eden on purpose. He knew these men wouldn’t go to war with two Angels in the room. Tyce wouldn’t either and it pissed him off. He wanted his pound of flesh, but he wanted Briel safe even more.

One leap, and he was over Monroe’s head and planted on the floor in front of Briel. She looked up at him, holding his gaze for only a moment before crushing herself to his chest and hugging him, hard.

Fuck, that felt right! Tyce lifted his arms and hugged her back, rolling his head on his shoulders to ease some of the tension that still vibrated through him. Finally, his lips came to rest beside her ear. He breathed her in before asking, “You alright?”

She nodded, and it scared him when she didn’t speak.

Gently pushing her back to hold her at arm’s length, he looked at her. “Briel?”

She nodded, looking up at him with tear-soaked eyes before finally admitting, “I was afraid they’d taken Fena too. I was so sick thinking she was afraid. When that man,” she pointed at King, and Tyce made a mental note to gut that fucker too. “When he told me Fena was safe at Apex, and that they only wanted me, I was so relieved. Then I was afraid all over again, because I didn’t know if I’d ever see Fena again. I didn’t know if I’d ever see you again.”

Her small admission was a big deal.

Behind them, Monroe spoke calmly. “So nice of you to accept my invitation.”

“I didn’t!” Tyce snapped, jerking around. Briel gripped his arm, and the fact that she was doing it like she was afraid to get left behind was the only thing keeping him from going after Monroe.

Monroe turned slowly in his chair and grinned up at Tyce. “I see she’s wearing your halo.”

Tyce didn’t respond.

Monroe dipped his head to frown up at Tyce from beneath dark brows. “I see you’re still afflicted.”

“And?” Tyce barked. “What’s your fucking endgame here, Marilyn?”

Monroe’s frown deepened at the nickname.

“You kidnapped my Angel! For what? To get me here? I’m here! What. The. Fuck. Do. You. Want?”

Eden glared up at Tyce from where she was kneeling between Monroe’s legs, dabbing at his bleeding lips with a tissue. “Show him!” she commanded.

The room dropped into darkness, and Briel grabbed Tyce like she was afraid of being ripped away. He looped an arm around her and held her tight as he Sentries closed in around them, ready for whatever came next.

Across the room, a projector screen dropped from the ceiling and a video feed began to play. It showed Apex from above. The entire acreage was in view, with the main house as a tiny dot in the center. The date in the corner was four days ago. It was the day he brought Briel to Apex.

“This is from one of our satellites.”

“Jesus,” Conn breathed. “Satellites now, Crow?”

Monroe continued undeterred. “Tyce, your affliction is a distraction. It’d be bad enough on its own, but I know Apex has shit for security. Your fault, by the way.”

Something came into view in one of the corners of the screen, and Monroe hit a remote that zoomed in. It was a vehicle.

So what!

Monroe hit his remote again. “A day later.”

The same vehicle showed, only on a different back road this time.

“And the day after that.”

It was the same vehicle, but now there were two, and they were getting closer and closer to Apex.

“And this was yesterday.”

The video showed six vehicles, all the same. They were surrounding Apex; far enough away that they wouldn’t show up on any of the surveillance Tyce had immediately surrounding the house.

The lights flicked on and the projector screen retracted into the ceiling.

“Fuck!” Conn made for the door with York fast on his heels. “We have to get back to Apex. The women are alone.”

“They’re fine,” Monroe supplied coolly. “I’ve got three teams there now.” He turned and lifted his eyebrows at Tyce mockingly. “Somebody’s gotta think with the head on his shoulders.” Turning, he reached onto his desk and grabbed a large manila envelope before tossing it to Tyce. “General Solomon was supposed to bring them Walkers, not make friends with Walkers. He made himself political enemies. Enemies that don’t like not getting what they want.” He turned his icy blue eyes on Briel. “A team of politician-hired mercenaries killed your father, Briel.” He nodded toward the envelope in Tyce’s hand and then looked hard at him. “Those are the men who are currently hunting your Angel and her sister. The last page has who hired them.” He shrugged. “We could’ve dispatched them for you easily enough. They’re sloppy as shit, and pathetically equipped. Thought you’d enjoy the honor though.”

“You couldn’t just tell me,” Tyce snarled. “A fucking phone call, something along the lines of ‘I’ve been spying on Apex and Briel is in danger!” He turned his eye on Eden. “How would you feel if I waltzed onto StoneCrow and captured her?”

Finally, Monroe’s humor fled, his gaze hardening. “Firstly, you’d never need to. I protect what’s mine. Secondly, you’d never get within a foot of my Angel without my knowing. Don’t try it, don’t even think it. You don’t have the heart, the skill, or the balls to be get near my family.” He canted his head. “And that’s because you’ve been too preoccupied with completing your bond. The need to mate Briel is clouding your judgment. I highly suggest you complete the act.”

Beside him, Briel’s body tensed. “What?”

Tyce shot Monroe a scathing look before turning to Briel. “Ignore him. He’s intentionally stirring up shit.”

“Am I?” he asked with a wicked glint in his eye.

Tyce knew Monroe had him. He could tell Briel everything Tyce had been holding back. Without waiting, he bent and lifted Briel into his arms before heading for the door, flanked by his team. “This isn’t over, Monroe.”

“He did you a favor,” Eden hurled at his back.

Tyce growled back, “He did it wrong!”