Part Two





29. Finding your
Life Purpose

Two age old questions are “Why am I here?” and “What’s my purpose in life?” There are as many answers to these questions as there are people who ask them. It’s important to understand your life purpose; when you know that purpose, you can move forward in a clear path of spiritual development. Understanding why you’ve decided to be on the earthly plane and the lessons you want to learn during this experience increases your vibration and energy levels. If you aren’t clear in your life purpose, stop right now and consider the following:

Think about the things you do in your life. Are you a teacher—not just an educator in school, but an instructor of life? If you are, then teaching is one of your life purposes. Do you often share your knowledge just because you feel the need to help other people and not because you’re bragging about how much you know? Or maybe you’re a caregiver in this lifetime and it’s your purpose to take care of others. Think about what you do on a daily basis. You may discover that you have more than one reason for being here. Whatever reason or reasons you find for living your life, you’ll know it is right because it will resonate within you as a Universal Truth and you’ll feel complete.

*Your objective is to discover the reason for
your existence and fulfill your life purpose.

30. Develop Your
Psychic Ability

Each of us is born with psychic abilities, but not all of us choose to develop those abilities. To live at higher rates of vibration, purposefully work on expanding your psychic abilities by pushing them further than you thought possible. Don’t allow fear of the unknown to stop you from learning more about yourself. You’re intuitive by nature, and you have gut instincts and innate knowledge. The more you learn, the more you practice, and the more you understand what you’re doing and why, the higher your soul will elevate. This happens because the act of increasing your internal fortitude is spiritual in nature. It connects to your intuition, the Other Side, and an understanding of all things metaphysical.

Where do you start? That depends on your current level of psychic development. If you’re just beginning to notice your psychic abilities, then everything you read and every exercise you complete will raise your levels. If you’ve been working on your psychic abilities for years, push yourself to discover fresh and unique ideas; even if those ideas are hundreds of years old, they are still new to you. Move outside of what you already know to find new information that you’ve never considered before. There’s an old saying that when the student is ready, the teacher will come. Consider that as you seek new knowledge.

*Knowledge is power, and powerful knowledge increases your spirituality.

31. Do a Reading
for Someone

As you develop your psychic abilities and become more comfortable with them, share your talents with other people. You may feel that you aren’t ready or that you aren’t qualified to do readings, but you’ll never know what you’re capable of doing until you try. Being able to connect to Universal Energy, to realize that you’re getting impressions that another may find helpful, is a sign of a higher frequency. Sharing this knowledge will also increase your vibration. Start with someone you trust to give you honest feedback on your reading, so you’ll feel comfortable sharing your ability. As your confidence grows, you’ll feel better about giving readings to people you don’t know.

That said, not everyone wants to do readings for other people, so you may never move past doing a reading for a friend just to see how accurate you are—that’s okay. Sometimes developing psychic abilities is something you only need to do for yourself, and it takes doing a few readings for others to realize that fact. But if you feel comfortable sharing your talents with other people after you’ve done several readings, you will move forward on your spiritual path. Doing public readings isn’t for everyone. There’s a lot of responsibility that goes along with it but you never know … it just may be right for you.

*Tune in, trust, and try to discover a new path.

32. Recognize Past Lives

Have you ever visited a place and felt as if you’ve been there before? Maybe you knew your way around the streets or recognized buildings, bridges, or elements of nature such as a waterfall or massive oak tree. But the strange thing is, you’ve never been to this location. Are you connecting with a past life? It’s very possible.

Past lives can give you positive experiences, but they can also cause negative emotions such as fear. Let’s say you are afraid of flying. Have you had a bad experience flying? If not, then you should look deeper by having a past-life reading or past-life regression done by a recommended professional. It could be revealed during the session that your fear stems from a past lifetime where you were a pilot who was shot down during war and died a fiery death. That past-life memory is still attached to you, causing an irrational fear of flying in your present life. By learning about past lives and then releasing any negative energy associated with them, you raise your frequency in two ways: first, by learning about yourself on a soul level and second, by taking positive action to release any negativity from your past life that is causing unnecessary stress and negative emotions in your current lifetime.

*Look to the soul’s past to enhance your life now.

33. Create a Sand Jar with Intention

When you create something with intention, you are putting part of your own energy into that creation. Try this activity to raise your frequency. You’ll need some multicolored sand, a glass jar with a lid, and a spoon. Now add sand to the jar, layering one color over the other, being careful not to mix the colors together until the jar is full. As you build your column of colored sand, give intention to the project. This intention should be something that you will think of every time you look at the colorful display you’ve created with your own hands. Your specific intention could be something as simple as “calm feelings,” “positive emotions,” or “warm, loving actions.” You can also give the creation a very exact and complicated intention such as, “When I gaze at this colored sand, I will feel positive and sure about the decisions I’m making in my life. I will know in my soul that I’m doing the right things for me and for my own spirituality. This rightness of being will be reflected in my actions and reactions with each and every situation I encounter in my life.” Whatever intention you give to the sand jar, be it simple or complicated, make it one that resonates within you, thereby increasing your vibration whenever you look at it or handle it.

*Create with intent,
live with purpose, and commit to the self.

34. Listen to Your Intuition When Shopping

To give your energy a positive infusion, find a new item that draws you to it. Metaphysical stores are great places to find items that can raise your frequency because they’re made with the intention of connecting to someone on a spiritual path. It doesn’t matter if the object is made by machines or if handmade by an artisan, though it’s okay if you have a personal preference. Visit a metaphysical store to look for a new piece of jewelry, book, or art. Before you enter the store, ask your guides to show you the item that will help you raise your personal vibration just by owning it. Walk through the store at a leisurely pace, looking at all the different items available while opening your energy to the item that is yours. Pick up the items to see how they feel to you. Sometimes they’ll feel warm and inviting; other times they’ll feel cold, with no personal connection. You’ll feel drawn to specific areas in the store where the energy feels more intense and focused. Or you may notice an item that draws you to it, as if it’s calling to you. This may happen as soon as you walk through the door, or it may get stronger as you walk around. Listen to your instincts and notice how the feeling increases as you get closer to the item that is meant to be yours. When you find it, you’ll know instinctively that this item is meant for you. Sometimes all it takes to know that the item is supposed to be yours is a single glance. You see it and you know. Purchase it and use it with positive intention.

