
I would like to thank each and every person who helped me get this manuscript ready for publication.


Nerine Dorman, thank you for editing my novels and helping me to format them for paperbacks. Every time I work with you I learn something new and I feel that you have greatly helped me improve my writing and storytelling skills.


Malgorzata Siwecka, thank you for yet again proofreading my work. It means the world to me that you’re always there to talk books – my books – and help out. Your kind heart is admirable!


Kealyn (Geertruida) Rijnhout, thank you for doing another round of proofreading for me. You’ve become such a special friend to me and your generosity inspires me.


Michelle Janse van Rensburg, thank you for designing such a beautiful cover. I can’t wait to see your future works!


Jp Nel, thank you for my author photo.


Masha du Toit, thank you for formatting this novel for kindle.