Your Higher
Self, Soul
142. Know Yourself, Understand Your Wants and Desires
You must know yourself and understand your wants and desires in order to obtain growth of any kind during this lifetime on the earthly plane. If you don’t know yourself, you are walking through life in a daze, unaware of how you relate to people and situations or how you look at life. You may not have set goals, or you may feel lost because you don’t understand your life purpose or know what you want to achieve in your career or personal life. If you understand what you want out of life, you can move forward with purpose. You can set goals and strive to achieve them, work to be proud of your accomplishments, and view yourself in a positive light. In turn this will make people look at you with high regard or be proud of you. By building on a strong foundation of goals and achievements, you will continue to succeed.
Knowing yourself is important in your interactions with others. If you know certain people or situations will set you off or make you feel poorly, then you can take steps to avoid them. If you know that you prefer working outside to sitting behind a desk all day, that understanding of yourself will help you in your job search. Knowing yourself enables you to grow as a complete spiritual being. Today, spend a few minutes contemplating what you want out of life.
*Know what it is you want in order to get it.
143. Discover Who
You Are At Your Spiritual Core
Do you know who you are at your core? Or are you trying to be what someone else wants you to be? When you focus on truly knowing yourself at the very basis of your being, you can grow personally, spiritually, and with divine purpose. If you’re always living your life trying to be what someone else wants you to be, you’re not really embracing the real you. You’re ignoring your basic instincts, your true nature, to be something or someone that you’re not, just because another person thinks you should be or act in a specific way. By following their instructions and fitting into their mold, you may eventually lose your true self, your essence, and your energy. Controlling people can snuff out your light, but if you’re strong at your spiritual core, they’ll have a much harder time extinguishing your brilliance. Know yourself.
If people don’t accept you for who you are and what you believe, those aren’t the kind of people you want in your life. Think about if there is anyone in your life who tries to fit you into a category you don’t belong in. Release these people and find others who will appreciate and love you for who you truly are at the deepest levels, faults and all. Doing this means you’re realizing the truth of your soul, raising your energy, and moving forward on your spiritual path.
*Don’t let others determine who you are or what you shall become.
144. Meditate to Meet Your Higher Self
Your higher self is your soul being, the core part of you in all your completeness. Your physical being on the earthly plane is just a projection of your higher self. Your higher self is in command of the life plan you created before being born, and it is through your higher self that you can make sure you are following that plan.
While you are always subconsciously connected to your higher self, there are several ways to consciously make this connection and communicate. You can use extended meditation, journaling, or a quick method of sitting quietly for only a few minutes to connect with your spiritual essence if you need a fast answer. You may see a vision of yourself as you are now, as you appeared in your youth, as a spiritual being, or as pure energy. Ask your higher self questions. How can you do better in life? How can you be a more spiritual person? What is your soul purpose in this lifetime? The answers you receive will not be based on fear (that’s your ego talking) but will instead be wise and knowledgeable. This raises your energy because you’re more connected to all of the parts of yourself as a spiritual entity.
*Make a date with your higher self to get to know
the real you.
145. Listen to
Your Gut Instinct
How many times have you had a feeling, deep down in your gut, that something was wrong, yet you couldn’t say what it was exactly? When you don’t listen to your gut instinct, you run into problems or situations that probably could have been avoided. Gut instinct is also a reflection of your psychic abilities, although most people don’t call it that. We’re all instinctual because we’re animals; if you listen to your gut then you’re in tune with your primal urges and instinctual nature. The next time you get a feeling that you should or shouldn’t do something, follow that urge—yes, even if everyone around you disagrees or doesn’t understand. If you get a negative gut feeling about a person who you think may not be what they say they are, listen to it. If you don’t, that person could cause you problems down the road. Whether you call it gut instinct or psychic ability, you’re listening to your internal self. Trust in yourself. Trust your first impressions. These messages come from a deep core place in your soul. If you ignore your instincts, you’re lowering your energy. By paying attention to these urges, you will probably prevent problems for yourself in the long run.
*Instincts are a natural protection. When you listen, you connect to your instinctual nature.
146. Find Your
Soul Energy
In this exercise you’ll use a candle’s flame as a tool to look into yourself and connect to your soul energy.
Light a candle and focus on the flame. As the flame flickers in front of you, use creative visualization to connect to the energy of the flame, then reflect that energy back into yourself to tune into the essence of your soul energy. Compare your energy to that of the flame. Is yours lower, the same, or higher? The flame is simply a tool to help you focus and turn your attention inward. The way the flame moves gives you different indications on how its energy varies in form. By noticing these fluctuations, you can mirror this to your own internal energy. Is your energy irregular? Is it moving like the flame, or is it solid and steady? If your energy is moving in irregular patterns, you may need to do work to strengthen it.
As you study the flame and consider your own energy’s frequency, you’ll be able to sense internally the rate at which it is vibrating. When you are aware of your current frequency status, you can take steps to raise it to even higher levels.
*For the flame flickers
in response to its energy, just as your light brightens or dims in response to your internal vibration.
147. Oppose Yourself
Facing opposition can be a fearful event, especially if what you’re opposing is negative in nature, such as an angry person. But opposing yourself isn’t a negative action—it is positive because you’re using an opposite action to achieve constructive results.
When you give yourself oppositions in life, those are prime times for increasing your core energy. Doing something totally opposite of what you normally do is a chance to feel the differences in your energy and to raise it. If it is low and you normally stay in this type of pattern, do something completely different to give it a jump-start. This acts as a catalyst and can move you from one level to another relatively quickly. For example, if you’re in a situation when your normal reaction would be to stay quiet and not say anything, responding and getting involved will change this low-energy pattern to a higher vibration. In any situation in life, if you can do something opposite—something outside of your normal patterns—that’s a positive step because you’re taking action. Challenge yourself today: pick an opposite activity, strategy, or reaction to change your daily routine and make positive things happen.
*Opposition makes you stronger, both emotionally and spiritually.
148. Look into the Window of Your Soul
It’s often said that the eyes are the window to the soul, and if you look into your own soul, you can see the true spiritual nature of your being. To do this exercise, stand in front of a mirror or hold a mirror in your hand and look at yourself. Don’t consider anything about your looks, just look directly into your eyes. Look deep within yourself to connect with your own spiritual truth and core energy. By doing this, you bring focus to your essence.
What do you do if you don’t like what you see? Maybe you see someone who is a touch selfish or who isn’t living to their fullest potential. Maybe you see someone who could be more than they are at this point in time if they would only take the time to obtain personal and spiritual growth through an increase in frequency. As you look into your eyes, imagine that you are raising your energy. Envision the molecules within you moving at a faster rate. As you do this with purpose and intention, and as you feel an internal increase in your energy, do you see a change in your eyes? Can you sense a change in the way you feel about yourself?
*Look into the window of your soul to discover spiritual truth.
149. Sleep
Sleep raises your energy because you need it to function. It gives your body time to rest and restore itself so you can start each day on a positive note. Some people need less sleep than others to have an optimal day. If you’re not getting enough rest while you’re trying to increase your frequency levels, it’s going to be difficult because your body isn’t operating at full capacity. Have you ever noticed the appearance of new mothers? They often look zoned out, with a glazed look in their eyes, sort of scatterbrained and frazzled and exhausted. They are sleep-deprived. Taking care of a baby is difficult, and it takes a toll on your body.
