68. Detach Yourself from Negativity
Negativity can integrate into your life in ways that you might not even imagine. When you’re feeling stressed, depressed, or just off-kilter, try this exercise to detach from negative thoughts and feelings.
Imagine that you are in a big field, desert, or valley surrounded by mountains on all sides. Look at your life and gather negative situations, people, and emotions that are affecting you and put them all together in a group, stack them in a big pile or pen them in a corral in front of you. Now mentally push them away from you. Send them to the other side of the field, across the desert, or up into the mountains. Once the negative things are far, far away from you, look at them one at a time, really considering each situation or person and how it relates to you and affects you. Does the situation look less bleak from this distance? Is the person that’s bringing you down just full of hot air because they feel small and worthless themselves? When you push negativity away to a place where you can see it for what it truly is, you are destroying its attachment to your life. This exercise can be done at any time in any place, and it will always challenge you to see the people and situations in your life as they truly are.
*Push negativity into the distance to see it clearly.
69. Release Defensiveness
When people start knocking you down and acting negatively toward you, when it feels like everyone is out to get you or is constantly berating you, it’s really easy to get defensive. That’s normal. Putting up a defense is human nature and an important way that we protect ourselves from outside forces. However, acting defensively lowers frequency, so it’s better to find a positive way to handle people and situations that make you feel defensive.
One way to do this is to imagine a positive outcome that you’d like to happen. When someone is giving you a hard time, focus on that positive result. Imagine that they suddenly become positive and upbeat and their negativity falls away from them and is absorbed into the ground under their feet. Let your responses to them remain positive and soon, even if they don’t change, you will feel differently about the situation because you’re looking at it from a positive angle instead of a negative one. Maybe it’s their life lesson to learn patience and positivity from you, even if they don’t understand it at that moment. Maybe it’s your life lesson to see the good in the situation even if it totally sucks while you’re going through it. Your belief in creating a positive result is what ultimately creates that result.
*Let go of a defensive attitude by believing in a positive outcome.
70. Take Action Only When You Are in Balance
Negativity can be an overwhelming force around you. If you’re surrounded by negativity—whether it’s coming from within you or from outside of you—do not make any decisions or take action until you’ve brought yourself back into balance.
If you make decisions when your energy is low and negative, you may regret them later. Take the time to use creative visualization to clear yourself of all negativity prior to taking action. Imagine your energy vibrating faster and faster until it’s moving quickly within you. As your energy increases, feel yourself becoming lighter and clearer of mind. Once you feel that you’re back at center, that you are in balance, and that your energy is at a higher rate than it was when you were overwhelmed with negativity, then you are in a better place to make decisions and take action. You will see the situation clearly and feel comfortable with what you decide to do.
Acting on impulse in the heat of the moment or in anger can stifle positive energy flow if your actions aren’t reflective of your spiritual self. This happens because in the middle of the situation, emotions are soaring and you lose control of yourself, saying things that you may not really mean and that you’ll later regret. In the middle of chaos, take a deep breath and be true to yourself.
*Avoid impulsive, negative actions; wait until you’re surrounded by positivity.
71. Learn To Let Go
Holding on too tightly to anything is a negative, controlling action. Maintaining control over your life is a good thing so you’re not scattered and unfocused; however, when you become obsessed with being in control and hold on too tightly as a result, you suffocate any positive influences that may be coming to you, simply because you can’t relinquish control.
To learn to let go of things you don’t need to control, first you have to recognize what those things are. Do you always need for people to do what you want them to do instead of allowing them to do what they want to do? Do you insist on taking particular actions time and time again, even if it’s making someone in your life miserable? Think about your actions; if you are forcing your will on everyone else, it’s time to change this behavior and let go. Not only will this raise your frequency, it will also make your life much more joyful and stress-free. We are each our own person, and when you try to hold on too tightly in an effort to gain control, it has an opposite effect: you actually lose control. While you may get what you want in the short-term, in the long-term you’ll find that holding on too tightly never turns out in a positive way.
*Release that which
binds you in order to
find the freedom and
balance you need to be spiritually fulfilled.
72. Turn off the Electronics for a Week
In today’s world of technology, cell phones, GPS systems, televisions, Xboxes, Nintendos, Playstations, iPods, iPads, Nooks, and Kindles are part of everyday life for a lot of people.
You may think that you can’t live without your cell phone, your television, your gaming devices, or your music, but you can. If you unplug for only a week, you’ll find that you will have increased your vibration and will look at life with less stress or anxiety. In today’s world, we’re too accessible to everyone else; we want instant gratification and get upset when we don’t receive it. However, what we truly need is to learn calmness and patience.