This happens in bookstores, too. You may be casually looking at titles and suddenly feel drawn to pick up a specific book out of the hundreds on the shelf. Or you may be looking in one area and then feel the need to go to an entirely different section, maybe even one that you never browse. Then you might feel drawn to pick up a specific book in that
section. That’s because there is something in that book that will help you in some way. You may open the book to a random page and specific words seem to jump right out at you with a message that answers a question or is a sign that you’re on the right track. Or you may get a feeling that you need to buy the title, and when you get home and start reading, you’ll discover the reason you had to have that particular book.

Just the simple act of following your instincts brings about a change of thought, causes an increase in your spiritual connection to the soul, and is a confirmation for you.

*Connection to your spiritual energy brings about clarity of purpose through unexpected means.

35. A Little Goes
a Long Way

Even the smallest increases in the rate at which your energy vibrates can have a positive effect on you. One of the things that may cause you problems is trying to rush the process and increase your vibration too quickly. You may feel that you need to be at the top of your game immediately. Slow down; don’t be in a hurry. This is a lifelong process where you can always reach higher and higher levels over time. Remember, there isn’t really a “top of the chart,” like there is a top forty hit list for music. You have unlimited levels of energy that you can tap into to increase your vibration. This energy is in a state of constant fluctuation, so every little step you make is a positive movement along your path. It isn’t a competition to see who can raise their vibration the fastest. This is your soul’s quest—your personal journey—and on this passage, it only takes a little to give you lot of enlightenment. Increasing frequency is equivalent to your enlightenment, your happiness, and joy in life; it’s the freedom you feel when you connect to nature or to another person. It’s the little things that widen your eyes and make your heart fill to bursting with love, joy, and amazement.

*Every small accomplishment moves
you forward on your spiritual path.

36. Don’t Leave
Decisions to Chance

Choose to consciously make firm, positive decisions in your life. When you leave decisions to chance, you lose control over that aspect of your life. Let’s look at a workplace example. Imagine that a new project came up at work, one at which you would excel and that you’d enjoy, but you’re undecided about talking to your supervisor and saying you’d like to head the project. You can choose to have that conversation, or you can leave it up to chance and hope that your boss has noticed how well you work and decides to give you the project. If you talk to your boss and let your ideas, enthusiasm, and desire for the project be known, then you’ve given a good effort to obtain the responsibility, even if the final outcome isn’t up to you. If you just wait to see if you’re selected for the position without taking any positive action, then you’re assuming your boss will just know what you want. Meanwhile, a coworker tells the supervisor he or she wants to head the project. If you express your desires as well, the supervisor has two people to choose between; if you don’t say anything, you eliminate yourself through indecision. By not speaking up, you actually made the decision to leave it up to chance.

*Always take positive actions, even if final decisions aren’t yours
to make.

37. Inspiration

When normal levels of inspiration feel “off,” it’s likely that your energy levels are low and out of balance. If you can’t put your finger on how you got out of sync and there’s no stimulus to get anything done, then it’s time to look for a little inspiration. Encouragement is all around you, but sometimes it can be difficult to find.

When we say we feel inspired, what we really mean is that we feel influenced in some way to rise to higher levels of expectations. When looking for inspiration, you want to seek out things that will stimulate your mind and increase your energy—things that make you more aware, creative, and joyful. What could inspire you? Maybe it’s being with a friend or the memory of a joyful time in your life. You may feel inspired when looking at a peaceful scene or being with like-minded people. Reading an encouraging quote at the beginning of every day might work well for you. Once you’re inspired, your creativity will soar and you will feel like you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. And you can. You only need to focus on coming back to center and finding the things that will give you the inspiration you need, so you can then use your enthusiasm to inspire others.

*You can find inspiration in the most unexpected places if you’ll only take a moment to look.

38. Harmony

Harmony is when all parts of your being are fluid and in tune with Universal Energy. You feel like life is going smoothly, as if everything you do works out well. You may even feel that you have the golden touch. Every opportunity turns into a success and good things come to you in abundance. Harmony is a consistent and orderly rhythm within your being that affects everything you do.

When your energy flow is not harmonious with your spiritual being, you may find that you have to force yourself to carry out your daily routine. Or you may feel like no matter what you do, you’re repeating the same pattern. You can’t get past a certain point, you’re making no headway, and just feel stuck. To bring yourself back into harmony, use creative visualization to focus on your entire being and then imagine that you’re connecting with the stream of Universal Energy, letting it move through you, bringing balance and releasing any blockages that are keeping you from feeling in sync with your spiritual self. As you do this exercise, you may feel as if a great weight is being lifted from you, freeing your mind, body, and soul. When this weight is gone, you will feel more synchronicity in your life, allowing you to soar to greater heights.

*With peace, calmness, and consistency in your life, all parts of the whole flow together as one.

39. Trusting
Inner Wisdom

Sometimes trusting someone can be difficult, especially if that person is you. But real problems can crop up when you don’t trust in your own inner wisdom. Everyone has individual and unique life experiences that form how they think of the world, their role in it, and how they relate to those they interact with every day. If you don’t trust in yourself—if you don’t believe and know that you are a wise and wonderful person inside—then it’s difficult to relate well to others. You may have to release negativity surrounding past experiences before you can connect to your own inner wisdom. Take it one step at a time by recognizing what’s holding you back and then consciously choosing to let go of those feelings.

Trusting your inner wisdom is following your instincts, believing in yourself, and knowing that while you may make mistakes in life, you always do what you feel is right. If you follow this philosophy, you will find that connections with others come more easily and you have fewer trust issues and doubts about the motives or behaviors of those in your life. Doubt is a negative energy that can lower your frequency. Try not to doubt yourself. Know that on a soul level you always recognize the wisest solutions to problems. It’s listening to those solutions, believing in yourself, and acting on that knowledge, which can be difficult.