If you’re not getting enough sleep for whatever reason, try to work in time where you can grab a power nap in the afternoon, or even in the morning. Adjust your schedule so you can go to bed earlier or wake later. Create a setting that is conducive to a good night’s sleep. Sometimes creating a nightly routine helps you sleep better. You may need to add white noise to your room so you can get uninterrupted sleep during the night. Waking up a lot during the night can be a sign of spiritual growth, but it can also be a weak bladder; if that could be the culprit, stop drinking liquids earlier in the evening. What you’re lying on could be disrupting your sleep; if you normally sleep on a bed, try the couch, the floor, or a recliner. Turn off the phone, the television—everything that could wake you. If you are a new parent, see if your partner or a friend is willing to give you a night of uninterrupted sleep as a gift. Waking up repeatedly during the night disrupts your sleep patterns. You can still do work to raise your frequency if you’re tired, but it will be more difficult. The more rested you are, the more success you’ll have.
*Soft background music
can be a helpful sleep aid.
150. A Morning Ritual
Every morning when you wake up, before you get out of bed, take a moment to greet yourself, give yourself a hug, and say “I love you” to yourself. We greet people in our lives with smiles and open arms, so why not do the same thing for yourself? It gives you a moment to appreciate your spiritual being, connect with your soul, and raise your energy before you rise. When you awaken, take a few minutes to stretch. Really feel the stretch through your muscles. Wake them up, energize them. Wrap your arms across your chest, grasping each upper arm and then squeeze, hugging yourself. Now say, “Good morning (insert your name), I love you, and I will have a great day. I will be positive and upbeat, I will not allow negativity to lead me astray, and I will be a beacon of light.” Once you’re fully awake and prepared to start your day, get out of the bed. Keep this feeling of increased energy and love moving through you as you shower and dress for the day. When you have breakfast, be aware that the food is also aiding your positive beginning.
*Loving yourself is just
as important as loving
other people.
151. Pray
I’m a big fan of prayer. I think that everyone should pray to whatever entity they believe in, not only during times of need but as a regular part of their spiritual or religious practices. Praying helps you to connect to your spiritual self. It helps you to communicate within another dimension, moving past the mundane day-to-day experiences into the Divine. It allows you to ask for help from a heavenly deity and to offer thanks for the people and things that are in your life. Prayer is often done alone but it can be done in groups, during song, or in verse. There are many prayer circles where people in the circle pray for others during times of need. Prayer has the power to heal you spiritually, emotionally, and (some claim) even physically.
By opening yourself to the spiritual during prayer, you’re opening your heart and soul to a power and energy that is much greater than you. In doing so, you’re raising your own personal frequency. Prayer doesn’t have to be formal; it can be as simple as a few words spoken out loud in a time of need—“Help me, God”—or it can be a long formal prayer said in a house of worship. It is up to you and your beliefs how you proceed with prayer.
*Pray from the soul to touch the heart of God.
152. Meet Your Angels
Each one of us has angels that watch over us. You may have already met your angels or felt their presence around you. They can appear in many forms: a loud, powerful, disembodied voice; a strong fragrance; or a human offering help or delivering a cryptic message. The first time I met one of my angels, I was driving at five in the morning. I was headed toward a curve in the road where I couldn’t see around the bend. I wasn’t speeding because it was very dark and deer are a problem in that area. Suddenly, the interior of my car filled with the overpowering scent of various flowers. I smelled roses, honeysuckle, lilacs, wisteria, gardenia, and jasmine all at once. I heard a shouted “STOP!” so I braked and went around the curve very slowly. Then I saw a car backing out into the road. If my angels hadn’t warned me through scent and sound, I would have hit that car. By connecting with my angels, I avoided a car accident, and this experience permanently increased my frequency. Whenever I smell that particular scent, I always know my angels are nearby.
You can consciously choose to connect with your angels rather than waiting for them to contact you. Spend a few minutes today relaxing, then ask your angels for a specific sign to let you know they are with you, or ask to meet them during meditation.
*Angels watch over you, offering protection and love.
153. Look Past
This Dimension
How do you look beyond what you can see with your physical eyes, beyond the physical plane of existence and into the next dimension? When you talk with your spirit guides, you will often see them in your mind’s eye, which means that you are looking into their dimension and seeing them as they are on the Other Side. You can experience the astral plane during astral travel. During astral travel, you go out of this dimension into the next one. You can journey between dimensions—between the earthly plane and the astral plane—when you’re asleep or dreaming as well. You have to be focused and relaxed in order to see into these other dimensions, so meditation is an excellent method to use. Creative visualization also works well.
When you look beyond the earthly dimension and into other realms, you’re connecting to the energy of that dimension, which in turn will raise your own personal energy vibration. You make a connection with that reality and are able to understand that there are a lot more possibilities in the Universe than you can see with your physical eyes. New plants and animals are constantly being discovered on our planet, so who’s to say there aren’t undiscovered things in the spiritual dimension? Just take a peek. Become aware of the existence of other dimensions to enhance your spiritual growth.
*Obtain assistance for your spiritual needs from outside this realm of existence.
154. Love
Love is the one thing in this world that will always bring you joy. When you feel as though you aren’t loved or that love is lacking in your life, you may find yourself surrounded by feelings of inadequacy or sadness. Finding love doesn’t mean you have to be in a romantic relationship; it can be the love of family, friends, or even a pet that satisfies this human need. When you have love in your life, you’ll always be able to tap into the feelings of happiness that love gives you. Do you love yourself? If you don’t—if you’re not happy with your spiritual being—you need to determine what you don’t love about yourself and use that information to make changes so you can love the special person you are. Think about the love in your life that you may not even realize is there. Love comes in all different shapes and forms; you just have to know who and what you love and who and what loves you back. Pets give unconditional love every single day regardless of your faults and mistakes. They are forgiving, honest, and will love you with every fiber of their being. If you don’t have a pet, consider getting one. If you’re not able to care for a pet, consider volunteering at an animal shelter to walk or play with unclaimed pets to expose yourself to their simple brand of love.
*Give love like there’s
no tomorrow.
155. Live the Life
you Planned
Before your birth, you mapped out a plan to have specific experiences in your life that would teach you the lessons you needed to learn. While still in the spiritual realm, you made agreements with others who may or may not have incarnated during the same time frame as you. These lessons are experienced as you live and interact with people on the earthly plane.
As the creator, planner, and instigator of your earthly experience, you set your purpose and are striving to reach those objectives. You have to be spiritually aware of your own essence so that you can clearly see the goals and lessons that you planned. Sometimes fear can cause you to approach life in a bit of a fog because you really don’t want to move forward with the lessons you’re supposed to learn. You’re either afraid or you just don’t want to learn the lesson. You need to embrace your earthly experience with clear vision. Doing so allows your energy to grow so you’ll be fully awake, aware, and participating in your premade plans. As your frequency builds within you, you’ll have no choice but to acknowledge your plans because you’re more open-minded and connected to your true spiritual self.
*Only you know your true spiritual self at your core. Embrace life as an opportunity for growth.
