I SQUANDERED the greater part of my paternal inheritance in youthful dissipation; but at length I saw my folly, and became convinced that riches were not of much use, when applied to such purposes as those to which I had devoted them; and I reflected that the time I spent in dissipation was of still greater value than gold, and that nothing could be more truly deplorable than poverty in old age. I recollected the words of the wise Solomon, which my father had often repeated to me,—that it is better to be in the grave than poor. Feeling the truth of this reflection, I resolved to collect the small remains of my patrimony and to sell my goods by auction. I then formed connections with some merchants who trafficked by sea, and consulted those who appeared best able to give me advice. In short, I determined to employ to some profit the small sum I had remaining; and no sooner was this resolution formed than I put it into execution. I repaired to Balsora, where I embarked with several merchants in a vessel which had been equipped at our united expense.
“We set sail, and steered towards the East Indies by the Persian Gulf, which is formed by the coast of Arabia Felix on the right, and the Persian shore on the left. It is commonly supposed to be seventy leagues in breadth in the widest part. Beyond this gulf, the Western Sea or Indian Ocean is very spacious, and is bounded by the coast of Abyssinia, extending in length four thousand five hundred leagues to the island of Vakvak. I was at first troubled with the sickness that attacks voyagers by sea; but I soon recovered my health, and I have never afterwards been subject to that malady. In the course of our voyage we touched at several islands, and sold or exchanged our merchandise. One day, when our vessel was in full sail, we were unexpectedly becalmed before a small island which appeared just above the water, and in its verdure resembled a beautiful meadow. The captain ordered the sails to be lowered, and gave permission to those passengers who wished it to go ashore, and of this number I formed one. But while we were regaling ourselves with eating and drinking, and enjoying ourselves after the fatigues we had endured at sea, the island suddenly trembled, and we felt a severe shock.
“The people who had remained in the ship perceived the earthquake in the island, and immediately called us to re-embark as soon as possible, or we should all perish; for that what we supposed to be an island was nothing but the back of a whale. The most active of the party jumped into the boat, whilst others threw themselves into the water, to swim to the ship; as for me, I was still on the island, or, more properly speaking, on the whale, when it dived below the surface; and I had only time to seize a piece of wood which had been brought to make a fire with, when the monster disappeared beneath the waves. Meantime the captain, willing to avail himself of a fair breeze, which had sprung up, set sail with those who had reached his vessel, and left me to the mercy of the waves. I remained in this deplorable situation the whole of that day and the following night. On the return of morning, I had neither strength nor hope left; but a breaker happily threw me on an island. The shore was high and steep, and I should have found great difficulty in landing, had not some roots of trees, which fortune seemed to have furnished for my preservation, assisted me. I threw myself on the ground, where I continued lying more than half dead till the sun rose.
“Though extremely enfeebled by the fatigues I had undergone, I still tried to creep about in search of some herb or fruit that might satisfy my hunger. I found some, and had also the good luck to meet with a stream of excellent water, which contributed not a little to my recovery. Having in a great measure regained my strength, I began to explore the island, and entered a beautiful plain, where I perceived a horse grazing. I bent my steps towards it, trembling between fear and joy, for I could not ascertain whether I was advancing to safety or perdition. I remarked, as I approached, that the creature was a mare tied to a stake; her beauty attracted my attention; but whilst I was admiring her I heard from underground the voice of a man, who shortly after appeared, and, coming to me, asked me who I was. I related my adventure to him; whereupon he took me by the hand, and led me into a cave, where I found some other persons, who were not less astonished to see me than I was to meet them there.
“I ate some food which they offered me; and upon my asking them what they did in a place which appeared so barren, they replied that they were grooms to King Mihragè, who was the sovereign of that isle; and that they came hither every year, about this season, with some mares belonging to the king, for the purpose of having a breed between them and a sea-horse which came on shore at that spot. They tied up the mares as I had seen, because they were obliged almost immediately, by their cries, to drive back the sea-horse, which otherwise began to tear the mares in pieces. As soon as the mares were with foal they carried them back, and the colts were called sea-colts, and set apart for the king’s use. They told me that the morrow was the day fixed for their departure, and if I had been one day later I must certainly have perished; because they lived so far off that it was impossible to reach their habitations without a guide.
“Whilst they were talking to me, the horse rose out of the sea, as they had described, and immediately attacked the mares. He would have torn them to pieces; but the grooms began to make such a noise that he let go his prey, and again plunged into the ocean.
“The following day they returned, with the mares, to the capital of the island, whither I accompanied them. On our arrival, King Mihragè, to whom I was presented, asked me who I was, and by what chance I had reached his dominions; and when I had satisfied his curiosity, he expressed pity at my misfortune. At the same time, he gave orders that I should be taken care of, and be supplied with everything I might want. These orders were executed in a manner that proved alike the king’s generosity and the exactness of his officers.