*You are a wise spiritual entity; believe and have faith in your core essence.

40. Your Frequency Alarm Clock

Your energy comes off you in waves, affecting everyone around you, even when you’re not aware that it’s happening. Positive waves will bring a lot of positivity back to you, and lower levels will bring less. Do you realize when your energy levels are high and when they’re low? When you’re in tune with your own levels, you can raise them even higher.

A good way to increase your awareness of times of high frequency is to use the idea of an internal alarm clock. It’s similar to waking up minutes before the alarm goes off. Your body somehow knows what it’s supposed to do. To make yourself more aware of times of high frequency that you may unconsciously ignore, set your internal alarm clock by purposefully raising your vibration and then, when it is high, use creative visualization to register the levels. Tell yourself that every time you are at this intense energy level, you’ll receive a sign that you can’t ignore, just like you can’t ignore the noise of your alarm clock in the morning. The sign may be a certain buzz word, a butterfly, a specific noise—anything that feels right to you and will get your attention. Your body will take care of activating this alarm when you’re at a high frequency. Then, when you notice your “alarm” signal, you will know to pay attention to whatever brought you to an increased frequency.

*Monitor yourself, take notice, and be aware of the energy within you.

41. Connect to the Akashic Records

The Akashic Records is the Hall of Knowledge held within the Universal Energy flow. These records contain all knowledge about everything and everyone throughout all time. When you connect to the Akashic Records, you can discover things about yourself that you may have been suppressing simply by being on the earthly plane. Through these discoveries, you’re raising your frequency.

To enter the Akashic Records, find a place to sit or lie down and then use creative visualization to become one with Universal Energy by imagining that you are part of this natural flow of energy. You are absorbed into it and its knowledge becomes yours; you cannot be separated from the Universal Energy because you are part of it. Now ask your guides to escort you to the Hall of Records. I see the Akashic Records as a huge library filled with books, with a gatekeeper who retrieves the required book for me, allows me to read it, and then returns it to the shelf. You may have to try several times before you can visit the Akashic Records, so don’t give up too soon. The information you receive from reading the Akashic Records may be very philosophical. It may even seem vague, but upon further thought, it will become clear. If you are lucky, the message may be specific and detailed.

*Knowledge contained in the Akashic Records can greatly affect you in a positive way on every level
of your being.

42. Attend a Psychic Fair

If you’ve never attended a psychic fair, you may not know what to expect. And what you’ll experience all depends on the quality of the vendors and your frame of mind when you attend. Some psychic fairs are full to bursting with the positive energy of the people, teachers, and vendors in attendance. Being surrounded by high levels of energy can inadvertently raise your own. (This doesn’t mean you’re turning into a psychic vampire and feeding off the energy of the people in attendance; I’m talking about drawing on the general energy of the event.) It can take you to higher levels simply because a gathering of high frequencies tends to overflow and spread throughout the space. Have you ever been in a bad mood but around someone who was happy and laughing? The next thing you know, your bad mood is gone and you’re happy too. It’s the same idea. The positive energy just rubs off on you.

Other psychic fairs may not contain this same vibrant energy, or it may be spotty because the attendees aren’t in a positive energy flow. It’s important to note that the size of the psychic fair doesn’t matter. You can have a small psychic fair that is pulsating with energy or a large one that doesn’t seem like anything special. When you attend any type of psychic event, just go with the flow.

*Go to a psychic fair without any specific expectations, but enter
with an open mind.

43. Visit an Energy Vortex Area

There are certain areas around the world, called “energy vortexes,”
that emit high levels of electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic energy from Earth.

In ancient times, people considered these areas to be sacred, and many people still do today. These areas are calculated by looking at Earth as an energy grid. Ley lines are thought to be Earth’s natural energy lines that run along geographical places of interest, including holy places and ancient sites that can be connected and are considered to have powerful energy. You can often find energy vortexes in the areas where ley lines intersect. Visiting these areas can make you feel rejuvenated, more energetic, and more in tune with your psychic abilities.

Stonehenge, the Bermuda Triangle, and Sedona, Arizona, are thought to be energy vortexes. But you can also find vortexes in your own backyard. You will recognize them by noticing the bark on trees. If the bark appears to have grown in a spiral around the trunk, that’s a good indication of a vortex. Another clue is the vegetation: look for an area where the plants have grown in a nearly perfect circle. That’s the outline of the vortex. Vortexes are also thought to come in pairs, a male and female, with the female always being barren and the male containing impressive vegetation growth.

*Look for a vortex in your local area and visit it often to increase your energy.

44. Read about Metaphysics, Soul,
and New Age Topics

Learning about the soul and spirituality, anything metaphysical, and New Age ideas is a surefire way to get your energy levels on the rise. Read as much as you can on these topics from a variety of authors. Take what feels right to you and make it your own. If a certain book or genre doesn’t feel like it is connecting to you right now—if it is difficult to understand or just sounds out-and-out ridiculous—then it’s either not part of your life lesson or you’re not yet at the place on your spiritual path where you can connect to these ideas. Set aside that information for now; when the time is right and you’re ready for these ideas, they’ll come back around to you and make sense.

Just the act of seeking out something brings it to you. If you’re searching for ways to become a more spiritual person, if you want to learn more about New Age thought and ideals, or if you are just curious as to what other philosophies and thoughts are out there, then finding answers through research will bring you enlightenment. You may find that one simple idea catapults you to another plane on your spiritual path. And unless you are looking for it, you might never discover that gem of truth.

*Increase your knowledge to access greater realms
of spirituality.

45. Pendulums

A pendulum is a tool used to receive answers to situations and questions that are concerning you at specific times in your life. Some people use their pendulums daily to receive guidance from the higher realms or their higher self. The answers you receive to your questions are guided in two ways: The first method connects to answers within yourself, while the second connects to answers from other realms.