Television programming is full of negative energy because tragedy sells advertising. While there’s nothing wrong with staying informed with what’s going on in the world, try not to become so caught up in the negativity that you begin to look at the world through a negative lens. This brings your energy down. Sometimes, you need to take a break from all electronics just so you can find your balance and come back to center within your own energy flow. Let everyone who is important to you know that you’ll be unavailable for a week. Then turn off all the gadgets, pack them away so you won’t be tempted to use them, and then find your true self. Take time to just be you.
*In the quiet you will
learn great secrets.
73. Self-Pity
and Frequency
Poor, poor, pitiful me! Is that something you think about yourself? Do you believe that everything is always going wrong for you no matter what you do? Do you think that everyone is personally against you or that you can never do anything right? Are you often comparing what you have or don’t have to what your friends, family, neighbors, and acquaintances have? Do you pity yourself because you don’t have what others have?
That’s a lot to consider, but give those questions some thought. Pity will drag your energy vibration down so fast it’ll make your head spin. Stop feeling sorry for yourself, pull yourself up by your bootstraps, and consider all the positive things you have accomplished and achieved. Quit thinking that others are out to get you and that life is inherently unfair. You’re right, life isn’t fair sometimes and that’s just the way it is. Stop comparing yourself to other people and embrace the wonderful person that you are. Sure, it’s fine to feel sorry for yourself now and again, but don’t get absorbed in it and carry on for days on end or make it a regular part of your life. Let it last for a few minutes and then release the feelings. Not only will self-pity bring down your energy, but it will negatively affect those around you.
*If you feel self-pity at times, have a short pity party and let it go.
74. Stop Complaining
Can you go one day without complaining about something? How about an hour? Thirty minutes? Some days it just seems that you need to complain about everything, doesn’t it? It’s a normal part of being human, but when you’re actively trying to raise your energy, you have to put the complaining aside. Words have power whether you’re saying them out loud or chattering away inside your head. Your thoughts flow into the Universal Energy just as your words do. Everything you say is put out into the Universe and can come back to you at some point in your life. This is why it’s so important to only say what you mean and mean what you say, to not participate in gossip or keep secrets. You do not need to speak out loud everything that you know, nor do you need to complain constantly in your mind. Even if you’re not saying the words out loud, it’s still a destructive action that gives your thoughts and words negative energy. Instead of complaining, try to look at what you want to grumble about in a different light. Can you find the silver lining? Look closer. It’s there, just waiting for you to find it. Once you see it, you’ll have something positive to say, which will bring positivity to your path.
*If you can’t say something positive, don’t say
anything at all.
75. Poor Concentration
If you are having problems focusing and often find that you’re daydreaming or staring at the page in front of you without comprehending what you’re reading, it’s probable that your concentration has gone on the fritz. Bring your focus back to center and increase your energy with snow quartz or amazonite. Snow quartz boosts clarity of thought and helps clear extraneous thoughts from your mind. It helps to remove negativity and brings wisdom and purity. Amazonite is usually an opaque green stone but ranges from yellow-green to blue-green. It’s soothing, calming, relieves stress, eases your mind, and boosts the nervous system. Start with snow quartz and then try amazonite to see which works best for you. You should carry the crystal with you at all times in your pocket or wear it close to your body as a necklace, bracelet, or earrings.
A loss of concentration is often caused by avoidance (because you really don’t want to do the project) or boredom, which leads to being easily distracted. When you find that you’re bored or avoiding what you’re supposed to be concentrating on, stand up, stretch to wake up your muscles, then sit back down and do at least three more things that will get you closer to completion. Then take a break. You’ll make yourself work further and give yourself a reward, which is always a positive thing!
*Push yourself harder when your focus is distracted.
76. Bury Your Problems
Problems, problems, problems. Sometimes it seems that everything you touch turns to crud, not gold. Nothing goes right, you’re frustrated, and your energy is in the gutter. What to do? I like to bury my problems in the ground. The energy of the earth will absorb the negative energy of the problems, bring me back into balance, and increase my energy.
