1.2.9 Agias: reading’ Aγας with Köchly.
1.2.17 the barbarians: reading τν δ βαρβρων βος πολς, κα τε λισσα, with the MSS.
1.2.25 100 hoplites: Reading αστος with Mather and Hewitt.
1.9.17 honourable support for: reading with Hug.
1.9.29 particularly fond: retaining the MSS reading
2.1.12 Theopompus: reading Θεπομπος with the better MSS.
2.3.8 quickly: retaining ταχ with the MSS.
2.6.11 joy: omitting with some recent editors.
2.6.28 young men: omitting the repeated phrase with Jacobs.
3.4.15 archers: deleting Σκθαι with Krüger.
3.4.16 Persian counterparts: some words appear to have dropped out of the text, but the sense is clear.
4.7.21 first men got there: omitting κα with some MSS.
4.8.11 short but deep: reading with Bisschop.
4.8.12 enemy phalanx: deleting with Cobet.
5.4.22 a little way in front: reading with Muret.
5.8.1 had been elected: the text is awkwardprobably some words have dropped outbut the general sense is plain.
6.4.22 initiate the sacrifice: reading with Bornemann.
7.4.18 Epitalium: reading’Επιταλια with Schenkl.
7.8.15 Itabelis: there is no need to change the text to read ‘Itamenes’: the name ‘Itabelis’, attested in several manuscripts, is similar to names found on Babylonian inscriptions.