Automatic Weapons

The full-auto spoke death, and bullets were its words


He peppered the bodies with another deadly spray from his SMG


The old man's body jerked with the impact of each shot


The trio of 9mm flesh-rippers tore and twisted him from his perch


Flesh and fiber shredded under the Uzi's wicked assault


The chattering AK-47 tried to start a conversation with his vital organs


The .30 caliber machine gun chattered blind


She shot enough lead to kill three of him and only missed once


His gun added to the chorus of death being sung all around him


He poured a half-dozen rounds into him for good measure


He cut loose with the SMG as soon as the sentry looked his way


His AK-47 began a from-the-hip scattering of 7.62mm gut-rippers


The SMG chattered until its thirty-round vocabulary was done


The gangster let loose with a burst from his submachine gun


He switched to full-auto


The weapon's angry voice warned off the soldiers' pursuit


The rag doll figure did a clumsy backward somersault


Machine guns mulched flesh, mowing men down


Caught by the assault rifle's burst, the man did a jerky sidestep


The deadly drumming impact released a crimson river from his coat


A final burst swept him off his feet and pitched him down the staircase


He ended in a twitching sprawl across the vehicle's front seat


Blazing steel marched across the car hood in a relentless line


A gunner sprang into his path, blazing him with an automatic carbine


He snapped off a final burst, then turned and ran


Downwind, the hollow men danced a bloody two-step to the gun's beat


The machine gun spoke in stuttering bursts


The chattering gun weaved a whining figure eight over the target


He pinned the guard to the wall with a deadly figure eight


He stroked off another burst from the highly-modified M-16


Bullets riddled virgin flesh in a shooting gallery of horror


The steel jackets riddled them, sweeping them into leaking piles of flesh


The bodies twitched and fell, springing holes as if by magic


The machine gun swept the porch free of attackers


Not caring who he killed, the man pulled the trigger in an aimless spray


His trigger finger stroked out a quick three-round burst


A spattering of lead raked his flank


He returned fire with his Uzi one-handed


Hot death from the big guns blistered the general's troops to bits


The automatic rifle came to life again, ready to chop him to pieces


He swung his Uzi toward his attacker


Uzi fire crashed and rattled


The killers tumbled lifelessly, their torsos turned to soup by the barrage


The burst was short and surgically precise


A dozen bullets ripped flesh and fabric into bloody tatters


A dozen rounds picked the man up and slammed him against the wall


The Uzi shuddered out its shivering rain of death


The SMG's bullets punched him into a useless sprawl


The stutter-gun sizzled shot after shot at the fleeing fugitives


A line of 9mm slugs stitched the madmen as they ran across the asylum lawn


The brutal burst had the men thrashing like fish out of water


The blast had them breathing crimson foam from mangled lungs


The AK-47 had the men eating dirt stained black by their running blood


The stutter of AK-47s filled the night


The burp-gun belched and stuttered


A string of hot steel manglers spilled open his guts


The gunner cut loose with a deadly barrage that ripped the night


A blistering hot steel rain ripped from the bunker, shredding men to pulp


A curtain of .30 flesh-manglers came down on the stage of his flesh


The high-powered assault rifles peppered the bodies into bloody rags


Set to full-auto, the weapon made short work of the advancing enemy