To: BassoonMaster
From: SuperTuck
Subject: Right? Or wrong?
If you do something wrong, it’s wrong. Right? And if you do something wrong for the wrong reason, it’s like, double wrong:
Wrong = Wrong
Wrong + Wrong Reason = 2 times Wrong
But what if you do something wrong for the right reason?
Does that make it only fifty percent wrong?
Wrong ÷ Right Reason = 1/2 Wrong?
If the wrong wasn’t that bad and the reason was really, really right, it wouldn’t even be half wrong. It might be like one-fourth wrong. Or one-sixteenth wrong. If something was only one-sixteenth wrong, it would barely be wrong at all.
To: SuperTuck
From: BassoonMaster
RE: Right? Or wrong?
Um, Tuck? I don’t think you can do math with right and wrong.
Just saying.