I live near the beach, so I like to bury problems on the surf so the energy is absorbed in the sand and the tide can wash away any negativity that remains. I take my kid’s shovel and pail and pick a spot where the water will wash over my buried not-treasure. In the sand I make a circle, square, or other shape—whatever feels right in that moment. I dig down a little, place my palms in the center of the area and imagine all negativity flowing out of me and into the sand, taking all my problems with it. Then I imagine the positive energy of the earth flowing back into me through my palms, bringing balance and an increase in my frequency. When I am finished, I cover the hole with the sand I removed and watch until the waves move over the area. I imagine the waves are gathering any residues of negative energy, cleansing them as they’re washed out to sea.
If you don’t live near the ocean, you can do this exercise by finding a spot of earth that feels right to you, using the above steps, and then pouring a bucket of salt water—salt is an important cleansing tool here—over the area to wash away negativity. You may even choose a spot in your yard that you use repeatedly. Give it a name like the Cleansing Corner, to connect with what you’re doing.
*Release problems and negativity into the earth, then absorb its positive energy to restore balance.
77. Ego
When your ego is elevated, it can create obstructions along your spiritual path, block the flow of your energy, and cause you to be judgmental. An elevated ego is when someone has too much pride, sees themselves as more than they actually are, or thinks they are better than everyone else. We’ve all met people who think very highly of themselves. You’re going to run into people like this throughout life, maybe even on a daily basis. While they probably just need to put a pin in it and deflate themselves a little bit, it’s not in their nature to do so. It’s easier to understand these types of people if you acknowledge that it’s part of their life path to be this way. There is a lesson to be learned either by them or by the people with whom they’re interacting.
If you allow your ego to get in the way, you aren’t going to attain the best results in energy work because you’ll think you’re already at high frequencies when, in fact, you may be at the lower realms. Move your ego out of the way and then forget about it.
If your ego is too low, you’ll run into an opposite set of problems. You may think that you don’t deserve success, that you’re not good enough, or that it’s too difficult to attain your goals. In this case, you need to look at yourself honestly, find the cause of your low self-esteem, and realize that you do deserve to live at higher frequencies. Having a faulty ego is just as detrimental to your spiritual growth as having an overinflated one. Finding balance, being humble, and looking at your situation honestly is the best way to forge ahead.
*Check an inflated ego at the door, or open that door of self-worth to allow a
small ego to grow.
78. Dispel Interference from the Physical and Spiritual World
Our everyday lives can cause a great deal of interference in our energy work. What this means is that you allow people on the physical plane to stop you from connecting to your true spiritual nature. What do you do when everyone needs you and you can’t get any spiritual work done? You have to deal with situations as they arise and try to block interference. For example, go to a room that no one else in your family is occupying. Yes, you’re temporarily isolating yourself from your family, but you need some alone time to focus on increasing your frequency without interruption.
Physical interference is pretty straightforward, but what about interference from the spiritual plane? If you’re psychic, you can ask your guides and those with messages for you to come back later, because you’re very busy right now. They’ll generally accommodate you. Sometimes energy from the other side can connect to you and keep you from meeting your goals. Just as you’d isolate yourself from people on the earthly plane, do the same thing with the spiritual plane: isolate yourself spiritually from any kind of spirit contact that may be detrimental to you accomplishing your goals. Use creative visualization to create a wall or boundary around yourself, sealing out all intrusive influences. By temporarily isolating yourself, you’re increasing your energy and keeping away interruptions while doing work that will enhance your personal and spiritual growth.
*Isolation can open you to possibilities that you cannot see when you’re amid chaos.
79. Illness
When you’re ill, it’s difficult to do work on a spiritual plane because you simply don’t feel well. Illness can lower your energy; if you aren’t physically at the top of your game, it’s hard to be spiritually at the top of your game. But you can also use times of illness as a way to move forward on your spiritual path.
Let’s pretend (because I don’t want you to really be sick) that you have the flu. You feel horrible and just want to lie in the bed and sleep. If that’s what you feel you need, then by all means, sleep. Follow your body’s instructions—that’s the only way you’ll get well faster. During the times you are awake, stay in bed but let your mind work. Think about the positive flow of energy moving through you and helping your body to heal. Imagine white light flowing to every cell in your body, invigorating those cells and energizing you at the molecular level. Imagine your energy levels soaring, filling you with positivity. As you do this, imagine the illness going away or being shorter in duration so that you’re helping yourself along the road to recovery. Use God’s white light, light energy, light consciousness, and an increase of your own personal vibration to heal yourself from within. Thinking about the positive effects of energy on your physical body can bring tangible results.
*Miracles can happen when you use God’s white light to heal what ails you.
