Chapter Seventeen
They checked in at the Plaza, unpacked, and Kate opened the room-darkening draperies and gazed at the scene below. People hurried on individual missions, bumping elbows, oblivious a killer was in their midst. Their world was so normal, hers such a nightmare.
Cash came behind her and folded her in his embrace, his strength giving her strength. His warmth giving her warmth. She leaned against his chest and smiled up at his ruggedly handsome face. Stubble outlined his chin, skin pulled taut over the elegant lines of his cheekbones. So beautiful a man, strong and confident. Her heart skipped a beat as he appeared to gaze down into her eyes. What she saw there took her breath away.
With a slight shiver, she turned, let her arms cradle his waist and move up the tight muscles of his back, and held on.
“Cash,” she began.
“Shh,” he answered.
Gentle fingers loosed the buttons of her blouse and peeled it back to expose the thin lace of her bra. Ivory, leaving little to the imagination and everything to the very thorough tactile examination of her breasts.
“So lovely,” he whispered.
His hands cupped their weight, thumbs caressing her pebbled nipples. For a moment, she stiffened.
“No,” he murmured. “You don’t ever have to be ashamed. His tongue traced the shell of her ear, down her neck, to the sensitive hollow of her throat. “Let it go. Those dragons have been slain forever.”
As he eased the sexy confection she called underwear to the side, he ran the backs of his knuckles against the delicate flesh. “Never again, sweet Kate. The only thing I want between us when I touch your breasts is the passion I arouse in your body. The fire I unleash in my own. No more hiding, no more doubt. You are the most exquisite woman, in every way, I have ever known.”
He kissed her there. Over her heart. Stealing it, and sparking tiny currents of desire as his lips claimed and feasted.
“You have magic fingers. Gentle, for such a strong man. I never thought I would allow a man to touch me…there. It’s nice. It feels so good.”
“Kate,” he began. “I want you. I want you so damn much.”
The fire burned hot, and she could feel the evidence of his wanting, hard and long against her belly. What started out sweet and tender didn’t stay that way. His hands were everywhere, unsnapping her bra, tossing it aside. Unzipping her skirt, sliding it down her hips until she was naked in his embrace.
“No fair.” she fumbled with the buttons of his shirt, fingers clumsy with her quickening desire. She wanted him every bit as much, needing the heat of his skin, hardness of muscle. Her brain clouded and filled with nothing but the feel of him, the smell of him, and the craving for him.
Cash took over and in seconds was as bare as she. Skin to skin, his fingers traced her body, followed by his hot, moist mouth. The cold air in the room caused shivers as it danced over her heated skin. He kissed her—she kissed him—like the crashing waves of an incoming tide. Relentless. Unstoppable.
He backed her against the wall, lifted her leg over his hip, and ground in. Her other leg followed, and in an instant, she was impaled.
Kate wrapped her arms around his shoulders, buried her face in his neck, and moaned as he found his rhythm. God, he felt so good. How had she ever existed without this man? This act? It was fast. It was rough. It was amazing.
She moaned his name. Her body jerked with every thrust, air forced from her lungs, his name an involuntary prayer on her lips, until he shifted down and took one of her breasts in his mouth. His lips closed around her nipple, and he pulled hard until she whimpered.
Kate’s body grew slick with sweat as her core tightened around him, gripping in magnificent friction. Cash’s hands grasped her behind, adjusting the angle, and when he did, he hit a spot of infinite pleasure. It felt so good she cried aloud, her body carrying her to a place she’d never been. The muscles in her channel tightened, gripping him, until the fire of it built into excruciating ecstasy.
“That’s it, lady. Don’t hold back. Let go. Come with me.”
His hips pistoned, driving deep inside, powering into her until she exploded, the climax rolling through her in wave after wave, and she whimpered, “Hold me. Hold me.”
“Not letting you go, lady. Never. Not in a million years.”
Cash drove into her until he buried himself to the root and groaned his own release. His mouth slammed down on hers, and he thrust his tongue to the back of her throat, and his voice ground out her name. Over and over and over.
Her limbs trembled, heart pounded, mouth latched onto the meat of his shoulder. She bit and sucked, until a grunt escaped his throat.
His legs locked, chest heaving, struggling for breath. Coming down, he paused, slowly pulled out, and moved his thigh between her legs, supporting her weight. His forearms bracketing her head, eyes closed, his expression sated as he traced the shell of her ear, over her cheek to rest his forehead against hers until they somewhat recovered.
“Damn, woman. You’ll be the death of me,” his tone affectionate, he lifted her damp hair from her neck, and nuzzled her cheek.
She couldn’t answer, she was too busy sucking in air.
Then he swung her into his arms and stalked to the bed. As he deposited her in the middle and followed her down, his big body rolled onto her. Reaching for the duvet, he covered them, his arm pulling her close. Kate smiled, her head over his erratically beating heart. She travelled her hand down the ridges and valleys of his stomach until she cradled him in her hand.