156. Enlighten
another Person
As you move down your path of enlightenment, you will learn many things about yourself, the world you live in, and the spiritual planes of existence. You will learn about your soul’s spirituality, psychic abilities, the paranormal, and/or metaphysics. One way that you can give back to the Universe as you grow spiritually is to use your knowledge to enlighten another person. As I learned what I now know about metaphysics, the spiritual, the paranormal, and how psychic abilities work, I didn’t have anyone to teach me about these things. I learned it all through my own experiences, which often sent me to books to do more research. One thing I do now to give back is to enlighten others through teaching and by offering the material that I have learned in various formats. I write books, I teach workshops, and I talk to people one-on-one so they can gain a better understanding of what they’re going through as they’re going through it. Sometimes it’s difficult to understand what is going on in your life, especially when there is a lot of forward motion with your energy and on a spiritual, psychic, or paranormal level. Being a guide or mentor to others by sharing your experiences and teaching with your knowledge will allow you more growth while helping others. How can you enlighten someone in your circle today?
*Knowledge is power but it’s meant to be shared.
157. Connect To
Your Guides
One of the first things you can do to connect to your spirit guides is sit down in a quiet place—well, it doesn’t really have to be a quiet place and you don’t even have to be sitting down, you could be standing up—the point is, you just want to talk to your guides. You don’t have to make a huge time commitment in order to meet these helpers. You could be standing in line at a fast food restaurant, ask your guide a question, and get an answer before you even reach the register to place your order. You should be sincere in your approach to raising your consciousness so you can easily talk with your guides. It may take you several attempts to reach your guides the first time, but if you keep at it, you will be successful.
Have a conversation with them (either out loud or in your mind) and tell your guides that you’d like to meet them and get to know them better. Ask their names, what they look like, and anything they could tell you about themselves. One of your questions may be “Why are you guiding me?” or “What is our spiritual connection?” Once you ask your questions, you should trust the first impression you receive; the first thing you see or hear after asking the question is your guide’s or guides’ response.
When you meet your guides, you may see someone of a different race or from a different background than yourself, and that’s fine. Your guides will appear to you in a way that you can easily connect with, or they may appear as they were in a past life the two of you shared. If your guides are telling you something and you can hear them (clairaudience), pay attention to what they’re saying. Don’t doubt what you’re hearing because your first impression is going to be right 99.9 percent of the time.
You can connect to your guides when meditating, but not everyone has time to sit quietly and meditate, so you can also learn to talk to your guides when you’re busy during your daily activities. The key point is that you ask, listen, and trust that what you’re receiving is their helpful input. Give your guides free rein to pop in whenever they need to tell you something. If it’s important, they’ll do so anyway, but when you give them permission to contact you more often, you have more opportunities to connect with their higher frequency.
Once you are able to see and communicate with your guides, contact them regularly. They are here to help you understand your purpose and lessons in this lifetime, to help you through difficult times, and to celebrate with you during happy times.
*Your guides want to help you, if you’ll only let them.
158. United Care
of the Soul
As spiritual beings, it is our responsibility to take care of our souls during the human existence on the earthly plane. It is our duty to take care of every facet of our being, including the subconscious and conscious mind, the higher self, our spiritual knowledge base, our spiritual being, and our soul energy. This includes every aspect of ourselves that makes us a complete spiritual entity.
As you exist on the earthly plane, it is your responsibility to become enlightened, to become awakened, to look for more than you can see with your two eyes. You know on a spiritual level that there is more to you than flesh and bones or life and death. By understanding that you are a deeper spiritual being and by making an agreement with yourself, which is the United Care of the Soul, you are taking care of your spirituality. You’re looking for more information, striving to be a more complete person, and you’re incorporating all the energy that is a part of you into an elevated state. You’re not just assuming you can raise your frequency; you know that it’s your right and responsibility to take care of your entire spiritual being on a deeply spiritual level because you are a spiritual entity first, human second.
*Make a United Care of the Soul agreement with yourself today to stay on the path of enlightenment.
159. Keep a Promise
For me, a promise is my word. I try very hard to always keep the promises I make. The feeling of disappointment that is associated with a broken promise is something I do everything I can to avoid. For some people, making a promise is just a way to shut someone up or to get out of a situation; they may make a promise without having any intention of following through. These are negative actions. When you keep promises that you make, whether it’s a promise to yourself or to someone else, you’re increasing your vibration because you’re keeping your word.
Think back on times when you didn’t keep a promise to someone else. Were they disappointed, sad, or upset because you didn’t do what you said you’d do? Did you feel small because you didn’t follow through on your promise, or couldn’t you have cared less? Remember that words hold a lot of power; when you associate a promise with words, you’re giving those words even more power.
Now, think of times that you did do what you promised. How did the other person feel? Were they happy and proud of you for what you did? Did you make someone else’s job easier because you delivered? How did you feel? Were you proud of yourself, or happy that you made someone smile?
*If you can’t keep your word and follow through, don’t make promises.
160. Embrace Adversity
There are plenty of times in life when you face adversity: when things don’t go the way you want them to, when you encounter disagreements, or when life is just difficult and you’re experiencing setbacks at every turn. It always happens, because this is your life and tough times often accompany life lessons. The harder the lesson, the more difficult it may be to get through it. Even if you feel like your world is falling apart, don’t give up! Look at the situation as something that you have to rise above and resolve to come out of it on a positive note. I’ve always heard (and often found it to be true) that if a bad situation doesn’t kill you, it will make you stronger. You gain a sense of strength in your soul by embracing adversity. You may not feel it while you’re in the middle of the situation, but you are becoming a stronger person because of what you are going through. Embracing adversity isn’t easy by any means, but it will allow you to see different possibilities within your life and examine your reactions to those situations. Adversity is a teacher; there is an opportunity to learn from the trials and tribulations you’re experiencing. Adversity often shows its face right before you’re about to make a major breakthrough of some kind.
*Look at adversity as soul-strengthening exercises.
161. Go Beyond Skepticism
I’m a firm believer that seeing is believing. I’m skeptical, so for me learning to go beyond what I could see with my own eyes was difficult. When you have things happen to you repeatedly and you can’t physically see why it happened, it makes you examine the situation in a different light and consider possibilities that you aren’t sure even exist.
There have been times when I’ve felt someone tug on my shirt, but no one was there when I turned around. Other times I experienced manifestations in my peripheral vision and when I looked directly at what I saw, there wasn’t anything there. When this happened, I searched for logical, reasonable reasons for what I had seen. Once I had ruled out every possible logical possibility, I was left with ones that I wasn’t sure I wanted to even consider. After you’ve begun feeling what is beyond this realm, you have to start looking past what you see with the physical eyes and look with your third eye.
Let’s say, for instance, that your spirit guide manifests in front of you to deliver an important message. If you see the spirit guide but you’re skeptical, then you’re not going to believe what you’re seeing is really there; you will not receive the message. Maybe you’re trying to connect with your spirit guide and in your mind’s eye you see a lady with long dark brown hair, a light blue shirt, and khaki pants and she’s telling you her name is Alison and that she’s your spirit guide. Are you going to believe that? Set aside your skepticism. Try to look at things a little differently when it comes to embracing your psychic abilities and the things you see and experience. When you’re dealing with metaphysical experiences, fear often plays a big role in keeping you from discovering the extent of the realms we can’t see with our physical eyes. If you can release this fear as you study and have experiences, you’ll be better able to determine your own truth. It’s not easy to let go of fear, but if you at least try, then you’re making a good start on the road of discovery.