80. Cry
When you cry, you release a sudden, overwhelming amount of energy that is in direct relationship to your emotions and feelings. You may be crying out of happiness, loss, joy, or despair. Whatever the cause, an occasional cry is good for the soul. It is cleansing. It releases energy that, if held inside, could cause a buildup of emotion that will eventually come out in the form of a meltdown or explosion. If you tend to hold back and not allow yourself to experience a good cry, try this: the next time you feel that burning sensation at the back of your eyes, the tightness in your throat, and that overwhelming emotion rising up inside you—let it go. Find a private space or a bathroom if you are out in public and feel uncomfortable. Let the tears flow forth like rain, let your body be wracked with sobs, and feel every ounce of the emotion that’s causing you to cry. Afterwards you’ll be surprised at how much better you feel and how much clearer the world looks.
Holding strong emotions inside can do one of two things to your energy level: it will either sink lower and lower until you find yourself in a state of depression, or it’ll get wound up so tight with no way to be expressed that you’ll eventually blow. To keep yourself in a constantly upward state of movement, release emotions by experiencing them fully.
*It’s okay to cry. Even if you sob hysterically, it will help you heal.
81. Release
Negativity Balloons
The simpler you can make the process of releasing negative energy from your life, the greater results you’ll achieve. The next time you are having a problem that is bogging you down, buy a helium balloon that reflects your problem. If it’s a big problem, buy a big balloon; if it’s a small problem, get a small one. Remove any ribbons or other ties, then use a marker to write your problem on the surface. Don’t include any personal information (your name, address, etc.) that may be found by someone later if the balloon pops. Get your problem out of your system and onto the balloon. You could write a paragraph or just one word—it’s up to you. Now, release that balloon. Watch it drift away, taking the problem’s negativity away from you. Feel your own soul energy rise as high as the balloon rises into the sky.
A greener alternative is blow up your own balloon (without helium), write your problem on it, and then drop it from a high place. As the balloon drifts on the breezes, imagine it pulling all of your negative energy away from you. When it hits the ground, the negativity is absorbed into the ground. If you can see your balloon hit the ground, be sure to retrieve it and throw it away.
*Allow negativity to float away from you, freeing you from its clutches.
82. Drama
Are you a dramatic person who turns everything that happens to you into a life-or-death situation? We all have times of high drama in our lives, but being addicted to drama—needing it in your daily existence—is something you should eliminate. Don’t add drama just to raise more awareness of difficult times you may be going through or to give yourself some grand mystique by making the people around you miserable with your exploits. Turning your spiritual lesson into a dramatic episode just to become the center of attention will lower your personal vibration. That doesn’t mean you should dismiss your feelings or any pain you’re experiencing; you should embrace these things because they are part of your soul’s path and growth. Just don’t blow them out of proportion in order to bring attention to yourself, and don’t discuss your problems without considering the feelings of the person you’re talking to. Otherwise, you’re only using them as a sounding board. You can also turn to friends and family for support. If you deal with the situation on your own or with a close friend or family member, in a quiet, calm manner where you connect to yourself on a soul level, then you are solving the problem, getting your feelings out, and increasing your energy.
*Participating in high drama or avoiding it is
your choice to make.
83. Put Pride in
Your Back Pocket
Being proud of yourself and your accomplishments is a good thing. Being proud of the people in your family, your coworkers, or others that you know is also great. But to be so proud of yourself that you come across as arrogant and snobbish is a problem. When you are so prideful that you put yourself above others or talk constantly about your accomplishments instead of being balanced in your approach to life, then you’re emitting negativity and lowering your energy levels. Being too prideful means that you think you’re beyond following the rules or that you deserve to have everything you want given to you. Signs of too much pride include being smug, refusing to see your own weaknesses, and acting sarcastically to those you think are beneath you. You believe that you know it all and do it all perfectly and that you have nothing left to learn or no growth left to experience.
If you discover that you’re letting pride keep you from being your true spiritual self, then shove it in your back pocket. Put it behind you, out of the way. You’ll still know it’s there, you’ll still be proud of yourself, but now pride is not ruling your life as it would be if you were wearing it on your shirtsleeve.
*Take the opportunity to see pride as it really is, then be humble and release it to find a new truth.
84. Don’t Engage
in Gossip
When I was growing up, I was always told that if you couldn’t say something nice about someone, you shouldn’t say anything at all. In some situations, it’s difficult to keep your mouth shut, but shut it you must. When it comes to raising your spiritual vibration, this is a rule to live by. Gossip in any form is negative. If you engage in gossip, people will be wary of trusting you because they’ll never know if you’ll spread around what they tell you in confidence.