When looking within, you are connecting with your higher self, and since every answer to every question lies deep within each of us, the pendulum acts as a conduit of energy between your inner self—your soul—and the pendulum. When you ask a question, you release a certain energy, which runs through your body like an impulse through your nervous system and connects to your core spiritual self to retrieve the answer. Then, the energy released from your spiritual self reacts with the pendulum, causing it to move in whatever pattern you’ve designated for Yes, No, or Maybe. When used as an energy detector, the pendulum can show you if your frequency is high or low simply by the questions you ask and the responses you receive. The important thing to do in order to ensure accurate answers is be centered and focused on the task at hand when using this tool to ask questions. If you’re scattered and not really paying attention, you’re not going to get accurate results, and you may even see this in the way the pendulum moves. If you notice the movement isn’t smooth but is kind of all over the place, jerky and unstable, take a few minutes to focus and center your own energy and then try again.

The second way to use a pendulum is as a spiritual communication device. You can ask questions of your guides or angels and receive responses from other realms. The process for this is pretty much the same as using a pendulum for seeking inner wisdom.

Prior to using your pendulum, cleanse it with white light to rid it of any negative leftover energy from people who may have handled it prior to you. To do this, use creative visualization to imagine white light, which is the purest energy that flows from God (or whatever higher being you believe in) and the Universe. Imagine this white light flowing through you and into the pendulum. As the white light moves into the pendulum, it eliminates the energy of everyone else who has previously handled it and cleanses it, leaving it pure and in tune with only your energy. Once it is cleansed, you can give the pendulum the intention of working for the higher good and with positivity. Some people prefer that no one else touch their pendulum once it’s been cleansed; others will share their pendulum and then cleanse it again afterwards. It’s completely up to you and what you prefer.

*Pendulum energy can connect to the core of your spiritual being or to
your guides.

46. Be Curious

Curiosity killed the cat, but that cat has nine lives, right? Today, be as curious as the cat. Look for the reasons why things happen, even if you’re skeptical about that which can’t be seen. You can’t see the wind, but it’s there isn’t it? You can see its effect by the movement of the trees, the ripples over a pond, or in the way it whips your hair around your face. There’s more than we can see with our two eyes; you simply need to pay attention to the things around you. Maybe you felt as if someone whispered in your ear but you were alone at the time. Was it your imagination or could it have been a spirit? Investigate. Think of what you heard—could it have been a message from someone that has passed? Or maybe it’s communication from your guides. If you’re not curious, you’re not going to seek deeper answers. Have a burning desire to know more and more about yourself and your spirituality.

Having said all that, a healthy dose of skepticism is a good thing. Some people can get so caught up in the “woo-woo” of metaphysical and psychic phenomena that they lose sight of the lessons they’re supposed to learn. Be curious, stay grounded in reality, and search for the deeper meanings of life. This will bring you a greater enlightenment, knowledge, and truth.

*Ask questions, be inquisitive, and revel in
your discoveries.

47. Learn I Ching

I Ching, also known as the Book of Changes, is one of the world’s oldest oracles. It’s a divination system based on sixty-four hexagrams with each hexagram containing six lines, either broken or solid. The broken lines are called yin and the solid lines are yang. I Ching is quite detailed and involved because it not only gives divination meanings based on the hexagrams formed, but there are also number values associated with each symbol. I Ching readings also incorporate various elements within nature into the spread. I Ching is usually done by tossing coins or yarrow stalks and then, depending upon the way these items lay and form hexagrams, you determine the answer to your questions based upon each hexagram’s specific meaning. It is most often consulted for changing conditions in a person’s life, especially during times of crisis, impending change, or when you’re feeling uncertain about a big issue. It’s also used to gain greater insight into personal questions or current situations encountered during daily life, since it shows you your options and not just your current state.

Today, do a simple search for the hexagram symbols online and see if the method of I Ching divination calls to you. If so, ask several questions and practice the divination using coins (the fastest method). Whether you’re using I Ching for a big or small problem, this method of divination holds the potential to raise your energy by causing you to look deeper within yourself. It offers possible solutions and guidance. Ultimately, as with all methods of divination, it’s up to you to put that guidance to work in your life.

*Discover solutions through the deliberation of old-
world divination.

48. Tarot

While many psychics don’t need to use tools such as the Tarot, this ancient method of divination can be a good tool to use when you’re facing confusion or when you need a different perspective on your dilemma. It can offer insight into situations and problems that you’re too close to and can’t see clearly. Tarot increases your frequency because it connects with your spiritual energy and gives insight through the lay of the cards that can help you make decisions.

If you don’t know how to read the Tarot, find a deck and dive into studying the cards and their meanings. Many Tarot books even offer quick keywords to get you started. Soon you’ll be able to read for yourself and others, as it doesn’t take long to develop a familiarity with the Tarot. Some Tarot readers know the cards and their traditional associations as well as they know their own names. Others use the unique, detailed meanings given by the inventor of a particular deck to determine how the reading applies to them. Both ways are fine. You do not have to have psychic abilities to do a Tarot reading, but many people who use the Tarot do receive psychic impressions while using the cards and connecting to specific energy. If you’re doing the reading for yourself or just learning the Tarot, use the author’s meanings but also listen to any impressions you receive during the reading (even if you think you’re not psychic) because the two combined can offer great insight.

*The lay of the cards can offer unforeseen options.

49. Reiki

Reiki is a Japanese technique where one person uses the laying on of hands to attune the unseen life-force energy of another person. It is often used to reduce stress that you’re holding in your body, which in turn aids in relaxation. It is also used to help promote healing. Reiki practitioners do not usually touch the person receiving treatment; the hands transmit energy by hovering above the physical body.