Cash grunted and placed his hand protectively over hers. She kissed his chest right over his heart. Laying her head on his chest, the steady beat of his heart made her feel safe and sated.
They slept.
Kate burrowed in the center of the bed, tired yet blissful. They’d slept and made love all night long, and for all intents and purposes, she was out. Sensing a presence, she opened one eye to a grinning man dripping water on her face and looking extremely satisfied with himself.
“That’s just mean,” she croaked. “You interrupted a really good dream.”
He threw back his head and laughed, blue eyes sparkling in the soft sun of the morning. “Dreaming of me, sweet stuff?”
Kate rolled and stretched her arms above her head. “Maybe,” she teased.
“Yeah?” Cash crawled onto the bed, stiff-armed on each side of her shoulders, and bent into a long, wet, morning kiss.
“Umm. You taste like toothpaste—all minty and fresh.”
“Yeah? You taste like sexy woman, my favorite flavor.”
She ran her fingers through his wet hair and drew him down to her clinging lips. This was the danger zone, but what could she do? In her arms—her arms—lay the most beautiful man God ever created. Sweet, caring, loving, a wonderful father, a hero. It wouldn’t do any good to ignore her feelings or pretend it wasn’t happening. Because “it” was. She was falling in love with Cash. No, that was dishonest. She was already in love with him.
And that scared her.
What if he wasn’t in love with her?
What if…
“I can almost hear what you’re thinking.” he said, as he appeared to stare into her eyes and combed her hair back from her face with long, steady fingers. “I know it happened fast—probably a lot faster than either of us is comfortable with. But lady, I’ve been there before. I had a good woman, a good marriage, so I know what it feels like. I had her taken from me, and it took a hell of a long while for me to be ready again. But I’m here. I love you, Kate, and I want to be a part of your life and have you a part of mine. You’re scared. I get that. We can take it slow, honey. I’ll give you all the time you need, but I have to know if you’re with me. Suzanna and I…”
She stilled the words coming out of his mouth with the tips of her fingers. Tears welled in her eyes, a lone stream of salt and joy coursing from the corner.
“Shh. Kiss me, Cash. Kiss me and prove this is real. I’m a little afraid, I admit it, but I won’t run away from this…from you. I lost faith that a man like you existed, and then one day you and Suzanna burst into my life. And I began to hope again. You tore down the walls I’d built to keep the world at bay. They turned out to be made of straw. I’ll gladly become a part of your life, because you have become the heart of mine…I love you.”
“I love you.” His voice was husky. “I will always love you.”
He did what she asked—kissed her until she believed it was real, until her fear disappeared. Kissed her until all her hurts and doubts drained sweetly away.
They napped, ate, and showered. Lounging in hotel-provided spa robes, Kate pecked on her laptop while Cash placed a call to Oklahoma City. She watched his face brighten when Suzanna answered.
“Suze? How’s my girl?” His smile was warm as he checked on his daughter. “Gram took you shopping? Why doesn’t that surprise me? Yeah…everything’s fine here. No, baby. They haven’t caught him yet, but I’m sure they will soon. Put Gram on the line, will you? Yeah, baby, Kate sends her love… Me, too. Bye.”
She came over to wrap her arms around his neck. “Okay?” she mouthed.
Cash nodded and patted her arm with one hand as he spoke with Ray’s mom, pausing between questions. “I’m not sure how long this is going to take. You’re taking precautions? Don’t call this number if anything comes up. Contact the office, but only if you really need me. I don’t know what resources Burgess has at his disposal, but I don’t want a frequently called number to alert him of where Suzanna might be. No, I don’t think she—or you—are in danger. Just being careful… Love you, too. Take care…Bye.”
“She sounds like a very nice woman,” Kate said.
“She is. She’s missed seeing Suzanna since Ray passed. But bi-annual visits were the best we could do. You’ll like her. And she’ll like you.”
“You don’t think she’ll resent me? I mean, you having me in your life and Suzanna’s, after losing her daughter?”
“Nah. She knows the score. The last few years, she’s been after me to get married again, make a real home for her granddaughter.”
A trill of excitement bubbled in her blood. After Clark, she’d assumed marriage was out of the question for her. Now, with Cash, a home, a family could be a very real possibility again. She raised her glance to his. Those piercing blue eyes steady on her face, she wondered if he could indeed read her mind.
“What?” he asked as he pulled her into his lap and braced her back with his crossed knee. “Did you think I would take you, tell you I loved you, and not have marriage on my mind? That’s who I am, lady. A homebody. I like a good time as much as the next guy, but a good time for me is defined by days and nights spent with the two people who mean more to me than anything in the world. You. Suzanna.”
“I’m thinking how lucky I am to be loved by a man like you. Love you.” Her voice trailed to a whisper.
The room phone rang twice in short succession. He pushed her gently off his lap and walked to the table and answered.
“Montgomery here.” His gaze swiveled to her. “Yeah. Give us five, then head up. Room 1064.” He hung up. “Murphy and Ragusa. You have time to slip on some jeans if it would make you feel more comfortable,” he said.
