2 March 2018 at 02:47
Identity theft
Corporate espionage. For C’s camera equipment?!
C’s parents’ money
Something about the house X
Paedophile X
Obsessed with me
Confront him – NO
Tell C – NO
Police –
‘What are you doing?’ Charlie’s looking over her shoulder. She stuffs the phone down into the sheets and their bedroom goes black.
‘Baby’s pressing down on my bladder, feel like I’m going to wet myself. Just googling.’
He shifts himself up into a more upright position. ‘You need to sleep.’
‘I’m googling how to get comfortable.’ The duvet glows with the yellow light from the ‘Notes’ app on her phone and she can feel him looking down at it. He knows smartphones. He knows she’s lying. He scratches his stubble and is about to say something but then stops himself. He moves down the bed towards where she’s put the phone, she closes her grip, but he doesn’t reach for it. He rests his face on the side of her bump.
‘Get off my wife’s bladder, you cheeky bastard,’ he says in a sleepy drawl. He gives the bump an affectionate rub and moves back up to his pillow. ‘Try to sleep, darling.’ He paws a hand into her hair and tickles the crown of her skull, the word darling somehow never sounds right when he says it, insincere, like he’s heard other people saying it and is testing it out. He turns over on to his side. She fumbles in the sheet for the phone and kills the screen’s light.