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شَرَف خاتون التركيّة
عتيقة الإمام المستضيء بأمر الله رضي الله عنه وأمّ ولده
الأمير أبي منصور هاشم
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Sharaf Khātūn al-Turkiyyah
Lady “Honor” the Turk
Manumitted slave of the caliph al-Mustaḍīʾ, God be pleased with him, and mother of his son Prince Abū Manṣūr Hāshim
كانت امرأة صالحة توفّي مولاها الإمام المستضيء بأمر الله وهي في الحياة ثمّ ولدُها الأمير أبو منصور وعاشت بعده مدّة طويلة وتوفّيت عشيّة الثلاثاء تاسع عشر رجب من سنة ثمان وستّمائة وصُلّي عليها يوم الأربعاء بصحن السلام ودفنت بترب الرصافة رحمها الله.
She was a devout woman. Her master, the caliph al-Mustaḍīʾ, died during her lifetime, as did her son, Prince Abū Manṣūr, whom she long outlived.
She died the evening of Tuesday the nineteenth of Rajab in the year 608 [December 27, 1211]. Funeral prayers were held for her on Wednesday in the Courtyard of Peace, and she was buried in the Ruṣāfah Cemetery—God have mercy on her.