When you’re talking about someone else and what they’re doing, who they’re seeing, and passing along information that someone may have wanted to keep quiet, you are lowering your vibration. I found out in high school that gossip is usually going to come back around to you in one of two ways: you find that you’re the subject of gossip and the things said may be totally untrue, or you get called out about the things you passed on. When you find yourself in the hot seat, will you tell the truth or lie? Lying will only make it worse—it’s better to just admit responsibility for what you said and refrain from gossiping in the future. If you’re able to do this, you’ll find that you’ve permanently raised your energy a few degrees.
*Lies spread quickly, like a flame; unless truth is its name, refrain.
85. Forgive Someone
and Forgive Yourself
Forgiving someone else is hard; forgiving yourself is even harder. Even when you’ve been able to find it in your heart to forgive someone, you may never forget the events that happened. That’s human nature. Sometimes, it can take a long time to forgive someone. It has to come when the time is right for you. This timing also depends on the actions of the other person or people involved and whether or not they’re trying to seek your forgiveness. If they have tried to make things right with you but you’re still holding onto your negative feelings, then give the situation some extra thought. Can you get past the hurt? If you can, even if you no longer want that person in your life, then offering your forgiveness will help you move past the negative emotions that you’re harboring, bringing you feelings of peace and resolution. Offering forgiveness allows you to heal. It is a show of inner strength, a sign that you have moved past the pain of the situation and released it. This same thing applies to the way you feel about yourself and the things you’ve done in life. We all have to take responsibility for our own behavior. If you can forgive yourself for past actions, then you can move into a higher, more positive energy.
*Let go of pain and emotional agony by forgiving those who hurt you.
86. Raise the Roof
There’s nothing more enjoyable than getting your body moving to increase your overall energy. While there are a variety of exercises you can do, here is one that I think is fun, exhilarating, and a fantastic way to get your energy soaring higher.
First you’re going to kneel on the floor on one knee or both (I kneel on one knee), then you’ll start making your unique tonal pitch. Repeat it several times as you connect to your core self. Once you’re solidly into your tonal pitch, keep repeating it and slowly stand up, raising your hands over your head until they’re as high as you can get them. Now stretch and reach as far as you can toward the heavens. When you think you can stretch no farther, push yourself just a little more. You can stand on your tiptoes if that helps you. When you’re as stretched out as possible, quickly pull yourself back down to the kneeling position. Repeat this motion again, only this time, move a little faster as you stand and when you fall back down to a kneeling position. With the next repetition, go even faster. Keep this up until you are moving without any pause. Continue this until your energy is soaring.
*Energy is pace, sound,
and a body in motion. Energize yourself by combining all three.
87. Fear and Frequency
What are you afraid of? Maybe it’s the dark, loss of loved ones, failure, inadequacies, snakes, storms, or another person. It doesn’t matter what it is you’re afraid of, fear can negatively affect your life. I used to be deathly afraid of two things: ants and false teeth. You may be thinking that these are irrational fears, and I tend to agree now, but until I got over this fear, I’d get hysterical if an ant got on me or if I saw false teeth. You must face your fears if you’re going to reach your goals. Look for reasons why you’re afraid, whether in this world or from a past life. My fear of false teeth was from an incident in my present life. The fear of ants ran much deeper. While I had an episode as a baby with ants, it wasn’t enough to cause the extreme fear I felt about them. Then, when looking into past lives, I discovered a reason for the fear, one that rang true on a soul level. I won’t go into details, but I released the situation and now ants no longer terrify me. Consider your fears and how you can release them. See if you can discover the root cause, because if you can, releasing them will be much easier.
*Fear is a negative force that can adversely affect all aspects of your life. Let it go.
88. Discard Negative Second-Nature Feelings
Do you ever feel like you can’t do a particular job, act in a specific way, or succeed in something you want to accomplish? Think about why you feel this way. Is it because someone told you these things? Maybe someone didn’t come right out and say so, but they hinted with snide little remarks that made you feel about an inch tall. It happens a lot. People don’t always realize how the little remarks they make in passing will affect someone emotionally. The best thing to do is ignore the person and let their words slide off your back. Don’t accept others’ comments as fact, because someone else’s opinion isn’t your soul truth. You can do whatever you want to do in life. You can be successful. All you have to do is believe in yourself, your drive, and your ambition. Know in your heart that what other people think is simply their opinion, which shouldn’t affect your life dramatically. You don’t have to listen to them. When you let other people’s words make you feel second-rate, then you’re missing an opportunity to feel positive and sure about yourself at your spiritual core. Words have power, but that doesn’t mean you have to allow negative words to have power over you.
