Stranger’s Manifesto
Entry 19
Ever play the game of hearts?
Nope? No big surprise.
Neither have most kids with even a freaking shred of a life.
So let me enlighten you.
Two strategies to win.
One—play keep-away from those nasty hearts,
Like they got the raunchiest B.O. ever
And ditch that Dirty Dora.
Shouldn’t be too big of a stretch for some of you.
Two—snatch up all those hearts like the greedy bastards you are.
But do it on the sly, sticky-finger style.
Either way, there’s one key to success.
Hide your cards. Disguise your strategy.
Plaster that poker face on, then go for the kill.
Just like Life.
Just like my game.
I’ve dealt the cards …
Only difference is that this time,
I want someone to call my bluff.