There are many books that help you when you want to quit drinking, but I’ve never been able to find one that serves as an ongoing support tool for the alcohol-free life ahead of you. That’s why I wrote The Sober Survival Guide, to be your friend as you travel the path to complete freedom from alcohol. In a way, Part Two of this book is the advice I wish I’d had myself.
Even if you’ve managed to put alcohol out of your life, there will be days when you feel as if you can’t do without it. Going to your first sober wedding or holiday are key examples, but sometimes you’ll just think, ‘I can’t carry on.’ This happens to all of us, so don’t worry – my goal here is to give you the support you need to deal with whatever comes up.
I’ve spent well over a year researching the most common issues that arise, and in the following chapters, I address them in turn. Each is based on a specific problem, so I suggest you dip in and out of this part of the book as you need it. For this reason, there is some repetition across a few of the chapters, as I’m keen to make sure all the relevant information is there for you wherever you’re looking for it; that’s not a problem as it often takes a few tries for a message to sink in. It’s also a good idea to keep the book handy, as it’s your go-to emergency guide whenever you find life without drinking to be a struggle.
As well as speaking from my own experience, I’ve drawn on the testimonies of the thousands of people I’ve helped on their own journeys through both my coaching and my online group. What’s more, to give you different perspectives and to reinforce the fact that you’re in good company, you’ll see that at various points I share quotes and comments from my Be Sober Facebook group. Thousands of other people are asking the same questions and facing the same challenges as you.
Sober Facebook groups are usually private groups, meaning nobody other than your group co-members can see what you post. This allows you to reach out to the community with confidentiality and confidence. Asking questions in these groups can give you fast feedback on your specific question or issue, and you’ll receive a range of responses from a diverse mix of people at different stages of sobriety. Groups are also a great place to meet new friends who you have something in common with.
With all of that said, nothing in this book is intended to be a substitute for medical advice, and if you have any cause for concern around withdrawal symptoms, your health in general, or your mental well-being after you’ve quit drinking, please visit your doctor.