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حَياة خاتون
جارية الإمام الظاهر بأمر الله رضي الله عنه
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Ḥayāt Khātūn
“Lady Life”
Slave of the caliph al-Ẓāhir—may God be pleased with him


كانت جارية تركيّة الجنس حظيّة عنده مقرّبة إليه أمّ ولد له عتقت بموته وصارت حرّة. توفّيت يوم الجمعة سادس صفر من سنة تسع وثلاثين١ وستّمائة وصُلّي عليها في صحن السلام وأخرجت من باب البشرى وحملت إلى تربة الإمام المستضيء بأمر الله فدفنت هناك.

١ م: وثلاث، والتصويب من ج.

She was a slave of Turkic origin, a favored and trusted concubine, and the mother of one of his sons. She was manumitted upon his death and became a free woman.

She died on Friday the sixth of Safar in the year 639 [August 16, 1241], and funeral prayers were held for her in the Court of Peace. Her body was borne through the Bushrā Gate to the mausoleum of the caliph al-Mustaḍīʾ and buried there.