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فَريدة الأمينيّة
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Member of the household of the caliph al-Amīn


قال أبو بكر محمّد بن يحيى١ الصوليّ هي فريدة بالياء وهما جاريتان مغنّيتان كبرى وصغرى فأمّا الكبرى فهذه وكانت جارية مولّدة نشأت بالحجاز ثمّ وقعت إلى الربيع بن يونس حاجب الرشيد فتعلّمت الغناء في داره ثمّ صارت إلى البرامكة فلمّا قُتل جعفر بن يحيى البرمكيّ ونُكب البرامكة هربت فريدة المذكورة فلم يُعلم خبرها وطلبها الرشيد فلم يجدها ثمّ صارت إلى الأمين بعد موت الرشيد فكانت عنده إلى أن قتل في المحرّم سنة ثمان وتسعين ومائة ثمّ خرجت فتزوّجها الهيثم بن بسّام فولدت له ابنه عبد الله ثمّ مات عنها فتزوّجها السنديّ٢ بن الحَرَشيّ فماتت عنده.

١ م: أبو بكر بن يحيى.   ٢ م: السنبي.

According to Abū Bakr al-Ṣūlī, her name is correctly spelled “Farīdah” with a long “i.”56 Two slave singers went by that name, one older, one younger. This Farīdah was the older one.

She was a slave of mixed parentage who grew up in the Hijaz. She came into the possession of Harūn al-Rashīd’s chamberlain, al-Rabīʿ ibn Yūnus,57 and learned to sing in his household.

She then became the property of the Barmakid family. When Jaʿfar ibn Yaḥyā was killed and the Barmakids were disgraced, Farīdah went into hiding. The caliph al-Rashīd searched for her without success. After al-Rashīd died, she became al-Amīn’s. She remained with him until he was killed in the month of Muharram, 198 [September, 813], when she fled.

She later married al-Haytham ibn Bassām and bore him a son, ʿAbd Allāh. When al-Haytham died, she married al-Sindī ibn al-Ḥarashī, in whose household she died.