Acknowledgments and More
The verse of W. H. Vanstone’s hymn included with the quotations in the front of this novel is taken from Love’s Endeavour, Love’s Expense by W. H. Vanstone, published and copyright 1977 by Darton, Longman and Todd Ltd., London, and used by permission of the publishers.
Special thanks to Alice and Hebe Wilcock, whose tireless and ingenious researches in the field of medieval monastic and medical detail helped so much and whose intimate familiarity with the life and times of the Benedictines of St Alcuin’s Abbey saved me some unfortunate gaffes.
And I am given to understand that Brother Conradus would like to offer his most humble and hearty thanks for the recipe he found in my Country Living magazine for sorrel and spinach quiche. He says nettles will do just as well as spinach, but you do have to pick them young—and please use only the tops.