
Chapter Twenty-Five. Enemy of the Horde




“LEVEL ONE HUNDRED ninety three! Coruler, did you see that?!” the Engineer girl couldn’t hold back an astonished comment right after the Miyelonian Brawler left to gather his team.

The redhead’s spontaneity had begun to amuse me. I think I really will keep San-Sano in the crew. If of course she’s worth anything as an Engineer.

“I’ve seen higher-level and stronger players. I even defeated that same one before. See, his tail is pinned to my helmet.”

“Wow!” she said, only just having noticed the Miyelonian trophy tails. “It’s cool that you... But Coruler, what’s happening? Why are all the Miyelonians running around like crazy?”

As a matter of fact, the group of five First Pride troops in high-tech armored white spacesuits was dashing past us toward the docking airlock with blades in their back sheathes and guns in their hands.

“They’re preparing for battle,” I answered with all the ambivalence I could muster. “Our starship is just about to get boarded and the Miyelonians are getting ready to greet the invaders.”

“Well, well!” San-Sano led a gaze over another group of Miyelonians who were rushing and reloading their weapons as they walked. “It’s fun out here in space. You never get bored. Don’t you think I should... you know... have some kind of weapon so I can help defend the starship?”

“You?” I couldn’t hold back a smile. “Are you a Space Commando or Shocktroop? No? Then best leave that to the professionals. Those Miyelonians in white are the best hand-to-hand fighters in the Universe and will be just fine without you. Better you run over to the power unit and shield generator,” I said, motioning down the corridor and even placing markers on the devices. “There’s a very intricate coupling between the units there and your mission is to keep it all in working order. Honestly, everything is written in Meleyephatian and Miyelonian, but with good Intelligence and high enough skills, you’ll be able to figure it out. So go study the ship systems, given you’re now the only Engineer on our frigate. If you can handle that, then consider yourself part of the team.”

San-Sano shrieked for joy and shot off like a bullet. I then strolled through the frigate. The corpses from the recent battle were already disappearing one after the next, but the traces of destruction remained. Walls shot full of holes, doors blasted off their hinges, damaged hardware. We’d have to go back in for repair, which was turning into a nasty tradition. Although, maybe I could get the Union of Miyelonian Prides to shell out for it? After all, that was my condition for bringing their soldiers in to detain the Meleyephatian Horde’s spies. Honestly, that was all merely spoken, and I didn’t ever get any written confirmation from the Miyelonians. Thinking those unhappy thoughts, I walked over to the gunner cabin of the right fuselage.

Gunner Eeeezzz 777 had already taken his place despite the amputated limbs. The other Gunner position was taken by a First Pride soldier, whose name and game class I couldn’t see. I walked up closer to the gunners, wondering if the monitors were still alright. Well, well. Would you look at that! Even though everything had been blasted to smithereens on the captain’s bridge, and it was utterly impossible to steer the ship from there, a large portion of the frigate’s hardware was still in operation, namely the locators and targeting systems. And the targeting system monitors were precisely how I finally managed to see what was going on in nearby space.

The Kurimiru shuttle, abandoned by its crew was drifting slowly away from Tamara the Paladin, already at a distance of two hundred fifty miles. But I saw three new markers that were much closer. A landing module big enough to hold ten or twelve soldiers was quickly approaching our frigate. Meanwhile, one hundred twenty miles from Tamara the Paladin on a course parallel to ours were two small starships: a Tiopeo-Myhh II interceptor, and a Shiamiru shuttle for some reason, though it had been reoutfitted from the standard cargo-passenger model into some semblance of a combat ship. I couldn’t believe my eyes. These pirates really had some nerve. Two ships of such a small size could fit a crew of fifteen to twenty players at best. And they had come to capture a twinbody frigate, which should have been crewed by a team of forty fighters? And that was to say nothing of my ship’s incomparably greater firepower!

“Get ready to shoot the interceptor on my command!” I said into the microphone, addressing all gunners on the frigate, both on the right and left sides. “I’ll place a targeting marker, toss on a stasis net and hyperdrive blocker so the interceptor can’t get away. After we destroy the Tiopeo-Myhh II, turn right to the Shiamiru.”

Eeeezzz 777 verbally confirmed he received the order. The First Pride player then raised his right paw to signal that he had also heard my command.

Authority increased to 79!

The frigate gave a light shudder, meaning the boarding shuttle had touched down. These dumbshits couldn’t figure out how to get wet in a rainstorm! They didn’t even reduce speed before landing! They’re gonna break off my docking node like that! But before the pirates started cutting into my plating with their plasma torches, I took out my captain’s tablet and opened the third docking airlock to let our “guests” inside.