Being skeptical is a good thing. You don’t want to always be jumping on a bandwagon and not paying attention to your core beliefs. You should always rule out logical explanations for events before you put it down to spirituality, or psychic or paranormal experiences. However, when mundane explanations won’t account for something, release your skepticism to see if you can find a deeper meaning.
*Look beyond, see what you see—you might
be surprised.
162. Behave and
Act With Grace
There’s nothing worse than running into someone who is constantly acting in horrendous and silly ways. To raise your personal frequency, act with grace and kindness when you’re dealing with difficult people. You’ll find that your energy increases quickly when you’re gracious and act as the bigger person in difficult situations by simply giving in, or at least not fighting against whatever the situation is and allowing the difficult person to have their way. Don’t see your actions as “giving up”; you’re simply looking at the situation from a different point of view and not holding onto any negativity surrounding the scene or the people involved. You are rising above pettiness. When you act with grace, you’re letting go of control and stepping beyond what is expected of you, especially if someone is expecting one type of behavior and you give them a different, more graceful response. Your actions may throw them off-kilter a little bit and make them wonder why your reaction was different than expected. This indirectly helps them to increase their own frequency. There are many people who always react with a “what’s in it for me” attitude when acting with grace could very well bring them more than they hoped.
*Live your life with grace and, more often than not, you will receive grace
in return.
163. Look for Rainbows
Rainbows are a beautiful sign that all is well after a thunderstorm or shower. Such beauty can stop us in our tracks, causing us to gaze into the sky at one of nature’s wonders. Have you seen the rare double rainbow? The next time you do, recognize its unique beauty and apply how you feel about it to yourself on a soul level. Do you feel awe, wonder, or amazement? Your feelings are tied to your true essence and your connection with the spiritual realm. Can you feel these same emotions about yourself? You are just as rare and unique as that double rainbow. Reflect upon your own spirituality when you see a rainbow. Maybe you like to drive around searching for rainbows. It’s fun to do this every now and again after a rain shower.
However, looking for rainbows doesn’t always mean scanning the sky to find one of these brightly colored arches. There are plenty of “rainbows” in our daily life if we’d just pay attention to them. Have you heard the laughter of an infant? Or, after a hectic day at work, felt a cool breeze wrapping around you, settling and calming you? These are rainbows of a different sort—natural wonders that highlight the beauty that is all around us. Embrace all of the rainbows in your life with a sense of wonder.
*The beauty of a rainbow is as radiant and powerful as the beauty of your soul.
164. Be a Good Person
(Be Bad Sometimes Too)
We’ve all been told at some point in our lives to “be good.” We’re supposed to be good people with high ideals and morals. We’re supposed to take the high road, to be the better person in times of adversity, to stand out from the crowd. Being a good person means that you go above and beyond the norm to act in kind ways, to help others, and to live your life with integrity. In today’s society, this seems to be forgotten more and more. Don’t become a statistic without a good moral code of conduct. Your spiritual being deserves to shine with the goodness within you.
But what if we want to be a little bad? Can that raise frequency too? It depends. If you’re going to rob a store and hurt someone just to get your kicks, then no, that will most definitely not raise your frequency. But if you want to dress up, flirt, and act a little naughty once in a while, that will raise your vibration because you’re boosting your self-confidence. You’re not doing anything wrong and you’re not hurting anyone. It’s great to take the higher road, but sometimes we need the excitement of being a little bit bad too.
*Be a good person overall with little spice
of naughtiness.
165. Release Something that’s Holding You Back
Do you feel like you’re running from morning to night and are so exhausted that you even have trouble falling asleep? When life has gotten this hectic, you need to make changes. The first thing you should do is take a look at everything occupying your time. What can you release? As you progress along your spiritual path, you’ll discover that some things you once felt you needed to do are now holding you back. Think of it as graduating from one level to another. When you graduate from school you don’t continue to attend those classes, do you? It’s the same in life. When you do something that is helping your spiritual growth, but then you learn what you need and graduate from that lesson, you need to release it and move forward to the next lesson. There are also times when we take on certain projects but they end up holding us back instead of aiding us in meeting our goals. Such dead projects take up time that could be spent on something new. When this happens, you begin to dislike what you’re doing and you’ll start to feel that it’s a waste of time. These are clear signs that it’s time to release that project or practice and move on. You have to let that project go for something new to come into your life. Today, examine your exercises, projects, and practices to see if you have outgrown any; decide to let go of any that doesn’t help to better you.
*Release that which
no longer serves you.
166. Recognize and Appreciate the Gifts
in Your Life
When you consider the gifts in your life, what comes to mind? Is it a family member, a friend, a job, or a home? Did you think about love and happiness? It could be your psychic, mediumistic, or healing abilities. Gifts come in many shapes and sizes, tangible and intangible. You can recognize the gifts in your life by considering what brings you the most joy. Try not to take the gifts you’ve been given in this life for granted. They may not always be with you, so appreciate them while they’re in your life. People move away, life changes, and things happen that will alter your gifts. The gift you have today may become someone else’s gift tomorrow so that you are open to receive a new gift to appreciate.
Gifts are the manifestation of positive energy that will allow you to move further along your spiritual path through sharing something with another person, learning, or becoming enlightened. Too often we don’t recognize the gifts in our lives until they’re gone. You may be so bogged down in other things that you take the gifts you’re given for granted. Begin today by appreciating and acknowledging the gifts in your life. If your number one gift is a person, let them know today how much they mean to you.
*Take inventory of the gifts you’ve been honored
to receive.
167. Mortality and Death
The idea of death is very scary for many people, whether it’s your own or that of someone you love. This initial reaction to death lowers your vibration; it makes you sad and upset, sometimes devastatingly so, which is a normal human reaction because you’re going to miss the person you’ve lost. You’ll miss the relationship and interaction you had with them. This also applies to pets, as they can be an important part of our lives.
How can you use the idea of mortality to raise your energy levels? Through belief. The first thing you can do is believe that death is not the end. Death is a transition from this world back home, to the place we came from—call it Heaven, the Other Side, or any other name. Death is only the end of the physical body. Death releases the soul from its limitations so that it can continue on its infinite journey toward learning life lessons, finding ultimate happiness and joy, and eventually returning to its source of Creation. Knowing that we’re only on one plane of existence at this time can help us to understand that our mortality in the physical body is not the end of our soul; it’s a continuation of our soul’s path in the grand scheme of things. The soul is immortal, made of pure energy, and it lives on. If you believe this, you can better understand your feelings about mortality. Looking at death in a positive way will bring you peace. You will still grieve after the loss of a loved one, you will still miss the person who has passed, but you will also find solace in knowing that they have continued on their path and eventually you will see them again on the spiritual plane.
*Release the fear of death to experience all the earthly plane has to offer.
168. Surrender, Don’t Force Your Will
It’s a hard thing to surrender to someone else’s will. It’s difficult to give up on your beliefs, things that you own, your trust in another person, or your way of thinking in order to embrace new ideas, let go of resistance, and know that your way isn’t always the right way. When you are willful, stubborn, and don’t want to see anyone else’s point of view, you’re holding yourself back from possibilities that could be favorable to you. If you don’t get your way, your reactions can turn bitter and negative because your personal desire isn’t satisfied. This isn’t beneficial and can cause you to embrace negativity instead of releasing it.
