News Recordings

NEWSCASTER 1: Breaking news. Wreckage believed to have come from the missing Atlantic Flight 702 has been found in the North Atlantic just west of …

NEWSCASTER 2: Atlantic Flight 702, from London Heathrow, was expected in New York at …

FISHERMAN: We were pulling up the nets and I saw what I thought was a whale caught up there. But …

REPORTER 1: Other objects found drifting in the ocean currents suggest a crash site just south of Greenland, close to the …

REPORTER 2: … including this, a child’s water bottle, a poignant reminder of the lives lost that night on Flight 702 …

EXPERT 1: The indications of burning along the tail fin suggest a catastrophic event of some kind like …

NEWSCASTER 1: … appears to confirm that Atlantic Flight 702 was brought down by an explosion or fire on board …

EXPERT 2: … six months of being pushed along by the currents and it should be possible to pinpoint the approximate site of the crash fairly accurately.

NEWSCASTER 2: The focus of the inquiry now is to pin down the exact location …

REPORTER 3: What we know is that radio contact was broken off at …

NEWSCASTER 3: Newly released satellite images show the plane changing course dramatically …

NEWSCASTER 4: … altered course before descending rapidly to 20,000 feet …

REPORTER 4: Some relatives of missing passengers were forcefully removed from a news conference …

EXPERT 3: But what doesn’t make any sense is that we have a tail fin found just south of the Faro Islands, with seats and other objects found off the coast of Newfoundland – the North Atlantic currents don’t work in that way …

EXPERT 4: The problem is, the more time that passes, the harder it is to know what happened …

EXPERT 5: If there was terrorism or criminal intent, the sea has effectively aided and abetted to hide the crime.

MAYOR OF NEW YORK [at press conference]: We have to move on. Life is a fragile thing. Maybe this is a time for all of us to pause and turn to those we love and hold them close, because life … well, life is … fragile.