The basic principle of reiki is that low life-force energy causes problems and illness. Reiki is used to treat you as a whole being, not just your physical body, so it also benefits you emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Having high life-force energy will allow you to be happier, healthier, and live stress-free. To me, the energy tapped into during a reiki session is similar to tapping into your own personal vibration to increase it. A reiki practitioner helps you balance and increase your soul energy as you find peace, security, and relaxation through the harmonious passage of healing energy from God and the Universe to you. There are certain symbols used during a reiki session that only certified reiki masters are allowed to use. Training to use reiki consists of four levels, and the ability to use reiki is passed from one person to another. Reiki can be used to help you find balance because it brings healing energy into your own soul energy, which raises it.

Today, consider contacting a local reiki practitioner for a healing session. For a more simplistic connection to the power of reiki, lightly run your hands along your limbs while concentrating on drawing life-force energy from the Universe through your hands and into yourself.

*Tap into the Universal Energy through the
laying on of hands.

50. Worry Stone Amulet

Worry is a natural reaction to stress in your life. Excessive worry can lead to physical problems and illness, such as anxiety and panic attacks. When you find that worry is a constant companion or you’re feeling stressed and frustrated but can’t seem to release the negativity that is keeping you in a constant state of unease, a worry stone or amulet is just what’s needed.

Find a small stone, piece of wood, or other smooth object that is small enough to hold between your fingers. It doesn’t necessarily have to be smooth but that will make it easier to rub your worries away. If the object is rough, it will become smooth over time as you use it. Some people prefer to use a small piece of certain fabric, like satin or velvet, as their worry amulet. You may want to keep your worry stone or amulet in your pocket, make it into a pendant that you can wear around your neck, keep it on a key chain, or make it into a bracelet. It’s important that it’s close by you or on your person so when negative energy such as stress and worry starts overwhelming you, bringing your energy down, you can reverse the effect by rubbing the amulet and allowing the negative energy to flow into it and out of you.

*Don’t let worry turn your life upside down; create an outlet for this negativity.

51. Wind Chimes

Have you every really listened to the sound of wind chimes? The light, airy tone and pitch has an almost ethereal quality that can resonate with your spiritual self. Get a set of wind chimes and hang them where you can sit nearby and close your eyes, listening as the wind gently moves the chimes, creating their unique musical sound. Feel yourself connecting to the flow of the melody the chimes make. Focus on their unique tone. Allow yourself to feel your soul energy rising, becoming one with the harmonious energy of the chimes. Connect to this energy and feel it move through you as the chimes sing their ethereal songs. As you listen, use creative visualization to let your energy flow with the sounds. Listen to any messages that you hear or images that you see, for as you become in tune with the chimes, you’ll often find that you’re releasing constraints you’ve put on your own psychic abilities. Don’t be surprised if you begin receiving impressions.

Not at home right now? There is another option when you’re away from your chimes but need a quick connection. Go online and search for places that sell chimes. Many of them give you the option to listen to their sounds on your computer. I’ve discovered a few in this manner that I really love and have even found chime earrings that I can take with me anywhere I go.

*Pure tones and melodies flitter on the air, embracing you in otherworldly charms.

52. Prisms

A prism is a three-dimensional object that reflects light as an array of colors. Using a prism adds color energy to your life, which can be utilized to increase your own spirituality. To benefit from the effects of this array of color, obtain a hanging prism and put it in a window where it can catch the light of the sun and reflect colors throughout your home. Then sit quietly and focus on the colors—feel their energy and, as you do, feel your own energy increase. See if you can feel a difference in the energy of one color from the next. Is it warmer, cooler, or more vibrant?

If you can’t find a prism, you can also use stained glass for a similar effect. Another alternative is to get several clear glass bottles with lids, fill them with water and food coloring, and place them in the sun. Regardless of the approach you take, the results will be the same. The energy flow created by the reflection of colors within the home brings positive energy into your living space. Pay attention to the colors and let yourself feel the connection with the Universal Energy that flows from the sun and through the glass, resulting in wondrous color schemes all around you.

*Let the Universe shower its colors throughout
your life.

53. Triangle-Tone
to Harmonize

Just as listening to wind chimes or finding your personal tonal pitch can raise frequency, harmonizing your energy with the tone of a triangle can achieve the same result. If you’re unsure about purchasing a triangle, you can visit a music store and try this exercise before making your decision. Start by holding the triangle and striking it, letting its clear tonal frequency resonate through you in two ways. First, you will hear the sound. As you hear it, let the musical note flow through you, filling you with its unique tonal energy. Harmonize with the sound. Don’t cut off your connection to it before the tone completely disappears. Even then, once the sound is gone, notice whether you can still feel the pitch within your own energy. Second, you will feel the energy vibrate through your hands, up your arms, and into your body. As the triangle’s tonal energy merges within your body, feel your own energy rising to meet its pitch and tone. Once you see how effective this can be, you may decide to take the triangle home with you.

For portable tone-tuning, try a very small bell or even finger cymbals. You can carry these with you and use them for quick results when you need to connect to your higher spiritual energy.

*Flow as one with the
tones of triangles, bells,
or finger cymbals.

54. Runes

According to the American Heritage Dictionary, the word rune describes “Any of the characters in several alphabets used by ancient Germanic peoples from the 3rd to the 13th century,” and the root word meant to “whisper, to talk in secret.” It goes on to describe the use of runes in casting spells, identifying material possessions, and making calendars.

People often carved rune messages into rocks on the sides of popular thoroughfares. They picked specific rune letters as protection symbols, and these were placed on their homes, woven into their clothing, worn as metal pendants, or even etched onto their weapons. As Christianity spread, runes became regarded as Pagan symbols associated with communication, mysteries, and magic.

Today, runes are used for divination to help you find answers to problems in your life. Try constructing your own simple set of runes on scraps of paper and doing a reading or two to see if this method of divination strikes a chord within you. You can find many online sources that explain various rune systems. Rune readings are complex. They make you look deeper into your spirituality and behaviors, and the rune definitions really make you think outside the box about yourself. When using runes as a divination tool, you will consider the meaning of the rune as given in whatever source you are referencing (a website or book, or a booklet if you purchase a ready-made rune set), but you’ll also want to personally connect to the rune so that the energy of the rune combines with your own energy. This connection allows you to choose the correct runes as you address your specific area of concern.