When you’re open-minded—when you surrender your will and allow yourself to consider new ideas—you have the opportunity to grow on a spiritual level. One of these new ideas may be an important lesson on your spiritual path in this lifetime, but if you’re blocking this information from coming to you by being stubborn, then you’re stunting your own spiritual growth. As you work on raising your energy, consider that your will is not the be-all and end-all of learning about things in the metaphysical realm. If you have to surrender your desires at times, that’s simply what you need to do. Don’t resist it.
*Let go of willful and stubborn behavior; it will only make you sour on
the inside.
169. Release
Forced Spirituality
Have you ever met people who are so absorbed in New Age metaphysical spirituality that everything they do, say, discuss, or think about is all about spirituality, psychic, and paranormal topics? It’s like an obsession. They don’t look past the topic but try to live the topic in every way, shape, or form available to them. Yet, there’s something that doesn’t quite ring true; they’re forcing their spirituality. Someone like this may come across as too warm, too fuzzy, or sickly sweet, so totally wrapped up in being “New Age” that they seem fake in their beliefs. We should all be spiritual, but when it’s forced or faked just to fit into a certain crowd or trend, then that’s not increasing your frequency or making you more spiritual. You’re not connecting to your spiritual self because you’re losing the truth in your spirituality. I’d much rather communicate with someone who is down-to-earth and knowledgeable about different spiritual topics but don’t try to “be” the topic.
When you force your spirituality, you are defeating the purpose of spirituality; you’re not truly connecting to Universal Energy. Only you know what your true spiritual beliefs are and how you feel about them. But here’s a key thought: if people think you’re faking it—that you’re forcing your spirituality or that you’re forcing your spirituality on them—then maybe you are. Sometimes it’s just too much. If you come across as false, you need to take a good look at yourself to see if you’re forcing your spirituality, if you’re losing the grounded connection to Earth and this plane of existence. If you are, now is the time to make adjustments. You’ll find that people will sense you’re more truthful, honest, and straightforward in your beliefs instead of being someone who’s living with their head in the clouds, coming across as if they can do no wrong or are wrapped up in the “goodness of positivity,” which isn’t a good thing at all. This is something that you can change. Your spirituality is your spirituality, and no one can change it, take it from you, or tell you what is right or wrong for you. The important thing here is to not get so wrapped up in “being” spiritual, psychic, or any other subarea of metaphysics that you miss the point of what you’re trying to do. Your faith is not a fad.
*Be down-to-earth and honest when it comes to metaphysics and spirituality; keep your head out of
the clouds.
170. Be and
Experience Energy
Energy is the source of everything; without it nothing would exist. Everything is made of energy, and energy constantly flows around us. It takes different shapes, forms, and manifestations, but it’s there. Try going for an entire day thinking of the energy in everything that you encounter, including other people and yourself. Become one with these other energies to feel how each connection is different. For example, I’m sitting in a chair with a notebook computer on my lap as I type. As I tune into these objects, I feel that the chair has a different vibration than the computer. Its energy is calmer, slower, and more constant. The computer’s energy is zinging away; it almost feels like it’s on overdrive. My own energy is calm, steady, and strong. When you consider energy in this way, you’re raising energy within your being.
Another example is if you’re standing outside and a thunderstorm is approaching. The wind picks up, the sky darkens, and you can feel the energy of the storm surge through your body. Stay safe, don’t get hit by lightning or anything like that, but experience the energy of the storm—be the energy of the storm—and you’ll have a different outlook on how energy can raise your frequency even if it’s as small as noticing how you’re sitting in a chair or as big as a storm.
*Feel the flow of energy through you in everything you encounter on a
daily basis.
171. Your Spiritual Truth
Spiritual truth is who you are at the essential core part of your being on a soul level. Consider it to be the genuineness of your soul. Each of us has our own truth to live by, and what is right for one may not be right for another; therefore, it’s important not to judge others as you make this journey. You do not know what’s right for them. You may not agree with their truth—and that’s your right—but you do not have to judge them as wrong either. Living your spiritual truth means allowing others to live their own spiritual truth as well. When you understand what your spiritual truth is, then many aspects of your life will become clearer to you.
Are you a pessimist, an optimist, a caregiver, or an artisan? All of these help define who you are in this plane of existence, but do they accurately describe who you are at your core spiritual essence? If a description is negative, then it does not define the spiritual you.
If you’re not sure what your spiritual truth is, or how to find out what it is, you need to ask yourself some key questions. You can think about these questions all day long in the back of your mind; you don’t have to do any special meditation or creative visualization to achieve results. Some of the questions you want to consider are as follows: Am I a nice person, or am I cranky and mad all the time? Do I give of myself, or am I stingy with my time? The world ends for someone every day; if my world ended tomorrow, would I die happy? Do people respect me for my integrity and honesty? What are my beliefs about the soul, the Universe, and God? Am I comfortable with those beliefs, or do I feel there is something deeper going on that I haven’t discovered yet? Do I feel whole in mind, body, and spirit? Am I being true to my beliefs? Is there more I can learn to understand my reason for being and my spiritual truth? Today, just ruminate over these questions and see what comes of it. Remember to record your thoughts in your frequency journal.
As you go through life, there will be times when you know that you have hit on a key Universal Truth. Someone will say something or you’ll think something and suddenly you’ll get goosebumps all over your body and feel icy cold. This is the sign from the Universe that you have hit upon a Universal Truth that is unique to you. The next time it happens to you, pay attention to what was said or done seconds before the wave of coldness came over you. These moments provide great insight into your spiritual truth.
*You may have to dig deeper to find your truth but once you do, you will feel more secure within
your spirituality.
172. Accept Reality, Don’t Hide From It
It’s easy for us to take a negative slant on life and to complain about our reality by saying something isn’t fair, such and such shouldn’t have happened to me, I shouldn’t have to go through this or that. Your reality is your reality because you decided before you were born that it was going to be part of your life lesson. And it’s a simple truth: life lessons are difficult. You’re going to run into situations you’d rather not be involved in. Some lifetimes we have an easier time of it than others. After experiencing a difficult lifetime, you may choose to learn important but not as difficult life lessons the next time around. Think of it as taking an easy elective in school after having a large class load of required courses the previous semester. The difficult life lessons are the ones that help us move further along our spiritual path. You achieve more growth with the difficult lessons than you do with the easier ones.
You have to accept whatever your reality is at this point in your life. Say you fell and broke your leg. Okay, you’ve got a broken leg. It’s your reality at this point in time. What are you going to do about it? You’re going to deal with the pain and wait for it to heal. If you try to blame someone else for your broken leg, then you’re taking a negative position. If you take a positive position and think, “Okay I’ve got a broken leg. I’ll take it easy, but I’m not going to let this stop me from doing the things I need to do,” that’s great! It’s a good, positive attitude to have when faced with such a situation.
It’s also important not to let someone else’s opinion become your reality. In order to prevent this, you must be aware of your own spiritual essence, your spiritual truth; with this knowledge, you will be able to live your truth and not what someone else thinks about you.
When it comes to facing your reality, don’t put the blame on anyone else. Accept responsibility for what you do in life. Accept your reality and work hard to improve it if it’s negative or share it by helping others if it’s positive. By doing so, you’re raising your energy levels while staying in touch with your true spiritual self. Stop railing against your life and try to accept the bad with the good.
