1. In the story, Samuel is Chelsea’s guardian angel. Do you believe in the possibility of a guardian angel? If so, what do you picture your guardian angel doing to impact your life?
2. The angel Samuel walks the streets of San Antonio as Manny, a Star Wars–loving barista. Have you ever met someone you think is a heavenly angel? What made you think that?
3. Early in the book, Chelsea admits that faith doesn’t come easily for her, “yet she found herself living by faith each and every day.” What does it mean to live by faith? Why do you think Chelsea struggled with it so much?
4. Do you relate to Chelsea’s struggle? What kinds of situations shake your faith?
5. Chelsea says that she has “the hardest time believing that the God of the universe watches over me and you. The idea that he loves us individually. It sounds nice. But it also sounds like a fairy tale.” Why is this so hard for many people to believe?
6. What part of God’s love is hardest for you to believe? Why?
7. Tony uses an example of coffee in one of his sermons. The parts may not be individually good, but together, they make something good. God works in the same way, bringing all things together for good, as he says in Genesis 50:20. What examples do you see of this truth in your own life? Think about dark moments in your past that God redeemed for good.
8. 1 John 4:19 says, “We love Him because He first loved us.” In what ways is that verse evidenced in this book?
9. When Chelsea’s friend Deb shares about her reconciliation with her husband, she says that her husband is more forgiving of her than she is of herself. Have you ever felt that someone loved you when you couldn’t love or forgive yourself?
10. At what point in your life have you felt utterly alone? Who or what helped you realize that God has never left your side?
11. With God’s help, Chelsea is able to forgive Sawyer, and their relationship is reconciled. Do you have a relationship that needs God’s help? What would it take to begin the healing process?
12. If you had access to the God blog, what one question would you ask God? What do you think his answer would be? What do you hope his answer would be?