She nodded, and hastily dressed in soft denim and a fitted top with three-quarter sleeves and scooped neckline. The room was cold. Maybe that was the cause of the chill bumps rising on her skin. Had they taken Clark into custody?
Kate made a pot of coffee with the in-room service, the aroma scenting the cool air. Cash ushered in the two policemen after a knock at the door. Both men refused coffee as they entered, and stood facing Kate with carefully controlled expressions.
“No easy way to say this,” Ragusa began. “We’ve got another one.”
“Damn. Let’s hear it.”
“This woman bears no resemblance to Kate, but both…er…breasts…have been sliced off.”
Kate reached for the photos Ragusa held.
“You might not want to see these, ma’am. They’re pretty gruesome.” His hand fell to his side. But not before Kate caught a glimpse of a woman in a pool of blood, a look of stark terror frozen on her face.
“No, Kate, don’t look,” Cash said.
The next second he caught her falling body as she cried, “Oh, my God…my God…my God.”
Her body trembled. The wetness of tears dripped on his hand, and she grabbed his biceps, nails digging into the flesh.
“Cash…it’s Sarah!” she screamed.
Cash gently lowered her to the sofa and turned to Ragusa. “He did this…Clark, the sick fuck. He killed Sarah, her assistant. He knew Kate cared for her, that they were friends. The message is clear, isn’t it?”
“I can’t believe this,” she wailed. “Why would Clark kill Sarah?”
The two cops stared over her head at Cash. One brief shake of his head warned them not to go any further.
“Ma’am.” Ragusa shot Cash a hesitant glance. “There’s no doubt the murderer is Clark Burgess. Your friend isn’t his only victim. We can link him to at least three murders. And I hate to say it, but there’s also no doubt he’s after you. You’re under no obligation to help…”
Cash roared, “No way in hell, Ragusa. Tell your unit to get off its collective ass and find this fucker before he kills another innocent woman. This is what they do—it’s their job. Not hers.” He pointed at Kate.
Murphy moved to his partner’s defense. “Sir, if Ms. Sanders would agree…”
Cash quelled him with a glance.
“What?” she asked. “What is it you want me to do?”
Both policemen shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot.
“They want to use you as bait,” Cash muttered. “Give Burgess the target he wants. Once he has you, they’ll move in. Catch him red-handed, all the proof they need to give him the needle. It’s too dangerous.”
Ragusa nodded. “Yeah, we’ve thought of that. But every time I tell another mother and father their daughter has been tortured and killed by a madman, I know we don’t have much time to catch him. He’s not gonna stop. He’s going to go on killing women. We have to end this.”
Murphy sat down beside Kate and studied her. “Listen. This guy is evidently well connected, off the radar. He moves invisibly through the city. Either he has an accomplice or he has incredibly well disguised hideouts. He dumped you two years ago, yet his profile suggests he stalked you the entire time. Preyed on substitutes, never changing his focus. It was always you. Always will be you. You may be the only one who can stop him.”
“Find another way,” Cash commanded.
Kate slipped her hand in his. “He killed Sarah. My Sarah. How can I not help?”
Ragusa and Murphy exchanged loaded glances.
Face turning red, she jumped to her feet. “Yes. If there is any way to stop him, of course I’ll help.” Her gaze swiveled between the three men, her shoulders rising and falling, her eyes shooting sparks. “We have three weeks until the fundraiser. Allison is coming, and we’re going to raise a boatload of money and send kids to college who haven’t a hope of going without our support. I won’t let Clark cheat them out of their future. We’ll give the police forty-eight hours to find Clark. If he’s still on the loose, we’ll go back to our lives. Business as usual. He won’t stay hidden long. He wants me; he’ll come after me.”
“I’m not putting you in danger. Burgess is off his rocker,” Cash argued.
“You just said Suzanna can stay with her grandmother. She’ll be safe. You and I can be in constant contact. We’re supposed to be working together anyway. I’ll stay at your place. I’ll work at your office if I have to. I’ll be careful.” She turned to Ragusa. “And I’ll be watched, right? You guys can monitor me wherever I am, wherever I go. Once Clark shows himself, you’ll arrest him, and it’ll all be over.”
Cash was shaking his head before she finished her sentence. “You make it sound easy, but this isn’t the same man you knew before. What happened to you since then—you triggered something inside him that created a monster.”
He grabbed the photo of Sarah from Ragusa and thrust it into her hand. “Look at it, Kate. This is Sarah, for God’s sake. Look what he did to her. He could do that to you. I can’t chance it. I won’t. I lost one woman I loved and survived. I won’t lose you. I can’t, not again. Suzanna can’t.”
Kate stared at the grim image of Sarah Porter. “We worked together. I saw her every day. She was my friend. How can I not do this?”
He’d opened Pandora’s box. In taking away her fear of intimacy, helping her find her footing, he’d given her back her belief in herself and her courage. She wouldn’t be running away from anything else—ever.