*Accept responsibility for your own spiritual reality—good and bad.
173. Be Sober, Not Drunk On Negative Behaviors
Gluttony and greed are negative attributes that can lead you down a path of problems. It’s easy to behave in a gluttonous manner or to be greedy no matter what it is that you want, so much so that you can become drunk on it. When you drink too much liquor, you’re drunk on the alcohol. When you’re too greedy, you’re drunk on greed. Going to any extreme and being drunk on negative traits causes you to behave negatively, which brings down your overall spiritual energy. Try to have a more sober approach to life. This doesn’t mean you’ll no longer have fun; it means you’ll no longer swim in negativity. You can imbibe without getting wasted. You can appreciate the things you get in your life without being greedy and always wanting more, more, more. You can eat in moderation and not stuff yourself to the point that you feel as if your stomach is going to blow up. These are all things that, if you are wise and do them in moderation, will keep you moving in positive ways. We all have negative behaviors and thoughts from time to time, but moderation is key to keeping these lapses from setting you back on your spiritual journey. Be sober, don’t be drunk on negativity and you’ll find that you’re better able to keep your energy levels at an even keel instead of dropping it too low with excessive extremes.
*Anything in excess can cause negative reactions within your spirit.
Be moderate.
174. Spiritual Realms
Your energy is always higher when you are connected to the spiritual realms. There’s a true core in each of us where we know on a soul level that there’s more than just this life. If you consider the spiritual realms—whether you call that heaven, the Other Side, or something else—and if you consider the entities on these realms (your spirit guides, master guides, and people who have passed from this life to the next), you’ll feel a soul connection to your own spiritual truth. When you think of the spiritual, it’s all about belief. There are many people who don’t believe in spiritual realms and many who do; whatever a person believes, that is part of their lessons in this lifetime. It’s all about what you’re here to learn. Personally, I feel there is more out there, that there are spiritual realms, that our guides are with us, that our angels protect us, that there are deities who have our best interests at heart. There are so many things that have happened to me and to people I know that make me really consider and believe in the spiritual realms.
Today, ponder the existence and form of the spiritual realms. Do these ideas resonate with you? Examine why or why not. Even if you arrive at the conclusion that you do not believe in these realms, the thought you put into that belief will raise your frequency. Perhaps you have automatically believed in these realms and only now are thinking about what those places would look and feel like, and who or what might be there.
*By considering the spiritual realms, you’re tapping into your own soul energy and beliefs.
175. Synchronicities
Exactly what is synchronicity? Some people think of synchronicity as a coincidence that has meaning, but I feel it is deeper than that because I don’t believe in coincidences; I believe that there is a reason for everything that happens, even if we don’t know the reason at the time. Synchronicity is when you have an experience where two completely unrelated things happen at the same time, and this speaks to you and means something profound to you. These are usually two things that wouldn’t have usually happened at the same time. It might seem to be a fluke. When synchronicity happens, look upon it as having special meaning from the Universe simply because it had to have been divinely guided to happen in the way it did. I believe synchronicity is a soul sign, an event planned to let us know that we’re on the right pathway. If the synchronicity is profound, it’s meant to let us learn through the event.
Here’s an example of synchronicity. Let’s say you’re cleaning your closet and find your old high school yearbook. You flip through it, find a picture of a girl you used to know that you were pretty close friends with but you two drifted apart after high school and you haven’t seen her in twenty years. Later that day, you run to the store for a gallon of milk and who reaches out to grab a gallon at the same time as you? Your old friend from high school! How is this synchronistic? What are the chances that first, you’d decide to clean today; second, you’d find your old yearbook; third, that you’ll reminisce about your friend; fourth, that she’d show up in the same grocery store at the exact same time as you and that you’d both be getting milk? This frequently happens when I see or hear something that makes me think of a certain person, even if I haven’t seen that person in a long time. Shortly thereafter, however, I will run into the person or someone they are close to, or I will hear news about the person in some way. This person might have a message for me, or they might teach me an important part of a life lesson I’m currently working on.
Here’s another example. Say you go to the store with some cash, pick up one item, and the bill is $3.33. You open your purse (or wallet) and you only have $3.33 in cash because someone in your family borrowed the twenty you had and didn’t tell you that they took it. What are the chances that, when you thought you had nearly $24.00, you would only have the exact amount of your purchase? This synchronicity might have to do with a current dilemma, a lesson you are working on, or another message that only you can make sense of.
When synchronicities happen, they have a positive effect on your energy if you notice them. Sometimes though, you may miss them if you’re not paying attention. Be more aware of the little things so you’ll notice the synchronicities in your life. I’m a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, so look for the reasons behind the synchronicities. You can use these “coincidences” to boost your frequency by noticing the divine design in your life or by being on alert for important messages that might be coming your way.
*Pay attention to the synchronicities in your life because they are messages
in disguise.
176. Utmost Honesty
When you tell lies, half-truths, or white lies, you lower your frequency. When you’re completely honest with yourself and the people in your life, you increase your personal vibration. There’s an old, old saying that honesty is the best policy, and I believe that’s entirely true. When you lie, or don’t tell “exactly” the truth, it will come back to bite you in the butt. It’s always better to be upfront and honest, even in difficult situations. You may encounter times when the easy way out is to lie and not face the truth of the situation. Take the high road and say the truth. Can you imagine what a convoluted mess you’d have in your life if you told lie after lie after lie? If you were to be questioned about the things you’ve said, how in the world would you remember every lie you told and get out of the situation? It’s sad to see someone who has put themselves in this kind of situation because they end up digging the hole deeper and deeper, trying to fix their initial lies. It’s just best to always be honest and tell the truth in the first place. You’ll find that utmost honesty alleviates the problems that you’ll encounter in your life if you’re lying.
Today, eschew all lies, even small white lies. See how you feel at the end of the day and be sure to record your thoughts about this experiment.
*Honesty is a virtue that strengthens your core spiritual essence.
177. Offer
Love Consistently
Nobody wants to get the hot/cold treatment when it comes to love. When you offer love, don’t go back and forth on it. You either love someone or something or you don’t. Love is a strong and powerful emotion, so it’s important to be consistent in the way you offer love to others. Inconsistency will cause your energy to go haywire. Before you say those three little words and give your love away, make sure that you are completely certain of your feelings. If you can’t make up your mind about what you love and what you don’t love, by all means, keep your mouth shut until you know for sure. Inconsistent love or saying that you love someone when you’re not really sure that you do can break that person’s heart and cause them undue pain, especially if they already love you. Not only is inconsistent love confusing for the people in your life, it’s confusing for you as well. Always be steady because love is such a strong emotion that you want to make sure you’re being true in the love you give, which will bring truth in the love you receive.
Once you’ve committed yourself to love, give it freely and show it often instead of holding back. There’s no joy in keeping your feelings under wraps. Even if you think the person you love already knows how you feel, they’ll always appreciate hearing it again. Today, vocalize your love for the people closest to you.
*Consistency in matters of the heart is imperative.
178. Deep Soul Frequency
When I say “deep soul frequency” (DSF) I’m talking about your vibrational rate at the deepest part of your being within the soul. The higher your vibration on the earthly plane, the more enlightened you’ll become and the higher your DSF will go. The more you learn about spirituality, psychic abilities, paranormal events, and anything of a metaphysical nature, the more you’re positively affecting your DSF. This also applies to religion. If you’re studying one particular religion or different religions from around the world, if that’s part of your life lessons, then your DSF will increase.