*Don’t believe those who judge you negatively. They may need to look in the mirror before they speak.
89. Misperception Reversal
Misperception is when you don’t correctly interpret what you’re seeing, hearing, sensing, feeling, or being told. This often happens when people are learning about the paranormal or spirituality. As you progress along your spiritual path, you want to be honest with yourself both mentally and emotionally. If you don’t understand something, talk to someone who does understand it—someone in your circle of friends or a person who specializes in the field. Do research and make sure you’re interpreting the concepts correctly to reverse misperception. You have to turn it around and look at it in a different light. There’s nothing worse than thinking you’re doing something right only to find out much later that you’ve been doing it all wrong for a long time. Do your research in the beginning so you start out on the right foot and without misperceptions of the work you want to learn about. If you’re able to turn around any misperceptions, you’ll make great gains. Don’t get upset and say you know you’re right when you may not be; listen to others and pursue information with an open mind. Know that sometimes you may misunderstand, and that’s okay. By taking positive steps to be clear in your studies, you’re opening yourself to a deeper understanding of information that you may have previously misinterpreted.
*Ask questions in order
to stay clear in purpose as you move along your spiritual path.
90. Put the Bite on Emotional Vampires
We’ve all met emotional vampires—people who can literally suck your energy dry. An emotional vampire is someone who leaves you feeling drained after you’ve spent some time with them. Some emotional vampires don’t even realize what they’re doing, while others intentionally use episodes of emotional upset to make you feel guilty. They often come across as needy, helpless, or depressed individuals. They feel your positive light and high energy levels, so they attach themselves to you because you make them feel better about themselves through your caring words and actions. Maybe you’ve shared an event or crisis with them and they feel bonded to you, as though no one other than you can ever understand them. Even people you tend to ignore can attach themselves to your energy without you even realizing it. To put the bite on these emotional vampires, you have to disconnect their energy from your own.
Here’s a creative visualization technique you can use any time your energy feels drained. By cutting loose any negative attachments, you will feel lighter and free your energy of the emotional vampire’s ties on you. Start by sitting quietly and closing your eyes. Now look all over your body for any kind of attachments you may find. They may appear as thick pink cords, a tangle of webby-looking connections, or even as strings or ropes. However you see these attachments in your mind’s eye, recognize them for what they are: negative connections placed on your energy by others. Now, use the first and middle fingers of your dominant hand as scissors and start cutting away all of the attachments. If some appear to have roots, pull them out. As you cut and pull, imagine holding the ends in your opposite hand. Look for these connections everywhere: on your back, under your toenails, in your armpits, in your hair, even in private places where you wouldn’t expect to find them. Once you’re sure that you’ve found all the negative attachments, release them. Imagine them springing back to where they originated. This isn’t a negative action. You’re simply giving the attachment back to the person to whom it belongs. You can also imagine the connections flying into outer space, where they can never attach to you again.
Once you’ve gotten rid of all the attachments, put a bubble of white light around you. Place mirrors on the outside of the bubble so that any new attachments will bounce right off of your energy and return to the person who wants to attach to you. Any time you feel that you may have emotional vampires attaching to you, do this exercise to eliminate their bite.
*Removing negative energy attachments keeps you clear, invigorated, and light.
91. Locate Low-Frequency Holding Patterns
No one knows the internal workings of your body as well as you do. Have you ever felt that you knew something was medically wrong (or right) and no one would listen to you? Then, after seeing a doctor, it turned out you were correct? It’s this ability to know your body that can help you locate low-frequency holding patterns and increase the energy in those areas by releasing negativity around them.
For instance, maybe you often feel like you’re carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders. You feel like a heaviness is pushing down on you and you’re experiencing pain and tension in your shoulders and neck. This is an indication of an area of low energy and high stress in your body. To fix this problem area, imagine that you’re stepping out from underneath the problems and stress, that you’re releasing tension from your shoulders, neck, and upper back. Roll your shoulders and stretch your neck until you feel loose and supple. Imagine an increased blood flow to your upper body that stimulates the nerve endings and increases the flow of energy movement within the muscles. As the tension leaves the area and the energy increases, you’re releasing the holding pattern in this area. Do this exercise whenever you feel a buildup of pressure in your muscles anywhere in your body.
*Release tension in your body to alleviate low energy, soreness, and stress.