*The symbols of the past can give information
about the future.

55. Scrying

Scrying is the process of looking, gazing, or staring into an object and using divination to see a future event. Many times you’ll hear of psychics using a crystal ball, tea leaves, mirrors, a dark bowl of water or dark ink, coffee grinds, a pendulum, or a room filled with candles to practice scrying. Some people also prepare and enact an entire ritual when they scry.

You can scry to enhance your own psychic abilities. First, choose the object you want to use as a scrying tool. I have a water bottle on my desk right now. If I want to use it for scrying, I stare into it until I start to receive images. It’s the staring and focused concentration that allows you to see images, not the actual thing you’re staring at; the scrying tool is simply a medium to help you focus and connect to your own psychic abilities. Once the images begin, you may see only one image or you may see a scene unfold as if you’re watching a movie. Make note of the images you see, as you’ll need to determine how you will use the information. Will you act upon what you see? Share it with others? Or simply be more aware? It’s important to pay attention to the details you receive and then determine how those parts relate to and affect the whole situation.

Eventually, you’ll fine-tune your abilities so you don’t need tools to obtain impressions. Instead, you’ll tap into your own intuition, Universal Knowledge, or you’ll receive messages from guides. While you may sometimes prefer to use tools, you will not require them. When scrying, you open yourself to the energy of the Universe, which allows you to increase your spiritual energy and obtain information.

*See into the beyond and become one with Universal Energy to find wisdom.

56. Dowsing

I remember my grandmother teaching me to dowse when I was a child. She gave me a divining rod made out of a willow branch and told me to go find water. You can use dowsing to locate underground water by using a wooden stick or a tree branch that’s shaped like a Y. Walk around holding the stick by the double end. When you feel the single end bending down toward the ground, that’s where you’ll find water. You can also use dowsing to find oil, metals, gemstones, minerals, or lost objects.

Many dowsers use a dowsing rod, also called a divining rod, while some dowsers can just walk around and feel where the water is underground, simply because their connection to Earth is so strong. In this case, the person’s body acts as the divining rod. You can also use pendulums, metals, and crystals as divining rods. I still prefer a willow stick because it is part of nature and already has a connection to Earth’s energy. When dowsing, you’re connecting your energy to the energy of Earth. When you make that connection, it is going to affect you even more because it’s positive energy. When you feel that dowsing rod start to move, it connects with you and raises your energy. It’s all about the energy passing between Earth, the divining rod, and you as a spiritual entity.

*Seek and find when the rod becomes divine.

57. Chanting
and Drumming

Chanting and drumming are good ways to get in touch with your own spiritual energy. Chanting is repeating a prayer, affirmation, or mantra over and over. By saying it repeatedly, you align yourself to higher levels of energy within the cosmic universe. The tones used in chanting and drumming are also important. They are monotonous, said in the same droning way. Consider the ancient Gregorian chants—they are a variety of tones, some lower and some higher, but when you hear the overall tonal energy of the chant and you feel its energy flowing through you, you’re experiencing oneness with Universal Energy.

The same concept applies to drumming. The tone of the drum, striking it in a repetitive manner—which may be fast or slow or a combination of speeds—and the action and movement of drumming increases your energy to match that of Universal Energy flow. You’re making a connection between the Universal Energy surrounding the drums and your personal frequency. This practice works well because people have done the exact same thing in the same way for hundreds of years; they’ve carved a pathway into the Universe Energy flow so all you have to do is simply walk upon that path to access this same knowledge.

*The path may be narrow or steep, but if you repeat each step along the way, you will rise to greater heights.

58. Fifth-
Dimensional Energy

I believe that the fifth dimension is when you, as an individual, realize that everyone is connected at a Universal level. It is when you begin to believe in past lives or other metaphysical theories, and you may push away things that you have learned in the past because they no longer feel right to you on a soul level. These negative past beliefs now seem to conflict with your energy because they no longer mesh with how you see and feel the world. I know that happened for me when I was a teenager because I had issues with the difference between the way people behaved in church and the way they acted outside of church. It seemed hypocritical to me that people could be so duplicitous, even though we were all connected within the Universe. As you move into elevated dimensions, you’ll find you no longer cling to old ways of thinking but instead look for newer concepts and ideals that mesh well with your higher self. Many people consider the fifth dimension to be a realm where space and time are fluid, not set as they are in our dimension. This is true, but I believe it goes much deeper and is a step into higher Universal Knowledge.

*When you grow spiritually, you begin to see a wider view of the Universe.

59. Immerse Your
Hands in Water

Because we’re mainly made up of water and we need it to function, it only stands to reason that we can increase our frequency with water. You need to drink lots of water to stave off dehydration, and this in and of itself raises your energy. Taking a shower or hot bath at the end of a long day can make you feel calmer and more relaxed. When you don’t have time for that long, hot bath where you can soak and become one with the power of water, but you need a quick pick-me-up throughout the day, you can still purposefully connect to water to achieve the same results. You can also intentionally use water to raise your energy by quickly immersing your hands in it.

When you wash your hands, hold them still and let the water flow over them. You’re not submerging them in water, but immersing them, letting the water run freely over your hands. Feel the fluid texture of the water, the warm or cool temperature of it, and its invigorating life force. Now imagine that energy flowing into your hands, up your arms, and into your body as the water flows over your palms, the back of your hands, and between your fingers. Feel its movement flowing through you, to the core of your being.

Just as you can use the power of water to invigorate yourself, it can also be used to release negativity. If you’ve had an argument with someone or things aren’t going well in your day and you are feeling low, frustrated, or depressed, take a few minutes of alone time near a sink. Turn on the water, picking the temperature that feels right for you at that moment in time. Perhaps cool water will soothe your temper, or hot water will relax away your tension. As the water flows over your hands, imagine all the negative emotions and stress you are feeling leaving your body through your hands and washing away with the water. Once the negativity is released, allow the positivity of the water’s energy to flow back into you through your hands and bring balance to your soul.

