Mechanized Death

The hellish machine ground him to hamburger


The gears ground him down, then out


What the machine spit out resembled nothing human


The vise trapped her head and deformed it like a sideshow freak


In the blink of an eye, the machine had him


The gears gobbled him and he was gone


The man crumpled across the hood of the car


He stepped in front of the speeding train and was gone


Tied to the train tracks, she struggled to free herself


The subway train smashed her to pieces


What the train trampled, no doctor could put back together


The steamroller paved him into a human pancake


The bus ground the child under its wheels for an entire city block


The body became a mangled wreck under those eighteen wheels


His eyes went wide as the machine bore down on him


The truck jackknifed and careened toward the gas station


The truck took him for a ride under its wheels


The semi pulped him to paste at sixty miles an hour


The big eighteen-wheeler smashed into him


He became pulped paste under those eighteen wheels


A horror of pulped brains and ground meat slid off the wheel


The flattened face wept eyes and teeth from the heavy wheel


Blood and bones became grisly Jell- as the big rig paved over him


Pulped brains dripped off the big rig's wheels


The car made the child a crimson smear that cried no more


An oil slick of blood greased the highway


Black rubber left a bloody trail behind the fleeing vehicle


Frail as matchsticks, the old woman rode over the windshield


The blind old fool was going to run us down


He didn't even honk, just hit him, and kept on going


The car hit fast, but death came slow


The icy road ripped the car's control out from under him


A madman sat behind the wheel, his brain humming death


She flew through the shattered windshield into the night


Oblivious, he backed into the plane's propeller and became pink mist


The tire collapsed in a hissing rumble


The Jeep faltered badly, then went over the cliff


He fought the skid, losing control as the car drifted wide


The Devil himself could not have driven that car any better


He pushed the witness off the curb and into an early grave


Nothing screamed “accident” more than a failed brake line


The child became a bloody smear across my windshield


The whole point of “hit and run” was to get away with it


He tapped the brakes, only to find they'd been cut


The car sailed over the cliff onto the uncaring rocks below


The car cruised off the pier into death's silent waters


The driver panicked and swerved into a tree


He slammed his brakes on black ice and sent the car into a tailspin


He pumped the accelerator and headed for the cliff


I hit the gas, then him


The bumper took him low and hard, rolling him over the hood


The old lady flew over the windshield, an airborne sack of broken bones


I tried to brake, but too late


The cars crashed in a grinding shriek, then burst into flame


The wheels of mechanized death paved over his life


The hot rubber of death left tire tracks on his soul


The car crushed him, smashing him out of existence


The impact threw her into a ditch to lie bleeding like roadkill


The black van ran them down while the driver laughed