Disease and Disfigurement

Rusty-red blotches marred a once-handsome face


The grim specter of disease haunted his harrowed face


I turned away in disgust at what he'd become


Pus-filled savages, living lepers, they wanted me to eat their disease


The germs ate their flesh, leaving just enough for them to live


The disease spread quickly, reducing the internal organs to mush


A pulpy red paste poured from every orifice


The wound was raw, infected, oozing with putrescent disease


Open sores covered the mewling wretch from head to toe


The disease robbed them of their humanity, leaving only monsters behind


The creature drooled disease and its bite was the plague


There were some things that could not be cured


Greasy hands crawling with disease slid over my naked body


The infection shot up her spine into her brain where it festered and grew


The boil burst, splashing blood and pus in a reeking shower


Festering scabs and dirty minds reached out of the darkness


To say she looked ill was an understatement


The hollows of her cheeks were purple with fatigue and something far worse festered under the skin


The fever burned into his brain


His brain bubbled with disease, dancing with microscopic madness


It was a plague of pus, a storm of sores for which there was no cure


The creep's shuffling feet and reedy cough made me sick


The swelling grew until I could barely move


His red-rimmed eyes burned with the madness of the plague


The needle punctured the skin and filled her with every horror known to man


A disgusting yellow fluid leaked from his eyes and nose


The whip welts were angry pink lines against her otherwise perfect skin


Dozens of skin grafts left him looking like a human jigsaw puzzle


His acne scars ran so deep, they were like moon craters an astronaut could fall in and die


His spit sprayed, germs squirting into my mouth with every shout


A million microbes lurked in every inch of that dripping orifice


The twisted beggar pawed at me with dirty hands and roving eyes


He picked at his scabs and reached for my sandwich


He scratched at the open sore on his neck, drawing blood


Burst blisters crawled across his lips like ants to a picnic


Putrid hearts propelled crooked limbs in a mad rush to infect me


The freak crept closer, dragging his heavy clubfoot behind him


He shook the scarred stump of his wrist at me in warning


His body was a crusted ruin of picked scabs and yellow pus


Bloodshot eyes peered dully from his ravaged face


Withered and bruised by burst veins, her skin was patchwork horror


He longed to put his disease into her and watch her die