You’re accomplishing two things with this exercise: you’re releasing the negative and increasing the positive in your energy, bringing balance to your core spiritual self. The next time you feel that your frequency is low, head to the bathroom or kitchen sink and immerse your hands in water. If you’re near an outside fountain, a pond, or stream, submerge your hands in that water for a few minutes. Any water will accomplish the same results in your energy simply by connecting to it for a short time.

*Water is a powerful element that can increase your life force and bring balance on many levels.

60. Burn Incense

Some incense has a nice pleasant scent and some is pungent and strong. Incense is often used to relax—to give you feelings of peacefulness and calm. It is used during meditation and in connecting with the higher self, your spirit guides, and the masters on the Other Side. It is also used to purify the areas of your home and your spiritual being. Incense can help you concentrate, become more focused, and boost your creativity and motivation, which in turn can make you feel more confident. It can make you feel happier and more in tune with yourself. The wonderful aromas of incense can help you feel better in almost any situation.

If you’re going use incense—especially if you’ve never tried it before—go to the store and ask if they can burn a sample of the scent you’re interested in purchasing before you buy it. If you’re adventurous, just take a chance, knowing that you may not like the aroma when you get the incense home and burn it. I know in the past I’ve purchased incense only to discover that it sent me into sneezing fits when I actually used it.

The way to maximize the use of incense is to light it and then sit quietly; really enjoy the smell, breathe it in, and let it flow through you. Ask yourself what the scent reminds you of and think of the different ways that this scent affects you. It may affect you in a positive light, it may remind you of negative situations in your life; but however it affects you, you will use those feeling to raise your vibration. For example, say the incense you’ve purchased smells like fresh dew in the morning. Or it smells like fresh-cut grass or the smell in the air after a summer’s rain. Now use that imagery and think about how you feel when you connect this scent to your thoughts and inner nature. Do you feel calm? Do you feel happy? Are you giddy inside? However it makes you feel, connect to that feeling as you breathe in the scent of the incense and then allow your energy to elevate as you think of these things. If the scent reminds you of a negative experience, closely examine that situation and find just one positive thing that resulted from it. Use that thought to allow your energy to rise to higher levels.

When using incense, you can also connect to your guides and feel yourself in a plane of existence with them. Allow your mind to wander and allow the scent to flow through you and envelop you as you sense the connection to your own spirituality.

*The wonderful, flavorful aromas of incense can awaken you to feelings you may be ignoring.

61. Numerology:
Finding Your High-Frequency Number

Numerology is a system where you use numbers to determine your strengths, talents, and emotional reactions to things—including the way you react to people—based on the meanings of the numbers. There are several different number systems used today in numerology.

You can tell a lot about yourself by the numbers associated with your name. Pick the method that feels right to you, write your full name, and write the corresponding number underneath each letter. Next, add these numbers up and reduce them down. If I look at my name—Melissa Alvarez—using Chaldean numerology, the corresponding numbers to each letter are 4531331 1361257. Added together they total 45, which further reduces down to 9. That means 9 is my name number. I could learn about characteristics associated with the number 9 by reading the meanings of the number according to the method I’m using, which in my case it means that I am original, take initiative, am determined, and I get to the heart of the matter.

To determine your high frequency number, you’re going to make a chart. Make three rows of numbers across the page. Leave space around them because you’re going to add circles around the numbers. The top row, moving left to right, will list the numbers 7, 8 and 9. The next row will contain 4, 5, and 6, and the bottom row will contain 1, 2, and 3. Now you’re going to look at each individual number in your name and for each number you will place a circle around the number on your chart. For example, in my name I have the number 1 four times, the number 2 one time, the number 3 four times, etc. When I look at my chart circles, the numbers 1 and 3 are the highest with four circles each. The number 1 is the basis for all other numbers and means that I’m creative and tend to be protective. The number 3 means that I look on the bright side of things, I look for the truth of the matter, and I’m never neutral—either I like something and agree with it, or I really don’t. When I consider these meanings with my personality, it truly does fit. You can do this with your birth name or your married name, if you’re female, and it’s interesting to notice the differences between the two. Usually they always mesh with your core self. You can find your high-frequency number by making a chart like this for yourself.

Learning about the numerology surrounding your name will increase your vibration because you’re gaining knowledge about yourself through this ancient system.

*Consider the numbers that surround you, and look deeper to unveil the mysteries of your inner
self that lie within.

62. Astral Travel,
Astral Journey

The astral plane is another dimension of life that is accessible every time you go to sleep or whenever you purposefully astral travel. You will feel as if you’re leaving your body and are able to move around freely on the astral plane. You will be able to see things on both the astral plane and the earthly plane simultaneously. By visiting the astral plane and leaving your body—even just temporarily—you’re raising your vibration by connecting to your true spirituality and your soul energy. There is a silver cord that connects your astral body to your physical body at all times. Through this silver cord, you are able to return to your body at any given moment during astral travel if you feel uncomfortable.

Try this exercise. Lie down, find your center, then imagine that you’re leaving your body and traveling on the astral plane. You may have to do this several times before you feel that you’re moving from your body and into the astral plane. As you journey, if you ever feel frightened, you may feel yourself jerk back into your body very quickly; it’s nothing to be alarmed about and is quite normal. Any time you want to increase your personal vibration, astral travel will elevate you to greater heights.

*Take flight to dimensions outside the physical realm
of existence to embrace
your inner light.

63. Ascension

Typically, ascension is the conversion of matter into spirit; it is the actual transformation of the highest order, moving from the physical realm into the spiritual realm without experiencing death. Ascended beings have the ability to manipulate matter and can take any physical form whenever they so desire, but their true state of being is pure energy.

