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جارية الإمام الرشيد وأمّ ابنته حمدونة
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Slave of the caliph al-Rashīd and mother of his daughter Ḥamdūnah


ذكر أبو جعفر محمّد بن جرير الطبريّ في تاريخه أنّ اسمها مُصَفَّى١ روت عن مظلومة جارية عبّاسة بنت المهديّ وكانت حظيّة عنده مقرّبة لديه ماتت في خلافته.

١ م: مصفا.

Abū Jaʿfar Muḥammad ibn Jarīr al-Ṭabarī writes in his History that her name was Muṣaffā, “Pure.”20 She was an authority on the poetry of Maẓlūmah, “Ill-Treated,” the slave of ʿAbbāsah, daughter of the caliph al-Mahdī.

Ghaḍīḍ was a favored concubine of al-Rashīd’s and part of his inner circle. She died during his caliphate.