Feasibility of introducing salmon into the Yemen
Proposal submitted by Dr Alfred Jones of the National Centre for Fisheries Excellence (NCFE) to Fitzharris & Price, 28 June
Executive summary
NCFE has been invited to advise and comment to Fitzharris & Price on the feasibility of introducing migratory salmonids into the wadi systems of the Yemen. The longer-term objective is to develop opportunities for good-quality angling tourism in the country. The Arabian peninsula has a rich natural fishery offshore which is harvested by all of the Gulf States. Fishery exploitation and, increasingly, good fisheries management is well understood in the region.
However, to date, angling for sport has not been accessible to most of the population. This could in theory change, if migratory fish such as salmon could be introduced into the river system. The proposal in this instance is to introduce salmon into the Wadi Aleyn in the western Yemen, as a pilot project. The longer-term objective is to develop a managed salmon fishery in this wadi, and subsequently in other watercourses where the right conditions can be found, or created.
It is accepted that the Yemen is, in many respects, not the ideal environment into which to introduce migratory fish whose natural breeding habitat is the northern edge of the temperate zone and whose feeding grounds are in the North Atlantic. Some obvious problems include:
There are a number of other issues more technical in nature relating to the local ecosystem, lack of invertebrate life in the wadis (although there is an abundance of arthropods such as scorpions), bacterial issues, and the unknown question of predation. We speculate that buzzards, vultures and other local predators would quickly adapt to eating salmon stranded in relatively shallow water.
We have considered various closed-system models and our current proposals, based on desktop research only, are as follows:
At this stage we have not attempted to cost this project until the client has had a chance to consider and comment on the outline concept we have presented. We estimate that, excluding NCFE time and project management charges, the capital costs of this project would be in the region of £5 million. We have not yet considered operating costs. We await the client’s further instructions.
Fitzharris & Price
Land Agents & Consultants
St James’s Street
Dr Alfred Jones
National Centre for Fisheries Excellence
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
Smith Square
6 July
Dear Dr Jones,
Thank you for the project proposal, which was received here on 2.9 June. Our client, who is at present in the UK, has now had an opportunity to consider the document and wishes to discuss the matter with you in person. I may say that he was extremely positive about the professional and constructive manner in which you have addressed the brief.
Please would you be kind enough to sign the attached confidentiality agreement, to allow us to disclose further information to you regarding our client and the project. Once
I have received the signed copy I will then be in touch with you regarding a further meeting.
Yours sincerely,
(Ms) Harriet Chetwode-Talbot
7 July
I thought you would like to know that relations between myself and David Sugden are once again amicable. I have submitted an outline feasibility proposal on the Yemen salmon project to Fitzharris & Price. I have received a very warm and, frankly, enthusiastic response. I met David Sugden by the coffee machine today (by accident? he sort of turned up while I was dialling in a cappuccino, so he had one too and we chatted for a bit). He said, as far as I can remember, ‘We were all pretty impressed by that paper you put up to Fitzharris & Price. Visionary stuff. This could be a very high-profile project in due course.’
I mumbled something, you know I can’t stand flattery, and asked if it was OK to sign the confidentiality agreement before we go any further. He said yes, and actually patted me on the shoulder. He’s not a very tactile person and that was really quite demonstrative for him.
The thing is, if I’d just rolled over for David when he first asked me to get involved in the project, he would just have taken my work for granted and not considered it anything special. Because I made a bit of a fuss—in order to test his own commitment to such an unusual project—he now thinks he has won a great battle and is one hell of a good manager. The reality is that if one knows how to handle these apparatchiks you can get them to eat out of your hand. Hope all is going well in Geneva, and that you will be home soon. Missing you.
Alfred XXXXX
7 July
Could you go to the dry-cleaners in the High Street and pick up a load of stuff I didn’t have time to collect before I got on the plane. Perhaps you could get it sent out here by Fedex or DHL as I am a bit short of things to wear and they haven’t yet found anyone to replace the guy whose job I am doing? Thanks in advance.
Things are fine here, rather hard work, but I think I am being appreciated. I’m not quite sure when I will be back in the
UK yet.
PS: Please make sure you collect the dry-cleaning tonight and send it latest tomorrow a.m.
PPS: Glad to hear you are sorting out your problems with DS.
7 July
I thought you’d like to know that the (previously reluctant) scientist I wanted to work on this project is now eating out of my hand. I fed him some ideas on how to approach the work and he has come up with quite a reasonable first stab at the proposal, which has been welcomed by the client. I’ll keep you posted. Feel free to pass this on up the line if you think you should.
Yrs ever
8 July
I thought it best to update you on the Yemen project (if you don’t recall, it was to do with salmon). We’ve taken a step forward and it is ready to kick off. I don’t think we’ll talk to the media about it yet, though. I want to see whether it is really going to happen before we risk any exposure on what is, after all, a rather unusual story. On the other hand, we all know that most civil servants leak like sieves and no doubt fisheries scientists are no better or worse than the rest of them. We want to make sure that when this gets out, we tell it in our own words and make it clear whose initiative it is (yours).
I’ll update you as soon as I hear anything.
PS: I never asked. Do you know how to fish?