A world-renowned expert on elephants, CAITLIN O’CONNELL holds a Ph.D. in ecology and is a faculty member at the Stanford University School of Medicine, as well as director of life sciences for HNU Photonics. She is the author five nonfiction books about elephants, including the internationally acclaimed The Elephant’s Secret Sense, An Elephant’s Life, A Baby Elephant in the Wild, and Elephant Don, and co-author of the award-winning The Elephant Scientist. She is the co-founder and CEO of Utopia Scientific, a nonprofit organization dedicated to research and science education, and the co-founder of Triple Helix Productions, a global media forum with a mandate to develop more accurate and entertaining science content for the media. When not in the field with elephants, O’Connell divides her time between San Diego and Maui, Hawaii, with her husband, Tim Rodwell, and their dog, Frodo.