92. Ease Your Grief
We all face times of grief in our lives. It may be the loss of a family member, friend, coworker, or family pet. Grief can be difficult to bear. Your heart aches, and you feel overwhelmed by sadness and despair. It’s important to recognize the five stages of grief: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. You may move back and forth between the stages quite a bit before transitioning into acceptance, but you should know that all these emotions are normal.
Regardless of the stage of grief you’re in, you can help yourself by carrying certain crystals with you. Keep them in a pocket where you can touch them often, rubbing them with your fingers to absorb their energy, especially when you feel overcome with your grief. Apache tear, smoky quartz, spirit quartz, and angelite can help ease the pain you’re feeling as you deal with loss of your loved one or other life-changing news. While the crystals aren’t going to completely take away your pain, they can shorten the length of time you grieve. You’ll never forget your loss, but the pain will eventually ease and give way to acceptance. When we grieve, our energy drops; using crystals can restore frequency. There are times in your life when you’ll need more help than a crystal can provide to move through the grieving process. In these instances, rely on members of the medical field, clergy, family, and friends to help you through your time of need.
*Find joy in your memories as you grieve your loss.
93. Eliminate Worry
Releasing all the worry in your life is no easy task. If fact, you’ll probably never be able to eliminate it completely. There’s always someone or something that will cause you moments of worry. Maybe you’re waiting on test results from your doctor or your child is driving alone for the first time. What you don’t want is to be constantly and consistently worrying about every little thing that happens. I can speak from experience here: I used to be a complete worrywart. I didn’t realize that it wasn’t fun until after I’d changed my perspective. By looking at the bigger picture and my spiritual pathway within the Universe, I no longer worried about every little thing; I could see what was important and what was not.
Perspective is the most important and the easiest way that you can eliminate worry from your life. While the things that cause you worry may seem huge to you at the moment, if you look at the bigger picture and consider those same things on a Universal scale, then they’re not such a big issue anymore. This is an especially challenging lesson for the young; since their view of the world is limited by their experiences, small problems seem larger in comparison. Remember to practice compassion with children and teenagers when they profess to worrying about what you know to be a trivial thing. Use this same idea of perspective and compassion to curb your own worrying tendencies.
When you’re in a constant state of worry, the feelings of stress that go with it will bring your energy down. You’ll get the opposite effect when you eliminate worry from your life.
*Keep your worries
in perspective.
94. Get Out of
Your Own Way
We live in a society where we’re always on the go, always have plans and schedules and agendas to uphold. When problems arise in life, we try to fix them by whatever means necessary so we can get back to our schedules and lists. However, this isn’t always the best course of action to take. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in what we need to do that we forget what we need to be.
Instead of constantly doing something to stay busy, try stepping out of your own way. Perhaps you just need to wait a while for the answer to come and the situation to resolve itself. When you get actively involved in “fixing” a situation, especially one that is out of your control, you’re just getting in your own way, blocking yourself from obtaining a resolution. It’s difficult to sit back and not do anything when you can imagine all sorts of ways to “help.” Evaluate each situation and notice when you’re just getting in your own way by being overly involved. You don’t always have to be moving at the speed of sound to accomplish goals or learn lessons. Sometimes you just need to let the dish simmer for a while instead of rushing around adding spices and stirring and tasting and ruining the flavor with your extra efforts. It could be that facing a situation head on is as simple as looking at it with a clear, relaxed mind and doing nothing.
*First, determine the
action needed, even if
that is inaction.
95. Defuse Situations with Kindness
If you’re confronted with someone who has lost their temper, try your best not to fall into the low patterns of their anger by getting mad as well. Keep your cool; neutralize their anger by expressing words of kindness, caring, and understanding. These emotions come from a higher plane and will help to counterbalance their angry emotions. As their anger subsides, your words will help that person to come to a place where they too increase their energy levels by leaving the negative emotion behind. This strategy may not work in every situation, so you’ll have to play it by ear. But more often than not, this practice can keep an angry situation from turning into an uncontrollable rage.
When you do get pulled into an argument and lose your own temper, recognize that you’re playing into the other person’s emotions and walk away from the situation. This will give you time to regain control, find balance, and come to the situation from a place of high vibrations instead of staying on their level. When you’re calm, go back to the person and try to resolve the problem. If it’s an encounter with someone you don’t know, then just release those feelings; let it go and move on with your life. Dwelling on what you should have done or could have done will not resolve anything.
*Kind words can often keep negative situations from getting out of control.