What next? The time had come! I had been preparing for a while and, right after opening the airlock, I activated my frigate’s combat electronics. I could have also been controlling this via the captain’s tablet, but I preferred to work mentally. At this point I was just more accustomed to it, and it used a larger number of skills, which helped me level.

Target markers on both enemy ships! A stasis net on the interceptor! Block the enemy’s hyperspace drive!


Targeting skill increased to level forty-four!

Electronics skill increased to level eighty-five!

Sharpshooter skill increased to level forty-six!

Psionic skill increased to level one hundred six!

Machine Control skill increased to level one hundred four!

You have reached level ninety-seven!

You have received three skill points (total points accumulated: fifteen).

Gorgeous! A combined volley from nine laser cannons made the enemy interceptor bloom like a flower of fire, lighting up near space with the flash of a nuclear explosion when their power unit blew. The nine hits might have been enough to take down the light interceptor on their own but, based on the Sharpshooter skill boost, I also landed a crit. That worked out great!

Now to direct my combat electronics at the Shiamiru... Son of a bitch! We weren’t fast enough! As if it was already in a low take-off state, the shuttle stretched out in a long line of light, entering a hyperspace tunnel. That pilot must have had high Danger Sense, no two ways about it.

But I didn’t sulk. The pirate ships were out of our hair, and that was what mattered! Now we needed to deal with the landing party. I took the Miyelonian Journalist’s video camera out of my inventory and ran over to the third docking airlock, which the pirates were just about to crawl out of. Yes, that was no mistake! I didn’t get my weapon ready, because I understood perfectly well that this would not be a battle as such. But I did think it would be good to get footage of the fearsome pirates bursting into the ship hooting and hollering only to find themselves face to face with the fearsome First Pride.

Oh wow, very flashy! The fifteen stock-still and tense Miyelonians were standing in two rows, the first kneeling. Before them was a unidirectional forcefield flickering with multicolored sparks. Their fifteen barrels were aimed at the metal hatch, and its handle was already turning to open the airlock door. I got a better grip on the camera so I wouldn’t miss the action. Okay, here we go!

A powerful blow blasted the hatch open, and three whooping Miyelonians ran into the corridor then immediately fell to the floor all at once. The tone of their hollering immediately shifted from threatening cry to howl of pain. By all appearances, the trio had been attempting to make a quick burst and get behind the ship’s defenders, but slammed painfully into the forcefield, perhaps breaking some bones in the process.

The ten pirates that followed them – one huge Geckho, two armored Trillians and seven Miyelonians, all of them from the Pride of the Bushy Shadow – proved more cautious and didn’t rush in. But the look on their snouts when they saw the well-prepared First Pride was in a league all its own! Different space races, different facial muscles, but still the expression of distress on their snouted faces looked very similar. And no, there was no fear, not even a little bit. They just looked surprised, disappointed and most of all mad at the injustice of fate – they were counting on a rich haul and capturing a valuable starship, but all they got was a massive let-down!

I had seen similar visages just once in my life – on me and my two university friends when we all showed up to the birthday party of a common acquaintance, a female classmate with loose morals. She promised us a fun night with wine, dancing and lots of pretty girls. But we didn’t have a pass to get into her dormitory, so we waited until dark then climbed up to a second-story cornice where the girls had left a corridor window propped open for us to get around the ill-tempered watch-lady downstairs. Once we got inside, we started proudly strutting toward their room with shouts of joy. There was loud music coming from inside and... we ran straight into the disgruntled dormitory headmaster and two police officers who had come after a neighbor complained about the noise.

“Weapons on the floor!” Gerd Lekku commanded, and none of the pirates dared disobey.

Just the leader of the attack remained standing with blades in hand. I knew him well. It was Gerd Abi Pan-Miay, aka Big Abi, leader of the Pride of the Bushy Shadow. I saw the fearsome Brawler, fiancé of the Great One, grow stern and give a threatening squint. He was not accustomed to having his orders disobeyed. Big Abi had just half a second left to live.

“Wait!” I shouted, stepping out in front, the unidirectional forcefield letting me through without the least bit of resistance. “The pirate leader would be happy to surrender and drop his weapons, but I’m controlling his mind. Gerd Lekku, wait a second. I have a small personal matter to attend to with Big Abi.”

The red-armored fighter lowered his barrel, and his example was followed by the other Miyelonian defenders.

Authority increased to 80!