The key to positively affecting your DSF is to be in spiritual alignment with Universal cosmic energy, moving within its flow, instead of countering the flow. As you do this, you will feel this cosmic energy within you. You will know when you are accessing and affecting your DSF because your life will suddenly seem clearer and more purposeful. Things will flow smoothly with little disruption and with a happy and joyful energy.
As you work to become more enlightened and as you learn more about yourself spiritually, always consider how the things you’re learning are affecting your DSF. Are you raising your energy on the innermost, deepest levels of your core spirituality? As you accomplish this, you’re going to feel lighter and more alive.
*In the depths of your soul lies the greatness of you.
179. Light
Body Frequency
Your light body is white light energy that flows from God—or whatever name you use for the source of Creation—which radiates from the Universe, infusing you with higher levels of consciousness. There are some theories that go into complex, detailed steps to activate the light body, which is also broken down into many different components. I believe the light body is our connection to the Divine, and that it can be compared to our physical bodies and our higher selves. The higher the elevation of your light body, the more brilliantly your soul light shines. You will find that as this happens and you become more enlightened, the more your light body grows and becomes spiritually elevated. People will be drawn to you, wanting you to share your inner light and knowledge with them. They’ll want to know what you know that causes your light to shine so brightly. If you’re connected to the Universe, if you’re connected to God and to your spirituality, then your light is going to shine brighter than it will for someone who is disconnected from these things. To increase the power of your light body, you need to become one with yourself on a spiritual and emotional level. By doing this, you will be more enlightened overall so you can share your light with others.
*You are a beacon; let your light shine for all to see.
180. Life is a Journey
Life truly is a journey. You can make it through anything the world tosses your way. We’re born, we grow up, we die, and we go back home. Look at life as a continuous experience in obtaining knowledge and understanding our own spirituality. The life lessons that we decided to learn when we came here are what we take back with us when we pass over. Why put yourself in situations where you’re going against the flow, doing things that cause you difficulties and hardships or that make your life harder? Be positive when trying times are presented to you. You can’t change things that happen in life, it’s going to happen the way it was planned before you were born; you can only change how you react to those things. If you consider life in this way, then you understand that everything happens for a reason and is part of a life lesson that you’re learning.
Look for the lessons hidden in the situation when things are going badly. You can handle anything that life hands you if you always keep moving forward and remain accepting even though you may question the situation—those questions may actually be an important part of what you’re learning. You can increase your energy levels on a daily basis just by handling occurrences that come up in a positive manner. Don’t feel down or depressed if you can help it, and never give up. There are some things you can’t change; make a list of ways you can make your life better. Start small and work up to the things that seem impossible to reach. As you accomplish each of the small goals, you’ll find that you’re one step closer to those big goals. Keep your motivation high and remember that with time, all things will pass.
Sometimes it’s very difficult to concentrate on what you need to do in life and to stay focused on your spirituality when you have to deal with unexpected situations. What are you going to do if you’re upset, having issues, or are struggling through life? It’s hard but you’ll make it through. You will not always feel the way you do now. As you move forward, you’ll understand more about your own divine nature. Stay positive; keep increasing your vibration even if it’s something small like humming a tune as you go about your day. It makes you feel good and attracts positivity to you.
*Keep your chin up and your head held high and focus on being positive during times of trouble.
181. You Are a Gift
to the Rest of the World
Has anyone ever told you that you are a gift and a blessing in their lives? Well, you are those things and more! Just as you can receive gifts in your life, you can also be a gift to others because there is no one else like you on this planet. Each and every one of us has individual qualities that make us special. We all have different ways of looking at things, unique ways of thinking, and diverse ways of expressing ourselves; each of these characteristics can be used to help enlighten other people. Your kindness, love, and generosity are all distinctive and special traits within your person, but they’re also gifts when you share them with others. A big part of raising your frequency is doing things that will help others but will also help you on a spiritual level. When you give of yourself, you’re going to grow spiritually and personally. Everyone needs a little help now and then. It may be as simple as opening the door for someone who has their hands full or as complex as moving in with someone temporarily to help them through a difficult time. Today, consider yourself as the gift that you are and share your uniqueness with others.
*I shall be a light to others, a present wrapped in
the shining paper
of enlightenment.
182. Don’t Put
Limits on Yourself
There are scores of ways you can raise your personal frequency. This book gives you 365 ways, but there are so many more than that. It’s very important as you do energy work that you do not put limits on yourself. Every little thing you can do to make you feel better about yourself, that brings you happiness, that makes you look at a person or situation in a unique way, or that makes you look at something differently than you have in the past will be beneficial to you on this path. You’re connecting to your spirituality, reaching a higher level of understanding. If you put limits on yourself, you’ll just obstruct potential growth.
This entry marks the halfway point of this book. Today, consider how the energy changes you’ve been working on affect you at the molecular level within your body—the effect on your attitude, mood, and the way you think about life. This is a time of exponential growth; if you were to think negatively and limit yourself, you’d miss out on many opportunities to expand your horizons. During this time you may find yourself fighting for your moral values, flowing with a harmonious unity, and experiencing many eye-opening events. By keeping your core spiritual self free from any kinds of restraints or limits, you’re allowing even more potential to flow to you from the Universe.
*Believe that you can grow without limits and you
will exceed your
own expectations.
183. Count Blessings,
Not Troubles
When I was growing up, I always heard that you should count your blessings. This is excellent advice when it comes to your spiritual enlightenment. When you’re counting your blessings, you’re looking at the good things in your life in a positive manner. If you don’t count your blessings, then you’re probably counting your troubles. This can cause problems because you’re no longer looking at the positives but at the negatives, and you’re giving those negative things more attention and focus. Your focus gives troubles more power and can make them manifest into larger problems than they were originally. Instead of letting negativity get blown out of proportion, keep it in check with positivity.
You have many things that you can be grateful for in life even during times of trouble. If you can’t think of any, just look around you at your family, friends, your job, neighbors, pets, and the things you’ve accomplished in your life. Can you be grateful for any of them? Are they a blessing in your life in some small way? Really think about this and you’ll soon discover that your blessings outweigh your troubles. Make it a practice to write down the things you’re grateful for every day. Start today by making a list of, say, five things. Tomorrow, write down five more, being sure not to reuse the same things you wrote down yesterday. Big or small, any little thing you are grateful for will count! Over time, you’ll see how many blessings you have been given.
*Strive to count blessings and not troubles to lead a happy, carefree life.
184. Do It Because
You Choose It
Change is about choice. You can choose to continue living as you’ve been doing for years and let your energy levels stay where they are, or you can choose to change your life. You don’t have to wait until something goes wrong to make the conscious choice of transformation through spiritual energy work. You can choose to do it right now, this very minute, this very second. If you want to feel at one within yourself, then make that decision and enact your choice. Don’t guilt yourself into feeling that you should have made a better effort to change during turbulent times. Choose to acknowledge your spiritual path in this lifetime. Every decision that you make, whether positive or negative, either moves you further along your spiritual path, takes you a few steps backward, or holds you in a current pattern of thought and action. Using positive energy can make your progression and your transitions through transformation of the spiritual self feel smooth and filled with a natural grace. You may consciously make these choices for positive change, but sometimes they are made within you on a subconscious level. Regardless of how you make the choice, the forward momentum associated with change will propel you toward great accomplishments. Sometimes it’s better to make choices quickly, while at other times you’ll want to give them heavy consideration. What choices can you make today, and which ones are you building toward in the future?
