Chapter 25

Manny was lost. Lost in a galaxy far, far away. He had been to three showings of Star Wars that week, and he managed to get lost on the way home every time. Always in a different direction. On this particular night he wandered six blocks into the Lavaca neighborhood before his mind emerged from deep space.

“Uh-oh,” he whispered upon discovering he had no idea where he was. Again. Fortunately, Manny always had a map on hand. All he had to do was look up.

“Amazing!” Manny marveled as he plopped onto a nearby bench, scanning the night sky for the Big Dipper. He traced the saucepan with his finger and followed the trail to the one star he could always count on. “Gotcha!” He pinched the North Star between his thumb and forefinger, then stood up, getting his bearings.

“You might not want to leave just yet.”

Manny could feel the hot white light of an angelic presence blazing behind him. “Gabriel!” he exclaimed.

“What’d you call me?” A gruff voice ripped through the air.

Manny’s eyes darted across the street to a hulkish figure swaggering to the curb. He had the wide shoulders of a wrestler and the snarl of a jackal. He glared at Manny from beneath a hoodie. “What are you doing on my street?”

Gabriel intervened. “Enough with you!”

The figure didn’t challenge. He turned and disappeared.

Gabriel chuckled. “Don’t worry, I’ve got your back.”

“And don’t come back!” Manny shouted across the street. He pivoted on his heels to face Gabriel. “Am I glad to see you.” He blinked through the blinding brightness. He could feel his pupils shrinking. “I have so many questions.”

“And I have answers. But first there’s something you need to see.” Gabriel grasped Manny’s shoulder. The street faded away and a room began to form around them. He could still feel the concrete beneath his feet, but when he looked down he saw an oriental rug and distressed wood floors. What he saw when he lifted his eyes nearly knocked him off his feet.

Angels everywhere. Shoulder to shoulder, they filled the upper level of the Higher Grounds Café, creating a halo of light. At the center of the circle, Hancock and Bo sat side by side, heads bowed in prayer, unaware of their enraptured audience.

The reverence in the room was tangible. The angels knew this moment for what it was. Holy and sacred. A heart was opening itself for the greatest gift of the universe, the presence of God.

But through the window, Manny noticed dark shadows lurking. A wind whistled into the room, and a dark cloud serpentined around Hancock, its tendrils reaching and grasping at the young boy. Voices emerged from within: throaty and gutteral, filling the atmosphere with lies of shame, abandonment, and despair.

“God has no place for you, Hancock.”

“God? What God?”

Just as the corruptive fog drifted toward Hancock’s consciousness, Gabriel began to sing. “Holy is the Living God.”

At the sound of the angelic voice, the murky cloud stopped its advance.

“Blessed be the name of the Lord! Blessed be the name of the Lord!”

The shadows inched back at each chorus.

One by one the angels joined Gabriel, lifting their voices to heaven. It soon sounded as though hundreds, perhaps thousands were singing. Outside the window, multitudes of angels orbited the house, bathing it with song. In the presence of such mighty voices, the evil encircling Hancock held no sway. There was no shadow for such lies to hide.

Manny laughed as the abysmal cloud dissolved into the air. “Resist the Devil and he will flee from you,” he quoted as he stood next to the much taller Gabriel.

“Thy kingdom come! Thy will be done!” Gabriel invited.

Manny sang along with the chorus of angels. What he lacked in tone he made up for in volume as he beckoned to the Father.

Then it happened. A descent of light straight from heaven’s throne, a ball aflame with glory and color. It was sunrise, sunset, silver, and golden. It was every color of the rainbow. A thousand and one hues. Vibrant like a star, gentle as a candle flicker, it hovered over the boy and then entered his spirit.

The angels pronounced the victory:

“Chosen by God!”

“Redeemed for eternity!”

“Full of God’s Spirit!”

“Forever forgiven!”

“Born anew!”

Light surged through the cracks and crevices, not just mending but recreating Hancock’s innermost being.

The chorus of angels erupted with a new verse. “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty!”

Manny was still singing when Gabriel lifted his hand from his shoulder, drawing him back to the present. It was hard to believe his feet had never left the pavement. “Thank you,” he whispered, first in a prayer, then to Gabriel. “Witnessing that. Each time it is stunning. But this time, with Hancock . . . he is a special boy.”

“Special indeed. And you played a part in changing his life,” Gabriel said. “You’re doing great work down here, Manny.”

“You really think so? ’Cause today . . . today was rough.”

“But you rose to the occasion. Took that kiss like a man.”

“You saw that?” Manny’s ears started to feel hot. “I mean, of course you did. You just wouldn’t believe how confusing things get down here. So many details, so many people, so many emotions!”

“It all seems a little simpler from heaven’s view,” Gabriel agreed.

“Of course, the humans do have a few perks. Have you seen Star Wars?”

Gabriel nodded. “Seen all of them.”

Manny startled. “Wait. There’s more than one?”

“Oh yeah. There are a bunch. But the first three are best.”

Manny was jittery with excitement. “Could this night get any better?”