Shambling hordes of hungry horrors, they descended on us like locusts
They were undead eating machines that left nothing in their path
With strangled cries and haunted faces, the mob lurched forward
A lone straggler shambled into view, his face a ghastly ruin
The shuffling of dead feet on broken glass alerted me to their presence
The air was alive with hunger and nothing else
It moaned and moved toward me, moldy lips peeling back from broken gums
The thing was missing most of its face, but still it would not die
A blood-caked abomination crawled into view, its lower half gone
Creeping, crawling, the creatures came on, horrible in their hunger
Blood drooling from mangled lips, she shambled forward
The wind blew the stench of rotting meat ahead of the mob
A low, frustrated moan came from the attacker
I could hear the slow, soft shuffle of dragging feet on broken glass
His clothes were badly torn, like pack of wild dogs had been at him
Its head turned, a puckered hole in its neck stretching and tearing
The flesh tore with a wet, sucking sound as the ghouls feasted on the remains
Motor control wasn't the creature's strong suit
The eyes were milky-white, clouded over, and saw only the nameless hunger of the dead
The bluish lips pulled back from the gums, revealing cracked yellow teeth
She hissed softly and shuffled in my direction
The zombie whined in surprise to find its prey snatched away at the last instant
It tried to clamber through the wrecked door and stuff my face into its putrid, slobbering mouth
Little by little, the bloody strip of meat vanished between its teeth
The monster ate his face like he was the main course at a four-star restaurant
Growls of frustration followed me as I ran from them
She sank her bloodstained teeth into the living meat, ripping off a hairy chunk of his arm
The zombie's eyes closed in ecstasy as it chewed noisily on the entrails
The unkillable cannibals howled and surged to the sound of my voice
The pasty-faced ghoul scrabbled after me, biting at air
The cannibal dead cried out for blood in the language of the grave
Her unholy fingers curled into claws and scratched at the glass
I awoke to the sound of pounding fists and breaking glass
The bullets knocked some of the sick people down, but they kept getting back up again
He was moving fast for a dead guy, closing the gap with long, loping strides
His fingers splayed out, questing for my flesh
The lower-half of its jaw was sheared away, tongue licking at lips that were no longer there
The grime-covered hands of the dead clawed at my legs as I climbed
These things had been my neighbors once, my family and friends
The creature's mouth gaped wide, eager to devour
A half-dozen ghouls ran forward and yanked at the trailing guts
It shoved the girl's arm into its mouth and bit down—hard
The flesh-hungry mob batted the air and growled
The swarm surged in all directions, an endless line of teeth and claws
Dozens of hungry ghouls pressed into the gap
Sticky, infected fingers smeared blood and bile across the window glass
Her jaws snapped shut spasmodically, trying to gnaw through the glass
He saw me and hissed hateful hunger through the pulsing ruin of his ripped-out throat
The zombie charged forward on unsteady legs
More zombies—shadows in the moonlight—spilled out of the store
The ghastly horde closed in, intent on eating them alive
The ghoul exploded on impact like a blood-filled water balloon
His chest was a raw wound that should have made it impossible for him to live
Gore-guzzling ghouls gaped and moaned
The flesh-ripping feast had begun
It was an orgy of toxic hunger
A thousand slack-jawed Satans stared up at him, their hungry mouths promising damnation
The infected horror shambled to meet me, ghastly lips drooling gore
It chewed into her neck with a savage grinding sound
The hungry corpse bit down, drawing blood
The dead creature's jaws clamped shut on my arm
It was ripping and tearing at a piece of bloodied flesh between its teeth
The ravenous undead swallowed its ghastly meal and came back for more
The gut-ripping horror got up on jerky legs and staggered toward me
The zombies were a shambling mass of mindless hunger
The diseased army of death staggered, shambled and crawled
Infected spit and gnashing teeth came up to meet me
His eyes were murky, the life bleached out
The shambler with the missing jaw led the pack in my direction
The creep with the oozing eye sockets blindly staggered forward
The zombie mob moaned in frustration as I ducked back out of sight
Hungry eyes and half-rotten faces leered back at me
The milling mass of hungry dead made it impossible to go forward
The city was a deathtrap, its streets choked with smashed cars and living dead
The street was teeming with the corpses that would not die
The dead came pouring out of every car, every building
A crowd of zombies pulled him from the wrecked car, tearing him apart
A blood-red rain drooled from its crimson lips as it fed
The zombie's teeth came away glistening with their scarlet prize
The dead thing gnawed on her body, sucking up the last of life's juices