*Don’t put off a choice that can bring you clarity of mind, body, and soul.
185. Laugh at Yourself
Laughter is a light vibration. That means it can have a positive affect on heavier vibrations, such as fear, worry, or depression. Have you ever been nervous about something or afraid, and then just started laughing for no apparent reason? Laughter lightens up the lower vibrations, causing a rise in your frequency while increasing your ability to cope with a difficult situation. An example of this is when a woman is around a man she’s romantically interested in—she giggles. It’s nervous laughter that is increasing her energy so that she can more effectively deal with the situation. The same goes for guys too. They may not giggle, but you can definitely tell when laughter is born of nerves.
You can consciously use laughter to your advantage. The next time circumstances put you in a position where you’re worried, nervous, or afraid, just laugh. Will other people think you’re nuts? Maybe. Then again, they may be feeling the same heavy energy that you’re feeling and your laughter could help them release some of their own anxiety. Laughter releases pent-up low vibrational energy, replacing it with higher levels of light energy. Don’t take yourself too seriously. When you do, you may come across as stuffy and not a fun person to be around. Laughing can release overserious tendencies and bring happiness into your life.
*Laughter can lighten
the darkest of days.
186. Live Life
without Regret
It’s easy to fly off the handle and say or do things that you regret afterward, leaving you thinking, “What did I just do?” It’s difficult to live life without regret because you’re human and you’re always going to have things that you look back on and wish you’d done differently or not at all. If you always believe that you will live your life to the fullest and without regret, you’ll think before you say things or take action. You’ll be aware of your actions, do your best, speak with tact and respect, and handle difficult situations to the best of your ability. I know that I try really hard to think before I act instead of just flying off the handle. That doesn’t mean I never say things that I regret later, because I do; I’m only human, just like you, and no one is perfect. But when you do lose your temper and say things that you may not really mean or that you wish unsaid, then you have to look at the situation and decide what lesson you can learn from the incident. If you try to live your life without regretting anything you’ve done, you’ll stay in a positive frame of mind. Then the times when you do things that you regret will be few and far between. Live your life filled with happiness and try to stay in control of your emotions so you don’t have regrets.
Eliminating regret also applies to the things that you want to do in life. If there is something that you’ve always wished you could do, then do it. Don’t wait. If you want to be a singer, then be a singer. Don’t wait until you’re seventy-five years old and then say to yourself, “I really wish I’d been a singer because I really wanted to do that and I would have been great at it.” If you want it, do it. If you want to be a writer, write. If you want to be a dancer, dance. That’s what is going to make you happy regardless of your age. You can start right now—even if you are seventy-five—because you don’t want to regret missing out on the things you wanted to do in life.
Take today to eliminate both types of regret: think before you speak and examine your life to see if you have any regrets over things you have not done.
*Regret can diminish your light, making you feel less than the wonderful person you are. Leave it behind so you can shine.
187. Let Go of the Past
When you hold on to the past, it holds on to you right back. Your past will always be your past; nothing will ever change that. To move forward in life, you have to relinquish the past’s hold on you. Are there negative situations that are still affecting you? Did your past behaviors hurt those around you? You can choose to dwell on these events and have a huge pity party that never ends, or you can let it go. You don’t have to feel sorry for yourself or put up impenetrable walls of protection. Just because one person treated you badly doesn’t mean everyone in your future will do the same thing. Just because you behaved poorly or made bad decisions doesn’t mean you’ll always do those sorts of things. By acknowledging and accepting your past, you can analyze it, learn from it, and move on. Holding on to a lack of trust means you’re not giving people the opportunity to prove that the past doesn’t have to repeat itself. When you hold on to negative past emotions and experiences, you can sabotage your own happiness today. You can’t change your past, and the future is yet to unfold—live in the now.
*Past hurts can hold you back from reaching your fullest potential.
188. Go beyond
Being Content
to Find Happiness
Being content with your life may be an indication that you are stuck in a rut. Your life may be going well—you’re successful and feel as if everything is right in your world. But when you are just “content,” you may no longer be striving toward new goals or seeking to bring new moments of happiness into your life. Don’t become complacent. That will make you lose sight of the little details that help you move forward in life. Leave contentment behind to strive for a new awareness and deeper knowledge in your daily life. Even if you only choose to learn one new idea or do one fun thing that you’ve never tried before, achieving that goal takes you out of the contentment rut. If you feel stuck in content complacency, do something different to get you out of it today.
Complacency can make you become less aware of the world around you. You may no longer feel the need to venture into new directions, to take chances that enable growth. It can make you unaware of obstacles, dangers, or treacherous people in your life, and it might make you not want to be an active participant in your life. You could be thinking, “What I have is fine, why change anything?” It’s much better to be less content and more aware because through awareness you will strive to achieve more than you will if you’re just contentedly watching life pass you by.
*Always go for the gusto.
189. Open the
Windows to Your Soul
The eyes are the windows to the soul, but those aren’t the windows I’m talking about here. We’re going to go deeper than the eyes. Let’s travel all the way down to the core essence that is your true spiritual being. Sit quietly for this exercise and breathe deeply. Now use creative visualization to look deep inside yourself, not physically, but into your being. How does it feel in here? Is it stuffy? How long as it been since you opened the windows of your soul to allow fresh air to flow through you, cleansing and rejuvenating you while revitalizing your energy? Think of it like opening the windows in your home during the springtime to clear out the stuffiness of winter. Imagine that you’re standing in the center of your soul and it looks like a house full of windows. Open the windows and feel the drafts moving over you, cleansing and revitalizing your soul energy.
Have you ever heard the expression that when a door closes, a window opens? If you find that you’re facing a lot of closed doors in your life, then do this creative visualization exercise and open up the windows of your soul. One of those windows could bring new opportunities your way. Every now and then, it’s a good idea to open up the windows of your soul to refresh you and bring new things into your life on many levels. It will get rid of lethargy and the doldrums and liven up your energy.
*Refresh, cleanse,
and rejoice in your
spiritual essence.
190. Self-Worth
The way you perceive and project your own self-worth can reflect the level of your frequency to others. If you feel you are worthy of the good things that will come your way, then you will project an image of self-assurance, confidence, and poise. If you feel unworthy, then you may seem uncertain, doubtful, and indecisive. Not only will you appear this way to others, but you’ll feel this way about yourself. Feeling worthy is a positive attribute, while feelings of unworthiness are negative. When you feel unworthy, you may be blocking your own path. Do you say that you feel you are worthy when in reality you feel that you’re not? If this is the case, you need to analyze why you’re feeling this way. Make it a point every day to acknowledge to yourself that you deserve to receive good things in life. Unworthy feelings can appear at any time and sabotage your best efforts, so this is something you’ll need to revisit periodically throughout your life. If you want more joy in your life and have been working hard to achieve joy, but unworthy feelings overcome you, they can prevent you from obtaining joy. If you are open to receiving joy, it will come to you in abundance. Make sure you’re not pushing away good things because you feel unworthy of having joy in your life.
*Accept what you
deserve and deserve
what you accept.