I have a somewhat different view of ascension. I don’t believe it’s only for a select few or that you can only ascend by bypassing death and turning to spirit. I believe that when you’re raising your soul’s spiritual frequency by changing the way you think about the Universe, the world, religions, or any other type of belief that makes you look at life in a new manner, you are taking steps toward ascension. For example, when you’re learning about your psychic abilities—how to tap into your spiritual self and enable yourself to grow on a spiritual level—then you are ascending, since your beliefs grow stronger within these realms. You’re constantly opening new doors and windows and climbing higher along your spiritual path. You’re accepting new ideas that you may not have considered before; you’re making them your own and developing or expanding upon your own core spiritual beliefs. To me, ascension is about spirituality and connecting to your soul energy as you move forward on your chosen path. When I talk about dimensions, I mean our state of consciousness at any given time in addition to the physical dimensions. Believe in your unique ideas or a collective consciousness of ideas shared by many people, then ascend into higher dimensions.

How do you move through the levels of ascension? All the ways we’ve discussed so far about increasing frequency can be used to help you ascend to higher levels, because in doing the exercises you’re changing the way you feel about things while increasing your personal vibration. When you clear blockages from your path, when you’re releasing negativity, you’re ascending. You’re growing closer and closer to God. Your conscious levels will shift as you ascend, but you have to be willing to move those blockages out of your path. One of the key things to do during this process is to face any fears you may have, try to understand where they originate, and then eliminate them. Fear will only hold you back from reaching your goals. It is also important to search for deeper meanings in all of the aspects of your life. Living a shallow existence will not get you to where you want to go, but looking deeper and experiencing thought-provoking ideals will. My view is not traditional, but then again, it fits my life path.

*Change your beliefs, expand your horizons, and believe in order to ascend to higher dimensions.

64. What Does Enlightenment
Mean To You?

One of the most important ways you can meet your goals is to identify what enlightenment means to you. Do you consider yourself a beginner starting out on the path of enlightenment? Do you consider yourself to already be enlightened and furthering your spiritual growth by increasing your personal vibration? Either way is fine because it is right for you; every person is on their own unique spiritual pathway.

We each have our own definition of enlightenment, but the general sense of the term means that we are awakened to Universal Truths in order to return to the source of Creation and cease reincarnating in the earthly plane. Being enlightened means that you are profoundly conscious of your true inner nature and you achieved this consciousness through your own personal experiences. It means that you have looked beyond your intellect and have embraced possibilities through your senses—including your sixth sense—that the intellect could not fully explain. It is recognizing that your true essence, your core spiritual self, is made up of energy that transcends both time and space. You recognize that everything and everyone shares this interchanging, living energy and that you are but one small part of the whole. When you actively seek enlightenment, you’re taking positive steps toward reaching your spiritual goals.

*To become enlightened is to know yourself deeply, spiritually, and completely.

65. Going with the Flow

When you’re making your way through life, it’s easier to go with the flow around you instead of fighting it. What I mean by “going with the flow” is that you don’t get upset over things you cannot change, no matter how disruptive they can be in your life. Have you ever noticed that when you’re having problems, you no longer feel as if you’re moving in the same direction as the energy around you? I know that I can feel blocked at every turn at times, and there is usually a reason or lesson in the situation. The awareness of noticing that I’m blocked enables me to see where I’m no longer moving in the same way as the positive energy around me. I certainly don’t want to be moving in sync with a river of negative energy! To keep my life as easy and drama-free as possible, I look for the reasons behind these blocks and remove them to bring myself back into balance and go with the flow. Driving is a good metaphor for how this idea can manifest on the earthly plane. When you’re driving, you can’t control what others do, but you can maintain an even keel instead of getting angry and frustrated at their actions. If you do get upset, you just need to pull over and release the anger and frustration before driving again.

This doesn’t mean you simply do whatever seems easiest in any given situation, but that you try to follow the most harmonious path to your goal. The right choice may be a difficult one on some levels, but you will be able to see how it really fits with the flow of Universal Energy.

*In times of trouble, determine whether you’re going against the flow
or with it.

66. Willpower and Flow

Willpower is your ability to follow through on the things you set out to do in life. For example, if you’re on a diet, willpower is what keeps you from cheating on the diet because you really want to lose weight. If you’re in a relationship, it’s your willpower that keeps you from two-timing the person you’re with because you love them and you’d never do anything to hurt them, regardless of how much you’re tempted. Flow is when you are fully immersed in your energy. Allow your energy to move through you to accomplish goals you’ve set for yourself. It will be easier to achieve success in your endeavors.

Willpower can be difficult to maintain, while flow never is. Flow is going through life moving with the rhythm of music, in sync with the positivity around you, moving easily through negativity to get back to the positive. You’re connecting to energy, which is different from just having willpower and saying, “I’m going to do this,” or “I’m not going to do that.” Flow is doing something on an emotional, soul level. If you can make it part of your regular flow of energy, then you’ll find that it’s much easier to achieve high energy levels than if you try to use willpower to force yourself to raise your frequency. Both willpower and flow are necessary, but you must discern the difference between the two.

*Let Universal Energy
flow through you, move you, and lift you higher.

67. Today Is Today, Tomorrow Is Tomorrow: Take One Day at a Time

Are you always planning and organizing until your schedule is bursting at the seams? There’s nothing wrong with living a full life, but to raise your personal vibrational rate, try a different approach. Instead of planning every little detail, try living one day at a time without planning for tomorrow. It’s okay! Take a deep breath—you can do this. You can relinquish control for a short time and just be—just see what happens if you have a day without plans.

In letting go of your need to control every aspect of your life, you’ll find that new things will come to you that you weren’t even expecting. When your day is chock-full of things to do, you don’t have any room for the unexpected to appear—and if it does, you may not notice it. If you only consider what is happening in the moment and let go of control issues, then tomorrow is only tomorrow and you’ll face what comes as it appears. If you can keep the mindset that today is today and tomorrow is tomorrow and just take one day at a time, you will give your soul energy a break from the hectic pace it’s always in, allowing it to grow. You may even find that you’re able to relax a little along the way.

*Live today as if you’ll never have another, and tomorrow will take care
of itself.