“As I was a merchant, I associated with persons of my own profession. I sought, in particular, such as were foreigners, partly to hear some intelligence of Baghdad, and partly in the hope of meeting some one with whom I could return; for the capital of King Mihragè is situated on the sea-coast, and has a beautiful port, where vessels from all parts of the world daily arrive. I also sought the society of the Indian sages, and found great pleasure in their conversation; but this did not prevent me from attending at court very regularly, nor from conversing with the governors of provinces, and some less powerful kings, tributaries of Mihragè, who were about his person. They asked me a thousand questions about my country; and I was not less inquisitive about the laws and customs of their different states, or whatever particulars appeared to merit my curiosity.
“In the dominions of King Mihragè there is an island, called Cassel. I had been told that in that island there was heard every night the sound of cymbals, and this had given rise to the sailors’ opinion that Degial had chosen that spot for his residence. I felt a great desire to witness these wonders. During my voyage, I also saw some fish of one and two hundred cubits in length, which occasion much fear, but do no harm: they are so timid that men frighten them away by beating on a board. I remarked also some other fish that were not above a cubit long, and whose heads resembled that of an owl.
“After I returned, as I was standing one day near the port, I saw a ship come towards the land. When the crew had cast anchor, they began to unload its goods, and the merchants to whom the cargo belonged took it away to their warehouses. Happening to cast my eyes on some of the packages, I saw my name written thereon, and, having attentively examined them, I recognised them as the same which I had embarked in the ship in which I left Balsora. I also recollected the captain; but as I felt assured that he thought me dead, I went up to him, and asked him to whom those parcels belonged. ‘I had on board with me,’ replied he, ‘a merchant of Baghdad, named Sindbad. One day, when we were near an island, or at least what appeared to be one, he went ashore, with some other passengers, on this supposed island, which was nothing but an enormous whale that had fallen asleep on the surface of the water. The fish no sooner felt the heat of a fire they lighted on its back to cook their provisions, than it began to move and flounce about in the sea. Most of the persons who were on it were drowned, and the unfortunate Sindbad was one of the number. These parcels belonged to him; and I have resolved to sell them, that if I meet with any of his family I may be able to pay over to them the profit I shall have made on the principal.’ ‘Captain,’ said I then, ‘I am that Sindbad, whom you supposed dead, but who is still alive; and these parcels are my property and merchandise.’
“When the captain of the vessel heard me speak thus, he exclaimed, ‘Great God! whom shall I trust? There is no longer truth in man! With my own eyes I saw Sindbad perish; the passengers I had on board were also witnesses of his death; and you have the assurance to say that you are that same Sindbad? What impudence is this! At first sight you appeared a man of probity and honour; yet you assert an impious falsity, to possess yourself of some merchandise which does not belong to you.’ ‘Have patience,’ replied I, ‘and do me the favour to listen to what I have to say.’ ‘Well,’ cried he, ‘what can you have to say? Speak, and I will hear.’ I then related in what manner I had been saved, and by what accident I had met with King Mihragè’s grooms, who had brought me to his court.
“The captain was rather staggered at my discourse, but was soon convinced that I was not an impostor; for some people who arrived from his ship knew me, and began to congratulate me on my fortunate escape. At last he recollected me himself, and embracing me, exclaimed, ‘Heaven be praised that you have happily escaped from that great peril. I cannot express the pleasure I feel at your safety. Here are your goods; take them, for they are yours, and do with them what you like.’ I thanked him, and praised his honourable conduct, and, by way of acknowledgment, I begged him to accept part of the merchandise; but he refused to take anything.
“I selected the most precious and valuable things in my bales as presents for King Mihragè. As this prince had been informed of my misfortunes, he asked me where I had obtained such rare curiosities. I related to him the manner in which I had recovered my property, and he had the condescension to express his joy at my good fortune. He accepted my presents, and gave me others of far greater value. Hereupon I took my leave of him, and re-embarked in the same vessel in which I had come; having first exchanged what merchandise remained for products of the country, consisting of aloes and sandal wood, camphor, nutmegs, cloves, pepper, and ginger. We touched at several islands, and at last landed at Balsora, from whence I came here, having realised about a hundred thousand sequins. I returned to my family, and was received by them with the joy of true and sincere friendship. I purchased slaves of both sexes, and bought a magnificent house and grounds. Thus I established myself, determined to forget the hardships I had endured, and to enjoy the pleasures of life.”

Sindbad in the tub.
Thus Sindbad concluded the story of his first voyage; and he ordered the musicians to go on with their concert, which he had interrupted by the recital of his history. The company continued to feast till night approached; and when it was time to separate, Sindbad ordered a purse containing a hundred sequins to be brought to him, and gave it to the porter, with these words: “Take this, Hindbad; return to your home, and come again to-morrow, to hear the continuation of my history.” The porter retired quite confused by the honour conferred on him, and the present he had received. The account he gave of his adventure to his wife and children rejoiced them greatly, and they did not fail to return thanks to Providence for the bounties bestowed by means of Sindbad.

“Hindbad dressed himself in his best clothes on the following day, and betook himself to the house of his liberal patron, who received him with smiling looks and a friendly air. As soon as the guests all had arrived the feast was served, and they sat down to eat. When the repast was over, Sindbad thus addressed his guests. ‘My friends, I request you to have the kindness to listen to me while I relate the adventures of my second voyage. They are more worthy of your attention than were those of my first.’ The company were silent, and Sindbad began to speak as follows:”