For starters, I took the limply frozen pirate leader’s always swanky scimitars from his paws. Say what you like, but this tomcat knew his way around a blade! Now Gerd Ayni would be getting a set of magnificent daggers to compliment the ones already owned by Tini my kitten and Imran the Gladiator. I stashed the valuable weapons in my inventory and, checking the video cameras one last time, walked a circle around the pirate leader, getting a close-up of his snarling face. The white-garbed Miyelonians next to me were already tying up the other pirates, tightening plastic ties around their paws and placing an adhesive strip laced with paralyzing toxin on their snouts. I then was savoring my moment of triumph:

“I was worried after the official war between the Relict Faction and the Pride of the Bushy Shadow ended without me and Big Abi getting to meet in person. But here I get a personal visit. What a delight! And you’re attacking my frigate in open space, by the same token unbinding my hands! What you said before about duels between psionics and melee fighters was absolutely correct. But where’s you’re mental protection now, Gerd Abi? Where at the very least is your tinfoil hat, or stockpot helmet? Instead you... aha! Changed into some fancier rings for the Agility bonuses!”

I did not hesitate to enrich my stock of “magic jewelry” with his two +2 Agility gold rings. Not a bad haul! After stashing the valuable loot, I continued my monologue into the microphone:

“In my world, we have something called the Darwin Awards. Every year they get handed out to the person who accidentally caused their own death in the stupidest way. This year, I suppose the top candidate will be leader of the Pride of the Bushy Shadow, Gerd Abi Pan-Miay. You really should have thought it through before deciding to try and board a starship loaded with First Pride warriors! And this dunce came raring for a fight with a psionic, but took absolutely no precautions and brought no mental protection! Just look at the way you’ve been pulverized, Big Abi! You used to have a whole fleet, a pirate pride of your own that was feared and respected. But now you come to attack with nothing but one interceptor and a hastily refit cargo ship! What, did your treasure trove on the ice comet in the C9004/AW system run dry? That’s right, I know about your secret treasure. Your own pirates told me their captain’s secret, hoping I’d give them a share. And have no doubts – your hiding spot has already been cleared out.”

I was purposely mocking the fearsome pirate to make him think about his hidden treasure, the coordinates of which we had found on a piece of plastic and then worked out with Navigator Ayukh. I wanted to know whether there was anything left there, or if Big Abi already gone and got it.

“Hate. Burning, immolating. An enemy until the end of my days. I’ll get my revenge, even if it kills me! An image of a small heavenly body, a shard of a planetoid. Ice. The cold of space. An aura of debris particles travelling almost at the speed of light sparkling around a small black hole. Yes, there. Not too deep. Frozen in ice. A container of...”

Aw, dammit! The mental link was broken before I got to the most important part – what was the valuable object hidden in the pirate’s treasure? But I had bigger concerns than reading my captive’s mind. Gerd Abi was doing everything in his power to free himself from the invisible shackles. He was prepared to break all his bones if that was what it took! I had to put all my effort forward to keep control over the mind of the raving captive. But I did understand the biggest part: based on his fitful bursts and the stream of burning hatred directed at me, there must have been something still hidden beneath the surface of the ice asteroid. Okay then, we’d have to fly over to the neighboring star system and check it out. But for now... I picked up the knife and cut off the pirate leader’s tail very carefully, at the very root:

Tail of Gerd Abi Pan-Miay, level-151 Starship Pilot (trophy).

ATTENTION!!! Gerd Abi Pan-Miay’s danger rating has fallen to seven!

Fame increased to 91.

I saw no sense in continuing to hold him mentally and handed the wailing pirate leader off into the competent paws of the First Pride. They quickly twisted his arms, cuffed him and “switched him off” by placing a tranquilizing adhesive strip on his tongue. Gerd Lekku promised me that the dangerous pirate would not be in a state to do anything or go into the real world for the next four to five days. From there, the courts would decide his fate. Considering the conclusive evidence of his attacking a neutral starship, the head of the pirate pride risked a lengthy prison term. But if his bank account had enough crypto in it, he might get away with just a large fine. In any case, I had five days at the very least to repair my starship and visit the pirate treasure.

“Captain, we is have Miyelonian guest!” The voice in my helmet belonged to Meleyephatian Gunner Gerd Eeeezzz 777. I hurried over to the monitor.

Okay then, that was easy to predict. The nuclear blast in space caught someone’s attention, and a squad of Miyelonian fighter ships from Kasti-Utsh III was already heading in our direction.

Gerd Lekku had a talk with station leadership, which I was not present for. The Great One’s fiancé told me only the result of their discussion: my frigate Tamara the Paladin would be towed with all prisoners on board to the Kasti-Utsh III space station and allowed to skip the line. Once inside, the repair would be carried out with Miyelonian funds.

My ship was already being dragged down the station’s maneuver tunnel by the gravity crane when a flickering bright red portion of system messages appeared before my eyes:

ATTENTION!!! The Meleyephatian Horde’s opinion of Free Captain Leng Gnat has fallen to the level of “hate!” You are no longer allowed to enter Meleyephatian Horde space. Henceforth, access to all space stations and planets belonging to the Meleyephatians and all their vassals will be denied! If you come across any Meleyephatian Horde ships in space, your starship will be attacked on sight!