Otherwise known as Sunday, 10.13 am.
The Jets were finishing up an EMERGENCY training session that Charlotte had called as everyone was leaving yesterday’s match. CJ thought an EMERGENCY training session sounded like too much hard work so he’d suggested it be held at Jindaberg Beach. There were NO COMPLAINTS. Except from Charlotte. But they were meant to be co-captains, so CJ was glad that she backed down on this one. Plus, at the time, everyone was super keen to agree on a plan to get off the windy pitch after the contents of a garbage bin had blown all over them.
Fortunately, the wind had died down overnight and the morning’s football practice had been a welcome change of scenery. As the session drew to a close, Charlotte gathered all the puffing, sweaty Jets together and used a stick to draw a mini football pitch in the sand. With everyone’s eyes down, Benji gave CJ a wink and snuck away. He’d borrowed one of his father’s precious homemade costumes from the Jindaberg Drama Club and was moments away from using it. Although probably not quite in a way his dad would’ve approved.
‘Thanks again for coming along, everyone,’ said Charlotte. ‘Sorry we haven’t had a chance to have a swim yet, Paul.’
‘Hmmf,’ replied the Paulveriser – a larger lad – who’d turned up wearing bright yellow Budgy Smugglers. What was the word CJ’s mum would have used to describe it if she’d still been around? Unflattering. That’s right. The look was UTTERLY unflattering.
Charlotte checked her watch, ‘Okay. Before we finish up, we have just enough time to go through yesterday’s missed goals.’
Do we have to? thought CJ. I’d rather sit on an echidna … Nude.
‘Imagine this dead crab is Lexi.’ Charlotte plonked the crab on the sand.
‘Eww. I do NOT wanna be a dead crab!’ squealed Lexi, then patted her cheeks. ‘I think you’ll find this skin is anything but crab-like.’
‘Hey, I don’t think it’s dead!’ laughed CJ, as the crab walked sideways across the six-yard box. ‘Could’ve used him yesterday.’
‘Might’ve been a straighter kick,’ said Saanvi, as she shot a look at CJ.
That shut CJ up. Especially given Saanvi probably wasn’t the only one thinking it.
CJ took a step away from the group and glanced around, wondering if Benji was in position for the prank. CJ couldn’t see him. That was a good sign.
Charlotte began drawing arrows on the pitch between the sea objects, ‘Okay, so this brown seaweed is CJ.’
‘Double eww,’ said Lexi, holding her nose. ‘I think CJ is doggie doo.’
Seems about right, thought CJ.
Either way, Charlotte started explaining where they’d gone wrong. Antonio, Fahad, May and all the other players listened intently. Charlotte’s thoughts tumbled out her mouth. Clearly, she’d analysed the game A HUNDRED DIFFERENT WAYS the night before, in between her many family duties and strict homework schedule.
As Charlotte drew a long line towards the pier, CJ and the other Jets’ eyes were drawn to the water. Morning light danced on the waves lapping at the shore.
Charlotte sighed. Only CJ noticed. The other Jets were too busy either checking out the water, soaking up the sun, or in the Paulveriser’s case, adjusting his wedgie.
‘Sorry, Charlotte, but maybe that’s enough for today, yeah?’ said CJ.
‘Okay. Fine,’ agreed Charlotte, checking her watch again. ‘I’m due back home in seven minutes to mow the lawn anyway.’
But before that, it was time for CJ’s part of Benji’s cunning plan. Here goes …‘So, um. Why don’t we all cool off with a bit of a swim, hey?’
‘Good call, CJ!’
‘Out of my way! I’m cannonballing off the jetty,’ yelled the Paulveriser, stomping through the sand.
‘Nice!’ sniggered CJ. It was all falling into place.
The Jets left CJ and Charlotte behind on the beach, cheering as they all chased after the Paulveriser along the pier. ‘Last one in is a rotten egg!’
There was no mistaking the first one in …
The Paulveriser crashed into the water sending gallons of spray back up onto the pier. Then the other Jets jumped in after him. There were splashes everywhere.
‘So, this is your contribution to our training session, is it?’ asked Charlotte, arms crossed. ‘Suggesting everyone does cannonballs –’
Then someone screamed, ‘SHAAAARK!’
‘What?!’ shrieked Charlotte, yanking CJ’s arm, dragging him to the edge of the water for a closer look.
‘SHAAAAAARK!’ cried Antonio, as he and the other Jets splashed around furiously beside the pier. White water flew in all directions. CJ glimpsed a fin.
Then the Paulveriser stuck his head out of the water and bawled, ‘Help! I’m like a human happy meal, here!’
The Jets swam for the shore. Their arms and legs CRASHING through the water.
As CJ waited on the beach, Charlotte bolted into the water. She desperately helped her teammates onto the sand, dragging them to safety. In seconds, most were on the beach.
Then the Paulveriser called out from behind the waves! ‘I’m stuck! Help!’
The fin popped in and out of the water nearby. ‘Whoa, that looks super spooky,’ said CJ.
‘Paul’s beached himself, we’ve got to do something!’ said Charlotte, grabbing the football and BOOTING it hard in the direction of the shark.
The ball smacked into the grey shape. But Charlotte was too busy rolling the Paulveriser away from danger to check what she’d hit.
A wave pushed the shape closer to shore.
It emerged from the waves. Unsteady. Water cascaded down its sides.
‘A walking shark!’ gasped Lexi. ‘This’ll go viral. Let me get my iPad!’
As the falling water became just a trickle, all that was revealed underneath was a scrawny kid wearing a sopping wet grey onesie. A shark costume onesie. And a very lame one at that.
CJ burst out laughing.
Benji poked his head out of the costume. ‘Gotcha!’
The Jets, who were catching their breath on the beach, quickly pieced it all together. A few laughed. Others rolled their eyes. The Paulveriser looked keen to take a shark bite out of Benji himself, but was puffing too hard to move.
‘What is wrong with you two?’ yelled Charlotte.
‘Just a prank, dude,’ said Benji, shaking water off like a dog.
‘The un-funniest prank I’ve EVER seen,’ snapped Charlotte, ripping Benji’s shark head off and slamming it into the sand.
‘Come on, we were just mucking around,’ said CJ. ‘You’re only cracking it cos we gotcha good! It was hilarious!’
‘Classic!’ laughed Benji.
‘Yeah, real funny. I thought my friends were in danger!’ Charlotte sighed, then something occurred to her. ‘No wonder neither of you were focused during training.’
‘Come on, don’t get your knickers in a pot,’ said CJ.
‘You mean KNOT!’ yelled Charlotte. ‘I’m sick of this. And I’m not alone. Highpants is freaking out too! So, start taking football seriously or we’ll never shake this losing streak. That goes for EVERYONE!’
The other Jets didn’t dare meet Charlotte’s eyes, but a few looked at CJ. They were miffed at the prank and seemed to blame him for being the one who sent them into the water.
Charlotte checked her watch. ‘This afternoon I’m setting aside seventeen and a half minutes to rethink our whole approach. And make no mistake … things are going to change. BIG TIME.’
Charlotte grabbed her bag and stormed off.
Lexi whispered to CJ, ‘I’m more scared now than when I thought there was a shark chasing me.’
‘Think I’d prefer a shark,’ said CJ.