So many people supported the creation of this book. First, thanks to my wonderful family: my husband, Todd Majidzadeh (who continues to love and encourage me despite my going back for a third helping of crazy); my kids, Timothy, Kate, and Trey; my parents, David and Cathy Hough and Mary Lee and Tom Hedrick; and my many dear cousins across the country!
The incredible, improvisational ImprovEdge Ensemble: Melissa Smolko (who runs this place), April Olt, Christy Fryman, Jason Sudy, Dionysia Williams, Erika Jackson, David Thompson, Brooke Cartus, Mike Everett-Lane, Jamie Pachino, Michael Shepperd, Michelle Wilson, Sonda Staley, Dan Montour, Christy Wurdack, and Randy Carr.
The ATD team was fantastic: Tim Ito, Ann Parker, Clara Von Ins, Kathryn Stafford (whose steady hand kept me focused), Melissa Jones, Caroline Coppel, Julia Liapidova, Fran Fernandez, and Iris Sanchez. In addition, thanks to Ron Lippock who originally encouraged me to take my research and ideas and make them into a book.
Thanks to my clients and case study partners who were featured in the book: Ann Arvia, Michele DeStefano, Kurt Tunnell, Marty Vian, Michelle Kerr, Dan Creekmur, Terence Morley, Liz Moran, Ben Verwer, LaChandra Baker, and Alan Robinson.
Thanks to Julia Biesenthal of Flight Media for designing the change model.
My improv training, inspiration, performance, and evolution is thanks to The Purple Crayon of Yale, Eric Berg, Frances Barney, the amazing Del Close, the Second City of Chicago, The Annoyance Theater, Upright Citizens Brigade (UCB), The Groundlings, Improv Olympic (iO), Magnet, and the too-numerous-to-remember thrown together troupes, late-night improv jams, and damn funny people I got to meet.