96. Calming
the Inner Critic
Who’s the inner critic? You know who I mean, the little voice in your mind that goes on and on and on, weighing out possibilities, telling you that you can’t do something, and listing all the reasons why you will not be successful. If your inner critic is being negative all the time, tell that nagging motor mouth to just tone it down for a while. Just who is that rambling on in your head? It’s you, of course! You can be your own worst enemy by talking yourself to death internally, doubting yourself, or overanalyzing everything. Find time to calm down the chatter. It is in this quiet place that you can reconnect with your true self.
While it’s a good thing to try to achieve temporary quiet in your mind, you don’t want to completely shut up your inner critic forever. You wouldn’t be able to do that anyway, because weighing decisions and thinking things out in your mind is a positive action. Your inner critic is a part of you that is connected to you on a soul level and knows you better than you may know yourself, so sometimes listening to these thoughts can be very helpful. It’s when it your thoughts turn more negative than positive that you need to bring your inner critic back into balance.
*Don’t sabotage yourself by listening to negativity from your inner critic.
97. Anxiety
Anxiety is when you feel fearful or worried without knowing why. Maybe you focus on one thing that you’re afraid of and think negatively about it until you work yourself into a state of constant nervous tension. Anxiety can cause you to feel unsettled, apprehensive, and on edge until you’re waiting for the worst to happen in any given situation, fueling yet more anxious feelings. It can cause very real physical symptoms like muscle tension, stomach upset, and sweating or cold chills. When you are under intense stress or fear, your body misinterprets this as a real physical threat and reacts accordingly: increased heart rate, decreased digestion, and heightened senses. That ancient instinct may help you run away from a predator, but it doesn’t do much in today’s world. Anxiety is a negative emotion that can interfere with you functioning at your best during your daily activities.
If you are feeling anxious, grab a rose quartz and hold it close to your heart. Anxiety is one of those emotions that creates a heavy, slow-moving energy pattern within you. Using a rose quartz to alleviate anxiety will also release the blocks that are keeping your frequency down. You can carry the rose quartz or wear it as a long pendant. When anxiety starts coming on, hold the quartz in your hand over your heart. Imagine your body surrounded by a vibrant yet soothing pink energy. Let the quartz’s calming effect flow through you, releasing the anxious feelings and filling you with a lightness of heart. Imagine the tightness in your chest gently flowing away as you breathe deeply. Using rose quartz can help ease your anxious feelings.
*Turn negatives into positives to keep
anxiety at bay.
98. Mindful Breathing
to Release Negativity
We don’t normally pay attention to our breathing. You might notice that it’s difficult to catch your breath if you’ve been sprinting, but most of the time, we don’t think about how fast or slow we’re breathing at any given time. I once saw a show on television that discussed how some people could slow down their breathing and heart rate. Of course, I had to try it. I practiced until I could lower my heart rate and breathing repetitions on demand. What if we were to apply this principle to our breathing to release negativity from our bodies? Let’s do this exercise. Lie down somewhere comfortable and close your eyes, only focusing on the air coming in and going out of your lungs. Notice the speed of your inhalations and exhalations. Breathe slower. Take deeper, longer breaths until you feel your body relaxing. As you physically slow down your breathing, begin using creative visualization to locate any negative energy stored in your body. On the next exhalation, send the negative energy out with the breath; when you inhale, imagine positive white light filling the spot where the negativity once was. Keep doing this until you’re taking very few breaths in a minute and until you feel all the negativity has been replaced by positive white light.
*Mindful breathing is being aware of each breath you take, giving it purpose.
99. Pressure Points
to Release Negativity
There are hundreds of pressure points throughout the body—bundles of nerves that can cause pleasure or pain. Some people say there are eleven, some say there are a hundred, and others say there are several hundred of them. It all depends on who you’re talking to and their philosophy. You can use pressure points to release negativity within the body.
Pain is trapped heat. If you were to cut yourself, the pain is caused by heat rushing to the site of the wound during its creation and while it heals. That’s why wounds are often warm. If you were to touch a pressure point close to an area of pain and use creative visualization to draw the heat from the painful area down into the pressure point, you could expel it through the pressure point by pressing down on it. If you have a headache, you can press the dip in the fatty area between your thumb and forefinger to release the pain of the headache. By utilizing pressure points throughout the body, you can let go of pain and bring about relief.
Search the Internet to find individual charts that indicate all of the pressure points in the feet and in the rest of the body. Search under “pressure points in the body” to find a chart that will work specifically for you. Try releasing a pain through a pressure point today and record your results.
*Unlock the self-healing power of your body.