As attorneys who represent consumers in consumer credit and collection cases, we see many people who get into trouble in consumer credit transactions. We have attempted to provide information to help you stay out of trouble or deal with it if a problem arises.
It is important that you have a basic understanding of your rights and obligations with respect to obtaining credit and protecting your credit record.
The law requires that you be provided with advance information regarding terms of proposed credit transactions. However, many people get into disadvantageous or unaffordable credit transactions because they do not understand or do not use the information furnished.
The law also gives you substantial rights if something goes wrong with a credit transaction. If you do not get what you bargained for, you have rights. If you are unable to repay, you also have rights. If a problem arises with respect to your credit report or credit score, you have rights.
Most of the laws that regulate consumer credit provide for statutory damages and an award of attorney’s fees against the business. You should not hesitate to consult an attorney if you have a problem.